Re: 9mm &.45ACP reloading
I have run and tried many of the powders listed here for 9mm.
I have also run and tried many of the projectiles listed.
The Montana Gold 124 JHP are very nice and very accurate, but they are made with harder gliding metal (brass) and therefore as a defensive ammo they may not perform how you want them to. There is a video on Youtube of a guy shooting them through water logged newspaper in gallon jugs,and they do not expand very well. In action pistol, they are great for me because they are accurate as I mentioned. They need to be loaded too short (1.080) in my CZ's (SP01) so I have moved on from them.
I like Zero 125 JHP the best right now for a JHP. Nice design which allows me to load them @ 1.150 + if I want to (and have).
Right now I am very happy with Win WSF @ 5.0 gr. under a Zero 125 gr. JHP. or an Xtreme 125 RN plated bullet. Perfectly accurate, nice and clean and WSF meters exceptionally well, and is dirt cheap compared to VV N320 which I think is a waste of money for how I practice. Win WSF @ 5.0 gr. nets me 1100 fps with either of those bullets +/- a few fps.
I found Win 231 to be really dirty and not at all to my liking.
There is not a lot of data floating around on WSF for handgun loads, so I started slow and worked up to 5.4 gr, saw a peak in velocity and worked back down to the current 5.0 load I use now (and have for months)..... Well over 6000 rounds down the pipe.