I have the two barrels pictured. Both are 1-7 Bartlien blanks, both chambered and profiled by Compass Lake with their CLE chamber. The fatty is 12.5", the other is 11.5"
The load is 77 TMK's over 23.0 g of 8208 XBR.
The first 5 shot groups out of both barrels are equivalent, roughly 5/8". Great, right? If I shoot say 5 consecutive groups (2 minutes between groups) on the lighter profile barrel, I get group sizes that go roughly like this:
#1 - 5/8"
#2 - 1"
#3 - 1.5"
#4 - 2"
#5 - 2.5"
I've never gone beyond 5 groups, so I don't know how that story ends. If the barrel is allowed to cool, it goes back to 5/8". I've repeated the test 3 times.
The heavy barrel is much, much better. I only tested it once, but the groups never opened up beyond 1" (acceptable for my purpose) and in truth it put 4 into 5/8" with one opening up the group everytime. There was some mirage that day, so the flyers might be optically induced.
I really want the lighter profile to work. The fatty is a full 1/2# heavier, and this is going on a rifle that's going to get carried for 50-60 miles in the Sniper Adventure Challenge. Finally to my questions:
Should I just expect that lighter profile to perform as it does? Would that be considered typical?
Might having the light one cryogenically stress relieved improve it's performance?
For reference, the diameter up to the gas block on the heavy barrel is 0.860". The lighter one is 0.800".
Edited to add that the heavy profile has about 1K rounds down it. The light profile maybe 400.