6mm choice

you just don't hear much anymore about the .243 WSM or its shorter fatter brother the .243 WSSM.....have they all but faded off into obscurity? I guess I'm not asking if they will fit and feed from AICS or AW mags....just in general, I rarely see threads discussing them being used for builds or guys reloading for current rifles, wonder what happened?

For one 243WSSM brass is the worst brass I've ever seen, period. 243 WSM??? probably 400 rounds barrel life.
my newest rig is a 6XC with a 20" barrel! I get 3050fps out of the 105 amax with 35.7gr of re15. this is a stout load but not hard on brass. the 6XC is very easy to form from 22-250 which is what I use or you can buy good norma brass for $75 per hundred. aside from the 6BR and 6PPC, this is the most accurate round I have had my hands on. the 6 creedmoor looks very promising too and it seems to form very well from the 22-250 by looking at the pic. I think the .243, SLR, crusader will give you problems chasing the lands and staying in magazine length. the 6x47 lapua looks nice but that damn brass is HIGH DOLLAR!


I honestly haven't seen this in the 6SLR, i loaded from high to low in .2grn and shot at 300yd ladder test and it was about a 3" group over a 4grn spread. The temp sensitivity is great for me living in ND with temp swings from -30 to 90f, not all in the same day of course. But i'd say a 50 degree swing during a day is easy.


I have read that H1000 is sometimes temperamental to get a load developed with.
Have you seen any of this?
Did not know you could form the 6 Creed out of 22-250 brass. If that is true that opens up other options for brass supply besides Hornady. Is this correct?
Did not know you could form the 6 Creed out of 22-250 brass. If that is true that opens up other options for brass supply besides Hornady. Is this correct?

Here it is, maybe you missed this pic earlier? Unfired 22-250 case on left(one pass thru 6 Creed die), 6 Creed on right.
<a href="http://s1113.photobucket.com/user/JGorski80/media/IMG_0775.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1113.photobucket.com/albums/k513/JGorski80/IMG_0775.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_0775.jpg"/></a>
Here's the same case after firing, Hornady 6 Creed on right, again.
I did see that earlier, just wasn't aware that fireforming was required.
How accurate are your fireforming rounds?
Do you have poi change from fireforming loads vs on once fired brass?

Only shot the one, so Im not sure about accuracy. Id imagine once they're all formed they should be as accurate or almost as accurate as the Hornady stuff. Ive got 5 loaded up for forming, but Ill probably use them for break-in for my rebarrel job later this year. 30.5grs of RE15 with 105s is what I used to reform the 250 brass.
Quote Originally Posted by Bluejazz View Post
I did see that earlier, just wasn't aware that fireforming was required.
How accurate are your fireforming rounds?
Do you have poi change from fireforming loads vs on once fired brass?

Only shot the one, so Im not sure about accuracy. Id imagine once they're all formed they should be as accurate or almost as accurate as the Hornady stuff. Ive got 5 loaded up for forming, but Ill probably use them for break-in for my rebarrel job later this year. 30.5grs of RE15 with 105s is what I used to reform the 250 brass.

Between my wife and I, we have formed almost 600 22-250's into 6mm Creeds.... We generally use a lighter bullet and faster powder and use the loads under 500 yards for positional practice. I have never tried the 105's as a FF load.
On a similar note: We shoot a 6.5 slr and the FF load uses 123's and faster powder and is less than 1/2 moa at 700...
Im having a 6x47 built right now. I went this route just because I already have a couple 6.5x47's and like the brass. My smith already had the reamer and has done some others and they all shoot really well.
What is the advantage of the 6 Creedmore versus the 6.5 Creedmore for bolt guns? I can re-barrel my LMT MWS in 6.5 Creedmore and am thinking about getting a bolt gun in the same caliber, but it looks like most of the options you are discussing in this thread are 6mm....Thanks
What is the advantage of the 6 Creedmore versus the 6.5 Creedmore for bolt guns? I can re-barrel my LMT MWS in 6.5 Creedmore and am thinking about getting a bolt gun in the same caliber, but it looks like most of the options you are discussing in this thread are 6mm....Thanks

That's why the thread is titled 6 mm choice.
I don't think there is any advantage one way or the other that is significantly meaningful.
Other than the 6 mm will have less recoil. There are a lot of great 6 and 6.5 calipers to choose from. Just don't get bogged done to much in your choice. They are all great.
I didn't remember the title of the thread until I sent out my question, but you answered my question and I assume the 6.5 has a lot less recoil than a 308. Until recently I thought the 308 was the best caliber for long range (up to 1000 yards), but after reading a lot of threads I am now looking at a 6-6.5 mm load.
I didn't remember the title of the thread until I sent out my question, but you answered my question and I assume the 6.5 has a lot less recoil than a 308. Until recently I thought the 308 was the best caliber for long range (up to 1000 yards), but after reading a lot of threads I am now looking at a 6-6.5 mm load.
I sold my 308's to get into a 260, now gathering imfo on 6 cals
I went back and looked at the Sticky, Tactical Shooters Equipment, Wht the Pros Use, and it looks like the best shooters are mostly using 6 mm, but there are some 260 Rem and 6.5 Creedmore thrown in (I need to decide on one of those two calibers to have the same ammo for my gas and bolt guns). Otherwise I would be looking at the same 6 mm calibers you are.