We're guessing everyone has seen the new announcement from Hornady on the 7 PRC. We figured if you're starting to look at the caliber and are thus wanted to start thinking about possible loads, this article we did might be of help.
Our rifle liked the 68.5-69 grns of H1000 area with a 180 ELD-M and that 65 grns of H4831 SC with the same bullet.
Once you have you PRC list those loads!

Reloading for 7 PRC - Hawkins Precision
Reloading 7 PRC - Learn how six different powders work in Hornady's new 7 PRC. Powders include H1000, N565, H4831SC, RL23, and Retumbo.

Our rifle liked the 68.5-69 grns of H1000 area with a 180 ELD-M and that 65 grns of H4831 SC with the same bullet.
Once you have you PRC list those loads!