Range Report 50 bmg 750g AMAX Bullet drop/Muzzle Velocity

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Mar 8, 2013
Lake Murray, SC
New poster here. On my last 2 range outings, and also my first shots at distance, rounds are impacting 15" low at 600 yards according to ballistic ae. All data input is correct except truing corrects muzzle velocity from the stated 2820 to 2549 with that drop.

Gun is AI AX 50 with S&B 5-25 with 60 rounds thru it. up to now I've been sighting in at 200, fitting the gun, and shooting groups with the factory Hornady ammo. Grouping is good at .5 to 1.5 at 200. No flyers experienced.

Bore has been properly cleaned per breakin and has not shown any copper.

I have not shot middle distances to check other drops, just 200 and 600, just haven't had opportunity.

Magneto speed will obviously not fit the hand grenade of a muzzle brake and do not own traditional chrono.

Any suggestions on this excessive drop?
For all the money you have dropped in that setup you need to drop another $120 and get a chrono that will work. Me and a few buddies own this and works amazing. Competition Electronics ProChrono Digital Chronograph

Without knowing your real muzzle velocity you will be guessing. I shoot a Barret M82CQ and use this chrono for it and all of my other calculations and has always been accurate when i plug data in all the way to 850yards which is the longest i have shot.
I think that the muzzle velocity is going to be very close to the advertised 2820 that hornady publishes for round. It sounds like to me you have something in your ballistics calculator set-up incorrectly.

I put your info into strelok and with a 100 yard zero here is your drop table.

100-0.0 mils
200-0.4 mils
300-1.0 mils
400-1.7 mils
500-2.4 mils
600-3.2 mils
700-4.0 mils
800-4.8 mils
900-5.7 mils
1000-6.6 mils

Now this may not be perfect but should get you close. I would just do a dope chart for your rifle and load by moving target back 100 yards each time and noting the number of mils you had to dial to hit dead center. Ya its tedious, but will be perfect since the data is coming from your rifle.
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