I've been considering replacing my Glock 20 with a large bore revolver. In fact, I have mostly shifted to revolvers in general. My primary CCW gun is an S&W 642 Centennial, and I have a Colt .22 revolver for practices.
The primary reason i have the G20 is as an open carry gun, mostly for hunting and hiking in the woods, however I'm thinking a .44 Mag would do the job better and with better accuracy (not to mention continuity of training etc, though I do have a G19 with Tactical Solutions .22 conversion for practice).
Anyway, I handled both S&W and Rugers a while ago and the Rugers seemed unnecessarily heavy compared to the S&W, but I feel like S&W's QC may have slipped over the years (my 642 is tight and accurate but i have a feeling it was made with 60 year old, top quality dies).
So what do you guys think? Experiences with either?
The primary reason i have the G20 is as an open carry gun, mostly for hunting and hiking in the woods, however I'm thinking a .44 Mag would do the job better and with better accuracy (not to mention continuity of training etc, though I do have a G19 with Tactical Solutions .22 conversion for practice).
Anyway, I handled both S&W and Rugers a while ago and the Rugers seemed unnecessarily heavy compared to the S&W, but I feel like S&W's QC may have slipped over the years (my 642 is tight and accurate but i have a feeling it was made with 60 year old, top quality dies).
So what do you guys think? Experiences with either?