9th Annual TPRC


Full Member
Dec 5, 2009
Goodyear, AZ
Registration opens tomorrow for the 9th Annual TPRC. Registration opens tomorrow at 6pm PST.

As per our usual, this will be a fast paced, multiple position rifle match. This year the match will be held at the famed Gunsite Academy outside of Prescott in Paulden, AZ. We will be using a combination of natural terrain and man-made props to best utilize the facility. Be prepared as there will be minimal downtime. Competitors will need approximately 220 rifle rounds. Any changes to the round count will be sent via email/Practiscore after registration. *Eye and ear protection are required.* Competitor check-in at the 100 yd zero range will be available on Friday, Nov 6th from noon-5pm.

Match fee is $225 and will include lunch both days of competition as well as water and other hydration as necessary. All registration, payment, and scoring will be done through Practiscore.

Competitors will be required to acknowledge their scores prior to leaving a stage. This will be your arbitration time.

Absolutely NO refunds will be given for cancellations or withdraw requests, however you may transfer your spot to another. Please advise the match staff ASAP so they can confirm all paperwork has been transferred to the correct name.

We'll have mulligans for sale and a side match. Proceeds for both will be split between the Cooper Legacy Foundation and paying our RO's to set their rifles aside for the weekend. Honestly, we haven't thought up a single stage yet, but we're known for hi-jinks and shenanigans, so you're guaranteed to have a good time.

The closest airport to the facility is Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix (a 2 hour drive). McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas is roughly a 3.5 hour drive. Days Inn in Chino Valley (15 mins from the range) is the closest hotel, but there is plenty of lodging in Prescott (45 mins away) with many more available food options. There is also a pretty stellar campsite at Gunsite with showers and bathrooms for those with campers or tents.

Any questions may be directed to the club at azlrprs@gmail.com or through the contact link on our website.

https://practiscore.com/tactical-precis ... 8/register
Emailed out yesterday morning:

Since we’re about two weeks out, figured you’d like some updates.

Round count for the match itself will be 202. The COF will be 10 stages each day.
On sight in day, the following will be available:
  • 100 yard zero line at Woodfill Range(open from 10:00am - 3:00pm)
  • Ace of Spades from B&T Industries at Woodfill Range - 1 round only
  • Several targets at distance will be available to confirm DOPE on the state land side of Long Range Ridge
  • Shot Marker 50/50 side match on Long Range Ridge - 5 rounds/$5, smallest 5-shot group wins 50% of the pot
  • Wind Professor 50/50 side match on Long Range Ridge - 5 rounds/$10 per run, fastest time with the most hits wins 50% of the pot
  • Mulligans at check-in - $20, 1 maximum per shooter
In other words, bring some cash! The side matches may be shot multiple times as long as you pay for each run. The money raised will be used for a donation to the Cooper Legacy Foundation and to compensate the Range Officers who have generously donated their time and energy to help run a great match.

The COF will be emailed out to all competitors on Nov 2nd along with Gunsite’s waiver. Distances for targets will be given at the stages during the match so they won't be included in the emailed matchbooks.

A signed waiver in hand will be required at check in. Check-in will be at the main pavilion near the Gunsite classrooms & offices. Turn in your waiver, purchase your mulligan, get your match t-shirt courtesy of Eagle Promotions, and get your wristband. A wristband will be required to shoot on Friday. No waiver = no wristband. Travel to the Woodfill range for 100 yard sight-in and the Ace of Spades shoot. Please obey all posted speed limits while on the facility. There will be a truck or two looping from the Woodfill Range to Long Range Ridge transporting those wishing to shoot the side events and to check distance data.
Eye protection is mandatory on Gunsite’s Range facilities, so make sure you have them on at all times. The only exception will be if you are spotting in binos or a spotting scope. This is a hard and fast rule at Gunsite with zero negotiation. If a staff member sees you shooting without eye pro, you'll be asked to leave the facility for good.

Looking forward to seeing you all in a couple of weeks.

Sent out via email this morning:

"Enclosed are three items. Please review them all and make sure you read the rules in the matchbook. Big one for Gunsite is to be sure to have some eyepro. If you're seen shooting without eyepro covering your eyes, you'll be asked by Gunsite staff to leave the property. Besides muzzle discipline, it's the one hard line you must obey.

1 - Gunsite Waiver. This will need to be printed and signed. We'll witness them when you get to the range. Please bring a signed copy with you and hand this in at check-in. You won't be allowed to shoot without signing one of these waivers.

2 - Printable Matchbook. You'll get the distances when you arrive on the stages during the match. If you'd like to have a copy in hand over the weekend, print this out. We will not have copies to give you at the match, however, there will be a copy of the course of fire posted at each stage.

3 - Mobile friendly Matchbook. Please thank Richard Layton when you see him for including this for those of you who'd rather just use your phone. Distances are still not included on there either however.

The address for Gunsite is 2900 W Gunsite Rd, Paulden AZ. When you arrive for check-in, follow the road past the campground and head to the main offices. Under the pavilion near the Pro Shop is where you'll check in, turn in your waiver, get your wristband, t-shirt, buy a mulligan, etc.

Mulligans - $20 will get you one mulligan chip. The proceeds will be split between the Cooper Legacy Foundation and the RO's. Please don't lose yours as we do not have replacements. Each mulligan will be numbers and color coordinated to your squad and will have your initials on one side. If you'd like to use your mulligan, you must tell the RO and be ready to immediately reshoot the stage. In other words, have an extra mag on you. Your reshoot score will be the kept score regardless of the result.

After checking in, follow the road and obey the signs leading to the Woodfill range. Woodfill will have 100 sight-in targets as well as the Ace of Spades targets courtesy of B&T Industries. An RO at the sight-in area will have your shooter number so you can engage the Ace of Spades with one shot. Closest to the center wins a certificate from B&T towards an Atlas Bipod.

There will be shuttles to take shooters wishing to check data at distance over to Long Range Ridge. Please do not drive over there yourself! Take the shuttles. There will be several targets out to approximately 1100 yards or so available. The two side matches will also be run on Long Range Ridge.

Side Match 1 - Wind Professor at 500 yards. $10 a run. You can shoot this as many times as you'd like, but it will cost $10 for each run. Competitor with the most hits and the fastest time gets 50% of the proceeds. The other 50% will go towards the RO's.

Side Match 2 - Shot Marker. $5 for one run. Smallest group wins 50% of the proceeds. The other 50% goes to the RO's. We haven't decided on the distance for this quite yet, but assume it'll be between 550 yards and 700 yards.

We'll have snacks available on both days of the match and water & gatorade will be in coolers located around the range.

Lunch on Saturday is courtesy of the funniest and bestest coffee out there - Black Rifle Coffee Company. We'll be serving all-beef hotdogs, chips, cookies, along with soda & water. We should have enough that you can have as many as few hotdogs as you'd like.

Dinner on Sunday is courtesy of AZ Long Range Precision Rifle Shooters. Ron Walter from Trigger Happy Ranch will be cooking up a steak dinner again that we think will be hard to beat. Save some room for food!

Short Action Precision donated a couple of kegs, and really who doesn't love some good beer handpicked by Rich Chronister himself? Those will be available starting Saturday night at the campground. With the restrictions in place in many areas of the state, we're gonna lean towards having cocktail time at the campground on Saturday after the shooting is over. If you'd like to bring some food along, that'd be awesome too. Any leftover beer will be saved for the awards and that steak dinner.

If you have any questions, please let one of us know. Hopefully this answers a lot of those though.

Travel safe! We're looking forward to seeing you all this weekend!

AZ Long Range Precision Rifle Shooters"
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THANK YOU TPRC - here is a list of great things about this recent match -

1. Great ROs - they were well prepared, friendly, fair, and accurate. Outstanding and thank you for volunteering and making the match run so smoothly.

2. Fun stages with distinct skills required in terms of planning and executing a stage - well done stage designs.

3. SQUAD 6 - great guys all around - thank you for being so friendly to an outsider on your squad.

4. Steak dinner awards ceremony - wow, unbelievable.

5. Sportsmanship award presented before the competitors - what a great way to emphasize what we should value most in the experience. Congrats to Mark from Norcal for getting the award.

6. Thank you NRL for partnering on such a great event. Travis and his wife were great NRL hosts in addition to the TPRC.
Really great stage designs, and the wind definitely made the match challenging for everyone. The prize table was super deep, and managed to snag a Hodgdon cert for 8lb of powder.

This will definitely be a go-to match every time for me.
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