It’s interesting. Watching the knife Steel market is very similar. A market that seems saturated so many steels, many seemingly overlapping.
BUT recently a knife maker metallurgist developed a new steel called Magnacut that found an unfilled niche in the edge retention to toughness scale. I own a custom blade made with it, and it has really surprised me cutting up animals. The knife community seems to really love too.
So I guess once in a while lightning strikes. In the case of of the 7 mm Backcountry, the inability to reload is the deal breaker for us.
But if you think of the vast majority of hunters who don’t reload, that’s a huge market. And those folks love to show up to Elk camp with something to brag about. A new fangled rifle with a new wiz bang cartridge and boom. That’s their bragging staple for the evening campfire.
Face it we are a VERY small percentage of shooters much less hunters. For the guy who buys boxed ammo, this may well turn out to be gold for federal.