Suppressors $600 to have a trust drawn up?

Re: $600 to have a trust drawn up?

These are meant only as helpful comments like any other opinions on the Hide.

A prudent man will want a good lawyer to draft a Trust instrument.

One reason for the cost of a Trust is legal liability that attaches to the lawyer, aka malpractice, and insurance he must carry to protect against it. Someone down the road, if there is an inkling of a possibility of recovery or mere and remote appearance of an error or omission, some party feeling disparaged, or not, might try and sue the attorney who drafted the Trust instrument. These clowns abound. Our society is litigious. Not all lawyers are. But many citizen clients who hire them are. A lawyer must have a client in order to have a case.

Malpractice insurance is expensive. Also, there are forms to be found like so many Rem 700's at Walmart for cheap. But to get a custom job from a custom smith, for example, what do you do?

Considering the investment we make in equipment we should consider deliberately whether we should risk it all on a form from "".
Re: $600 to have a trust drawn up?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Adamxdavis</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It's called the state of Texas any reputable lawyer and they will do your ppwk for 200 or so. I got mine from the same place I bought my can....very easy.

And yes, once you have a trust and the tax stamp the wait time to purchase another can is reduced. That's just Texas though.

The reason for using a trust is that it eliminates 3 signatures on the ppwk....mainly the clia sign off which is generally the most time consuming.

From start to finish my process took 9 weeks. </div></div>

Actually, the trust does not speed up the process once it is mailed to the ATF with the exception of the ATF not conducting a background check (as they would on an individual transfer).

I am seeing 3-4 months on average and that is expected to change with the realignment of the ATF examiners to state specific.
Re: $600 to have a trust drawn up?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: dieseldr99</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So say you have a lawyer do the trust and pay his fee whatever it may be. What do you have to do to add other items?
Justin </div></div>

The items you add to the trust go in your "exhibit A". Its an attached document that lists descriptions of the property placed in your trust. You do all of that on your own. I do it on my computer and print them out and attach to the copies of my trust that have to be sent in with your paperwork.
Re: $600 to have a trust drawn up?

Do you discard the previous "exhibit A" and just amend a new one ?

mine is still blank but I have 3 suppressors
Re: $600 to have a trust drawn up?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Falar</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I just got Quicken for $40 and did it myself. </div></div>

Did you successfully acquire a suppressor?
Re: $600 to have a trust drawn up?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: High Binder</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Falar</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I just got Quicken for $40 and did it myself. </div></div>

Did you successfully acquire a suppressor? </div></div>

Of course.
Re: $600 to have a trust drawn up?

I paid 450 in texas threw an attorney. The day I received it and reviewed it I noticed my sucessor was not listed as a trustee and my son (the beneficiary) name was miss spelled. The last 9 days i have made many attempts to contact the attorney threw pm on another site, email and phone calls to get it corrected. Although I have seen him posting on the other site daily I have not had a response so my attorney experience has not been good.
I paid what they asked for because I knew I wanted the security of a lawyer written trust that was also in compliance with my state regs. I know that if something were to happen to me my family and son will have no troubles collecting those items. Quicken Willmaker is not the route I would suggest. They language is not specific and to broad.

A trust that you use for firearms should be language specific FOR firearms. Not a computer document that you fill in the blanks.

$600.00 is a drop in the bucket compared to what you could deal with should they ever declare the Quicken based trusts invalid due to non compliance with state laws.

Spend the money on a lawyer. I can't stress it enough.

To each his own, but this is why I went the trust route through a lawyer as well. For reference it was around $500.
I paid 600$ for mine from a lawyer in FL while I lived in another state. That fee included my instate attorney referral fee and the trust itself. I have never actually used my trust to acquire any NFA items nor do I plan to. You should also not take legal advice from a forum, call another attorney and compare prices and services. As far as cost, things will cost whatever people are willing to pay for them. If you pay 5000$ to create a trust that will let your grandkids own an M16 and you are content, then it is worth it. If 600 bucks is too much then don't get a trust and buy the item via the other available channels.
Cost me $300.00 for a lawyer in Virginia. I never talked to the lawyer, only his paralegal. Never went by his office, all by fax, email and snail mail. The lawyer happens to be a class III dealer. The trust seemed to satisfy the ATF, have 2 cans and a SBR in the trust now. Called around in the beginning and most of the lawyers I spoke with had never heard of a gun trust. I have a question, I call the paralegal and she gets back with me in a day or so.
A friend recently paid the $500-600 to have the attorney in Florida do his.

He shared it with me.

It's frickin generic.

The money you pay doesn't go towards personalizing the trust or doing anything special. The money goes towards representing or defending you in the future, should an issue arise.
I believe one of the more well known law firms in Florida that specializes in gun trusts has copyrighted their gun trusts...which brings up a few interesting 'what ifs' - at some later date the unauthorized copy of a copyrighted gun trust was deemed to infringe copyright laws...would the trust be deemed invalid...are the NFA items now illegally possessed?...I have no idea...

BTW removing the copyright notice with fraudulent intent is also illegal...
HAHA! They dont ASK you to do shit. They send you a letter and say "your trust has been ruled invalid with local and federal regulations". Keep using that Quicken programs and make it harder for your heirs to inherit those NFA items down the road.

I had a local lawyer read the Quicken document to consider using it. He is not an NFA lawyer and the first thing he said was "this is far to broad of a document, it contains no specific language as to what you want. And what you want is a NFA specific gun trust, to protect yourself of course."

KYS338- Do you have a trust written up by a lawyer? would you post it with all the personal details edited out? It is for the state of KY, correct?
KYS338- Do you have a trust written up by a lawyer? would you post it with all the personal details edited out? It is for the state of KY, correct?

I do have one written by a law firm. And no, I won't post it up here. That would be a breach of contract with the law firm. Of course it's for the state of KY, it has to be compliant with state and federal laws.
I do have one written by a law firm. And no, I won't post it up here. That would be a breach of contract with the law firm. Of course it's for the state of KY, it has to be compliant with state and federal laws.

Thank you for answering my question- It shouldn't hurt for me to ask i figure. Didn't know that your trust paperwork was secret per your contract with the law firm.
Thank you for answering my question- It shouldn't hurt for me to ask i figure. Didn't know that your trust paperwork was secret per your contract with the law firm.

It's not a secret but you do have a verbal agreement with them when you start the process of getting a trust, you do not disclose the contents of the trust that they have drafted.
You have to pay for a service from them, I paid my money to get that trust. I am not going to give away what I paid for! Sorry.