OK, a conundrum for me. Have had some shoulder problems & wanting to put a brake on my 5-R as I'd love to shoot & enjoy it more.
But while not a benchrest class rifle it will shoot in the 3's, & probably less, I'm hesitant to start screwing with the muzzle. I do have a smith that goes slow & is very meticulous so that's a comfort. But I'd feel & actually be so stupid if I screwed up a gun that's been this good to me. OTOH, it's just a damn gun.
But while not a benchrest class rifle it will shoot in the 3's, & probably less, I'm hesitant to start screwing with the muzzle. I do have a smith that goes slow & is very meticulous so that's a comfort. But I'd feel & actually be so stupid if I screwed up a gun that's been this good to me. OTOH, it's just a damn gun.