Needed to get some brass fireformed for the Dasher so loaded up 200 rounds of Virgin Lapua 6 BR with 30.5 gr. of RL 15 and 87 gr. V-Max which netted 2900 fps. Bullets were jammed in the lands to aid in the fireforming process.
Nice windless evening, which is rare for Kansas. Second pic is full IPSC with 6 rounds in the head @ 600 yd. First pic is @ 700 yd. with 15 rounds on it. Started getting dark and couldn't see hits, could hear them so finished up the box of 50. For a little 87 gr. pill with a BC of 400 I was amazed how consistent they were. Powder charges weren't weighed just dropped from a Harrels.
Nice windless evening, which is rare for Kansas. Second pic is full IPSC with 6 rounds in the head @ 600 yd. First pic is @ 700 yd. with 15 rounds on it. Started getting dark and couldn't see hits, could hear them so finished up the box of 50. For a little 87 gr. pill with a BC of 400 I was amazed how consistent they were. Powder charges weren't weighed just dropped from a Harrels.