A Gun owners nightmare


Full Member
Jun 8, 2005
The Old Sod
Due to ongoing problems with the law here over private firearms ownership I still have yet to receive the renewal notice for my 9MM CZ pistol...The cops here apparently think 9MM are bad guns. The expiry period for the extension comes on Sunday coming.

Over here the possession of an unlicensed firearm will get you 10 years prison time so I decided rather reluctantly to place it in the safe custody of my Firearms dealer.... I got all my shotgun and rifle permits back ok.. plus my .22lr pistols. I may get the permit before Sunday. However to avoid a knock on the door from the cops as im one of their favourite people I decided to not give them any excuse...The other alternative I had was to hand it in to the cops which would have resulted in them either "Loosing" the weapon or cutting it up... I decides upon the safer alternative. At least he is one of us....

isnt it a sad day that things have come to this... we have legal cases before the courts which we are likely to win.. Until then I left with my shotguns, .22lrs and rifles to use .

Im not giving up by a longshot... we are fighting the issue in the courts... Fucking goverment thinks we are the problem for drug dealers shooting each other.... Dont get me started.....
Re: A Gun owners nightmare


I have submitted my appeal papers this evening to the courts.

If Its fails Im gone to the USA immediately with the wife and kids. Cant live in this fucking country anymore with the liberal antigun bullshit.....

Mechanic: we got over 260K legal firearms owners in the country. Problem is that most dont give a shit until it comes to them. Little do they realise that they are next..... We are fighting and using our own money for the cause... Me personally im out about 20K on fees...some buds out more... we are fighting hard and the good news is that the cops do fear us and what we can achieve...
Re: A Gun owners nightmare

'Tis a cryin shame the RA has fallen to the boots of tyranny, and the tryanny has spread to those who supprted the cause.
Nary an Irishman do I know who comes to these free shores and does not miss the sweet shores of home.
You could always start a rebel band and sing those old rebel songs in a good bar out this way. We need more good family oriented pubs!
Re: A Gun owners nightmare

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Hannibal</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Just don't understand the people of Ireland. Been there plenty of times, people are great, but they just don't get it. Guess it is in their blood...

... <span style="font-weight: bold">Next thing will be a flood of Muslim into the pretty island</span> and then it's really over- goodbye my Guinness, Bushmills. Damn sad.

Han </div></div>

<span style="font-weight: bold"> <span style="font-size: 11pt">??? </span> </span>

Re: A Gun owners nightmare

All them lefties are just closet black an tans. History has shown that each time there has been an uprising the limey's come straight through the foggy dew and outgun a few brave souls.
The world speaks garbage when they say 'end colonialism' yet Ireland is still short the 6 counties that the limey settled through outbreeding with their anglo rot.
Of course the US has been no help either. As a country we have thrown the Irish to each wolf when it came to include our own. We treaded them so bad they defected to Mexico and formed the San Patricios. When the Finian's went after a chunk of Canada with our blessing, we dirted them 'Bay of Pigs' style.
If each Irish son grabbed a gun and ammo from here there would be enough to take back Ireland from teh anglo scum, but we all know that no one would back them to uncolinailize the Kelly Green Isle.
So much for the spirit of the rebel singer and his hero of olden times. These days most arte only drug dealers or street thugs, but somewhere I know there are still a few hardened RA awaiting the day.
Long gone due to the Patriat Act is the Irish Pub with it's 'Tip Jar' that all who put a few coin or folding bits into it knew it was for Sin Fein. I miss that old pub, the food, and the music. Walking distance from home, wobble back after a few pints and lots of fun. Life was pretty good back then...
Re: A Gun owners nightmare

well if it makes you feel better one of my GF's friends had moved back to Ireland about six months ago and missed Texas so much he moved back here 3 months later. So theres a lot of good here for you.

Ireland is such a great place....to bad the .gov is ruining it.
Re: A Gun owners nightmare


That's total bullshit right there. I wish you the best of luck. I always wondered if something like that happened here, how many phone calls would the police get with people saying "Funny thing, someone stole all my guns" Hahahahha!

If you move here, don't move to California. We have been under attack for a looooong time. There's way to many shitheads with a vote and have no clue what-so-ever.

My dad is from Kahersiveen, County Kerry. One of the first things he did when he got here, way back when was buy a gun, because he could.

Hang in there,

Re: A Gun owners nightmare

Well guys got an update for you all.

Just before 5pm my very pro gun lawyer rang me before he left for the weekend. he was acutely aware that my license expired tomorrow and was anxious to get a reply ooff the cops... He threatened them with various legal actions this morning and finally they came back and told him my license had been granted for the CZ.... whoppee.....Im legal again... However the fight remains as fierce as ever... Now I got everything back that I re-applied for.... One buddy of mine , out of 11 items, long and short he has, has only so far received licenses back for 2...

The upcoming legal cases I hope will take a lot of steam from them....We are all very much aware that we have a fight on our hands... Not one competition has taken place in ireland in over 5 months.. dealers cant sell the pistol ammo they have.... there is a lot of anger...It seems that they cant get their heads around the fact that we are not the problem... Told them on more than one occasion to try going after the criminals and leave us the hell alone..
Re: A Gun owners nightmare

Hey Han,

Yeah, I'm one of those 'doss wankers' and your comment agitated the sand in my mangina a little...

I will be the first to admit that the English treated all of the 'Colonies' appallingly over the centuries, but please, can't we all just get along???

During my decade in the Service, had plenty of occasion to work alongside various US military agencies and the privelege was all mine, superb men and women and an honour to be considered an ally.

It's not as if we keep reminding you guys about your 'ethnic cleansing' programme with your troublesome indigenous native population now is it??

The most ribbing we ever really got from you guys was the old 'Redcoat' thing, including me dressing up as one so the US Embassy guys in Beirut could shoot bottle-rockets at me on July 4th one year
Good times..

I feel for Eddieo, and sympathise with him. Main part of the reason for me coming to this great country was to enjoy the great freedoms that the rest of Europe is steadily having eroded from them..

So, sorry about the 'poopy head' thing. Panties are now unwadded.

Actaeon out.