Registration opens tomorrow for the 9th Annual TPRC. Registration opens tomorrow at 6pm PST.
As per our usual, this will be a fast paced, multiple position rifle match. This year the match will be held at the famed Gunsite Academy outside of Prescott in Paulden, AZ. We will be using a combination of natural terrain and man-made props to best utilize the facility. Be prepared as there will be minimal downtime. Competitors will need approximately 220 rifle rounds. Any changes to the round count will be sent via email/Practiscore after registration. *Eye and ear protection are required.* Competitor check-in at the 100 yd zero range will be available on Friday, Nov 6th from noon-5pm.
Match fee is $225 and will include lunch both days of competition as well as water and other hydration as necessary. All registration, payment, and scoring will be done through Practiscore.
Competitors will be required to acknowledge their scores prior to leaving a stage. This will be your arbitration time.
Absolutely NO refunds will be given for cancellations or withdraw requests, however you may transfer your spot to another. Please advise the match staff ASAP so they can confirm all paperwork has been transferred to the correct name.
We'll have mulligans for sale and a side match. Proceeds for both will be split between the Cooper Legacy Foundation and paying our RO's to set their rifles aside for the weekend. Honestly, we haven't thought up a single stage yet, but we're known for hi-jinks and shenanigans, so you're guaranteed to have a good time.
The closest airport to the facility is Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix (a 2 hour drive). McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas is roughly a 3.5 hour drive. Days Inn in Chino Valley (15 mins from the range) is the closest hotel, but there is plenty of lodging in Prescott (45 mins away) with many more available food options. There is also a pretty stellar campsite at Gunsite with showers and bathrooms for those with campers or tents.
Any questions may be directed to the club at or through the contact link on our website. ... 8/register
As per our usual, this will be a fast paced, multiple position rifle match. This year the match will be held at the famed Gunsite Academy outside of Prescott in Paulden, AZ. We will be using a combination of natural terrain and man-made props to best utilize the facility. Be prepared as there will be minimal downtime. Competitors will need approximately 220 rifle rounds. Any changes to the round count will be sent via email/Practiscore after registration. *Eye and ear protection are required.* Competitor check-in at the 100 yd zero range will be available on Friday, Nov 6th from noon-5pm.
Match fee is $225 and will include lunch both days of competition as well as water and other hydration as necessary. All registration, payment, and scoring will be done through Practiscore.
Competitors will be required to acknowledge their scores prior to leaving a stage. This will be your arbitration time.
Absolutely NO refunds will be given for cancellations or withdraw requests, however you may transfer your spot to another. Please advise the match staff ASAP so they can confirm all paperwork has been transferred to the correct name.
We'll have mulligans for sale and a side match. Proceeds for both will be split between the Cooper Legacy Foundation and paying our RO's to set their rifles aside for the weekend. Honestly, we haven't thought up a single stage yet, but we're known for hi-jinks and shenanigans, so you're guaranteed to have a good time.
The closest airport to the facility is Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix (a 2 hour drive). McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas is roughly a 3.5 hour drive. Days Inn in Chino Valley (15 mins from the range) is the closest hotel, but there is plenty of lodging in Prescott (45 mins away) with many more available food options. There is also a pretty stellar campsite at Gunsite with showers and bathrooms for those with campers or tents.
Any questions may be directed to the club at or through the contact link on our website. ... 8/register