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5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

Ooohhhhhh, Big Bad Men! wow!

Loose Dog Step One: Call SPCA to get it
Step Two: Take report if required
Step Three: Find some crooks so laws can be enforced

Last I checked, LEO's are not Dog Catchers, are not trained in their jobs to to do it, and are not mandated to do it. That is the lane of the SPCA or their dog catchers.
Taze a Chihuahua mix? SHOOT IT??? WTF, over?

We get loose dogs here on base, MP's respond:

Step One: Call Veterinary Services to come catch it
Step Two: Take report if required
Step Three: Hit on deployed Soldier's Spouse
Step Four: Drive away and find something important to do

No tazing, no shooting, no notes for parents to find.
I think someone really screwed up. Least they can do is get the kid a new dog
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Did they have to shoot the dog 3x's or did they miss twice/hit once?</div></div>

Two misses isn't bad while under severe duress.
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: EddieNFL</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Did they have to shoot the dog 3x's or did they miss twice/hit once?</div></div>

Two misses isn't bad while under severe duress.

+1, its like that cop who tazzed the grand ma, he was 240+ big guy, she was 4,11, maybe a buck 25. Hell my 4 year old son can take her down. But i'm sure he had a new toy and wanted to play with it.
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

SO lets get this straight, Cops chase a small scared dog onto the porch of his territory, try to grab him and he bites them....Sounds like the natural order of things.

Both JBT's should lose thier job. That dog acted out of his natural instincts, he was in fear for his life.....

as far as a cop tasing the old woman, I gfeel the same, if nothing else he should have just let her go and sent the old folks home orderlies after her, after all thats what thye are for right?
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police


This picture was taken by the Cops seconds prior to the dog shooting!

Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

to protect and serve, bull shit those cops must squat to pee. i bet they had a good story to tell at end of shift. they should be hung out to dry as well as there t/o. i know what it feels like to have a dog die but how in hell do you tell your young kids that there dog was killed by two big and tough police officers. great pr work guys. the town can now sleep in peace.
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

I hope they don't suffer the nightmares of PTSD over being attacked by a chiuahuah. It's easy to see why respect for the job is slipping, look at who they are letting have a badge.

We've all seen the videos of cops pepper spraying cuffed suspects, now some idiot tazes a 73 year old woman. LE needs to seriously look at who they are hiring. A couple of rotten apples are ruining the whole barrel. Just part of many reasons that I quit.
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Ghost3x7</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I hope they don't suffer the nightmares of PTSD over being attacked by a chiuahuah. It's easy to see why respect for the job is slipping, look at who they are letting have a badge.

We've all seen the videos of cops pepper spraying cuffed suspects, now some idiot tazes a 73 year old woman. LE needs to seriously look at who they are hiring. A couple of rotten apples are ruining the whole barrel. Just part of many reasons that I quit. </div></div>

I would read the link above your post.It appears the media...initially..well was'nt quite honest.
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

Well I can't abide a dog owner who takes such lousy care of their dog either. Why did these people still have the dog? Every time I almost hit a dog out here I cuss the owners for not having it restrained.

Having said that, Why wasn't the dog-catcher called? A 20 pound Jack Russel terrier??? I had one, and I never saw one that big, maybe a mix? How the hell do you let a dog bite you 17 times in one hand, and 9 in the other? Yes Jack Russels can be aggressive, and that behavior can be made worse by bad dog owners, but they are also easily frightened and/or distracted.
Maybe these guys did the best they could with what they had, or maybe they should have been chasing down and arresting the owners, and let the SPCA take care of catching the dog.
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

Regardless of whether it was a 5 lb chihuahua or a 20 lb Jack Russel Terrier mix, I still don't see why two grown men couldn't handle the situation like, well, two grown men. If a 5-20 lb dog can kick their asses, what's a crackhead going to do? Or a 200 lb drunk? Or an active shooter?
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

"Tasers didn't work" that's one badass 20lb dog. And why the hell would you let it bite you 17 times, GET SOME GLOVES ? BLANKET ot of your rig !!!! OR CALL FOR BACK UP, SWAT!
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Koganinja</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The owner said that the dog was around 5 lbs all of a sudden the dog is 20 lbs of vicious flashing fangs. I would believe the owner of the dog rather than the media.



And as the owner of two chihuahua's, (there's been pics of these two ferocious attack-hounds up here before) I can surely say that I question the 'statements' at the very least.

I was not there. I can't say anything to what 'happened'.

But that also don't mean that I can't formulate my own opinions.
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

sounds like the LT in the video was surching for the right words to justify the killing of the LITTLE dog. tazer-will take down a 200 lb+ man, 9MM- one well placed round will do the same, getting bit by small dog so many times, priceless. a real tribute to the training of all those officers and that jerk of a LT. i hope the family gets a lawyer.
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

Even WCPD(West Carthage PD) th elittle village of 3k calls the dog catcher lady for dogs. See? Even fat dumb lazy guys(yes, D.H. isn't the brightest Crayon in the box) can do the right thing while on the job. Rest of the time he spends sweeping the school floors and running for local politics or harrassing kids, but HE CALLS THE DOG CATCHER!

I sincerly hope these asshats don't give the rest of the great guys that hang out here a bad name or tarnish their rep. I of course also tend to think that what we are being shown on the news is not even 1% of the whole big picture of what is done on the job. Funny how only the miscreants get the press time.
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Alaskaman 11</div><div class="ubbcode-body">...its like that cop who tazzed the grand ma...</div></div>

She DID dare him to do it...
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

Makes me wonder how the psych profile on these officers were conducted or what their rules of engagement for use of firearms might be......can't think Jack posed an immediate threat to life!!
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Switchblade</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ooohhhhhh, Big Bad Men! wow!
Step Three: Hit on deployed Soldier's Spouse</div></div>

The fun days on the job.
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shankster</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I wonder what Michael Vick thinks. I'll bet he wishes he had a badge. </div></div>

Hee! Hee! Hee!

By the way, the video has disappeared. Censorship!
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

20 pounds holy shit!

These guys sound like some real pussies, I dont get why they didnt just yolk that fucker up by the scruff of its neck and toss him in the trunk
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

I was bitten by a dog while out jogging around the island where we lived some years back.

The owner, who was present, did not live on the island, so I called the local police, to ID the owner, get him issued a ticket for having a dog off a leash, and to get the dog impounded, as the owner had no proof that the dog had rabies shots.

The officer asked for my I.D. I gave him my DL number, and told him that when he ran the license, he'd find a concealed handgun license, but I wasn't carrying. "Maybe I should have been", I said.

The officer shook his head, and said, "Bad idea. Shoot the dog, and you'll likely have to shoot the owner. Don't go there."

Good advice. He knew what you learned.
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Texagator</div><div class="ubbcode-body">When I first became a police officer, an old cop at the edge of retirement told me something that I will never forget and which has turned out to be true at every single turn. He said, "You can do pretty much whatever you want to do on this job but there's two things that will get you in trouble every single time and that's dogs and kids. No matter what happens, don't fuck around with people's dogs or their kids because even when you're in the right...you're wrong. You can't win and there's no point in trying. If you want all the trouble you can handle, just get yourself into a situation with someone's dog or their kid. The best thing you can do when it comes to dogs and kids is to just drive away and leave them alone." I asked him, "Yeah but what if they're really fucking up and someone needs to stop them?" He answered, "I'm telling you, you cannot win. Somebody will always say that you were the one who was fucking up and by the time they get done with you, <span style="text-decoration: underline">you</span> will be the bad guy...no matter what. Don't mess with kids and dogs."

I thought he was wrong at the time. I thought he was just a cynical old man who was talking shit to the rookie. After my first few years of experience, I learned the hard way that he was right and his words came back to haunt me. I have since repeatedly seen other police officers learn the same hard lesson many times over. Nothing I have seen in my 14 years of law-enforcement experience has convinced me that the old man was wrong. </div></div>

Wiser words have never been said. That's why the parents will defend their delinquent kids to the end. Why some behavior is tolerated that other parents would not permit. That's why the pets of owners will bark endlessly, chew furniture, etc. Yet be perfect in the eyes of the owners.
The behavior(s), mannerisms, conduct and actions of children and pets. Are the result of the teaching, or lack thereof, of their parents and owners.
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

Cops now are tasing small dogs instead of kids now. What's next? Cops tasing an escaped pinky mouse who got away from the pet snake who was going to eat it?
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

We had a cop near hear shoot a MINIATURE DACHSUND for running out and barking at him. In a sub-division. The department backed him up 100%. I'm not for loose dogs but a barking 5lb dog on his own turf? No bite? Sick. More likely to injure a kid with a ricochet than prevent a scratch to his ankles.
Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

Those cops are some serious pussies. Last summer I had a overly aggressive dog (it was black, lab maybe?) get too close to my oldest daughter and when I rushed at him to scare him off, he rushed at me growling and barking. For a dog that was maybe 60lbs I didn't find it difficult to put the hurt on him. I grabbed what I could as close to his head as I could to try to keep him from biting down on me and basically just layed down on him with all my weight. I was trying to rip his head off (yes, I mean that literally), when that didn't work I shifted my weight to get more leverage and he got loose and left the AO. I really did want to physically remove his head from the rest of his body, I was raging pretty bad. Let me add that i'm not a body builder, i'm 175lbs, fairly strong due to the nature of my job, but if you saw me you'd think I was scrawny.

A 5lbs dog would have been a lot easier, I could have gone Ozzie Osbourne on it and bit it off like I was John Wayne'ing a grenade.

Seriously, if a couple cops can't handle a small dog without the use of a taser, and a firearm, then perhaps they need not be on the force where they're going to be up against 200+ pound druggies, and other criminals.

Re: 5 lbs Killer Dog tazed and shot by police

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lindy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I was bitten by a dog while out jogging around the island where we lived some years back.

The owner, who was present, did not live on the island, so I called the local police, to ID the owner, get him issued a ticket for having a dog off a leash, and to get the dog impounded, as the owner had no proof that the dog had rabies shots.

The officer asked for my I.D. I gave him my DL number, and told him that when he ran the license, he'd find a concealed handgun license, but I wasn't carrying. "Maybe I should have been", I said.

The officer shook his head, and said, "Bad idea. Shoot the dog, and you'll likely have to shoot the owner. Don't go there."

Good advice. He knew what you learned.

Very true!

A man accross the sreet said he would shoot and kill our Golen Retriever because he said he was worried about it killing his goat... Well some weeks later we came home from a weekend getaway at the beach and saw some bloody paw marks and scratches on the front door. I didn't know what it was at the time and I don't think anyone else did at the time either.

A couple days after that I went around the house to retrieve a ball that was booted over the house into the back yard. Well I found my dog and he had been shot clean through both lungs. I was heartbroken by it and so was our entire family. Dad and I burried him down by the barn mad and sad all at the same time.
Dad kept whimpering whiping snot off his nose every so and every so often I heard "that son-of-a-bitch" come out while gritting his teeth and a lump in his throat of course.

Well he let it go but I sure as hell didn't. I was going to have revenge on this ignorant piece of no good $hit. Rounded up a few of my buddies and ran a little gi joe night-op.

Long story short someone took a large piece of PVC pipe stuck it in a bush towards this mans very large and very expensive large glass window facing in towards his living room which had noticibly expensive furniture and long curtains. The pipe was filled with all sorts and different kinds of fireworks that you were allowed back in 1988. I remember the first thing going off was a exploding roman candle after smashing through a window only to be followed up with the next 7 or so that was in it. Of course their were bottle rockets and other goodies in the mix. The range was close because some of the works were bouncing off of walls and w/e else was in the house. I do think I remember seeing a baby-grand piano that was caught up in all of this and a nice leather couch... I didn't feel bad at all because all I could think about was him shooting my poor dog which would not hurt a fly.

Our other Dog bear died shortly after and we burried him right next to our Golden "Rusty". The hardest part about that was finding the steak bones we were giving him he had been burrying them right next to our other dog...

I didn't and problably wouldn't shoot him as much as I would like to have at that age and time. But I sure did enjoy the leftover 4TH of July fireworks as I am sure they redecorated his house.

Sorry if anyone was offended by this or thought I went overboard. Sometimes teenager's do stupid shit.
