6.5 Creedmoor Vihtavuori N150 bullet 130 help


I am German and would like to excuse my English. I translate everything online. I hope you can understand me. ;)

I have a new custom with the following data:

system Defiance Deviant Elite
cal. 6.5 Creedmoor
barrel Proof 28" Twist 8"
stock MDT ACC
trigger ATZL Austria
bipod MDT ckyepod

I would like to develop a load with exactly these components and would need loading data for other bullets, since my bullet is probably unknown in the USA as it is still very new. So maybe loads for Berger 130 grains, because these bullets are similar in construction or other bullets.
In Germany there is no big community for the PRS (except my YouTube channel) ;)

powder: Vihtavuori N150
bullet: RUAG RWS Scorion 8,4 g / 130 grain (lenght 34,95 mm / 1.376"
OAL: 71.70mm / 2.823"

I have to use exactly these components, since there are currently hardly any other good components for reloading in Germany.
I also want to test the bullet.
I shoot PRS and static long range to 1000 m (1000 yards) with this rifle.

Thank you for your support!

Hallo Thomas,

First off VV 150 does not seem like optimal choice IMO in this particular case.
In your case I would do 2 things:
Simulate the burning curve in QL with as much exact data as possible (case volume etc.).
If you determine the max charge I would go back 4% and start going back from there in 0.2gr increments.
Auxilliary I would do as you suggested i.e. use load data for a bullet of the same weight and very similar BC and start from max. charge and back off.

Good luck.
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Good morning,

yes I did that.
I did a calculation in Quickload and Gordon Reloading Tool (both same result) and then tested the ammo.
Here are the best loading data:

powder Vihta N150 38.3 grain
bullet Scorion 130 grain BC 0.548 G1 lenght 34,95 mm / 1.376" boattail bullet
V0 first: 860 m/s 2821 fps
V0 after 200 rounds: 885 m/s 2904 fps

Here my results at 100 m / 110 yard:



result at 600 m / 656 yard:


To be on the safe side, I wanted other load data as a comparison.
I would like to take another powder, but there is little to buy in Germany.

