6.5 Creedmoor 140gr HPBT with IMR 4895 ?


I am brand new to this forum. I have been reloading .308 and 30-06 using IMR 4895 powder with good results for many years. I did a search on the forums here to find out about using IMR 4895 for 6.5 CM. I want to load up a few rounds for my brand new 6.5 Creedmoor Savage 110 Ridge Warrior rifle. I am desperately trying to find Hodgdon H4350 and everyone is completely Out Of Stock. I can't find any Reloader 16 either. I have plenty of IMR 4895. I have some new Starline brass 6.5 CM (LP) shipping to me and also some Sierra MatchKing 6.5 140 gr HPBT bullets. Has anyone tried using IMR 4895 for 6.5CM with 140 gr HPBT bullets ??
Just looking for any advice here. Just want to load up 50 rounds to do a basic zeroing at 100 yds. Thank you
Yes when I ordered mine it was the last 8 lber ... Wow ..... Hopefully things will get back to normal in 2021 .... I hope ...
I damn near ordered them both when i ordered. Now if the alert will go off for some cci lrp. I will be on them like a fat kid on a cupcake. I have enough to last a bit, but more means more shooting and less headaches
Walked into Sportsman's Warehouse in Missoula yesterday afternoon. There was one 1 lb bottle of Rel 26 & two 1 lb bottles of IMR-4350. Walked out happy. They also had a considerable selection of other 1 lb bottles of powder. Must have just got a shipment in. And yes they had some 4895 also. Maybe things are loosing up a bit.
Slow mv homie... Fast burn rate
Just got done with graveyard shift
