Thats an old quote, to stay within the rudles I wont give its source but it falls in line with "Divide and conquer."
Seems to be what some force is trying to do to America.
Our government is divided and seemingly has no interest in working together.
The races are divided and taking a lot of others with them.
Even the forced wearing of masks is a sort of division.
I fear for our Republic if we dont turn this around soon, the re are forces just waiting for the right moment to pounce.
Seems to be what some force is trying to do to America.
Our government is divided and seemingly has no interest in working together.
The races are divided and taking a lot of others with them.
Even the forced wearing of masks is a sort of division.
I fear for our Republic if we dont turn this around soon, the re are forces just waiting for the right moment to pounce.