Aaaanndd Bullshit Narrative Arriving in..

That is just an all around bad situation for all involved. I am surprised the body cam footage was released. I hate to say it but she needs to spend some time behind bars. If one of us civilians shot someone while thinking we were using something else we would be behind bars.
Yeah.... no heartburn over this shit bag headed south to lick the devils ball sack for eternity, but damn, if that frame by frame is completely legit......there are some serious issues that need to be addressed and that taser taser taser shit is fuckered up big time
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I typically avoid these types of threads but I'll try to clarify a few things in general (not specific to this shooting, let the investigation take its course)

Officers need probable cause to initiate ANY traffic stop. ie speeding, running a stop sign or any of the other millions of laws on the books (as it was suggested by the mother this one was for an air freshner, possibly obstructed view?) Once the stop is initiated, the officer investivates for further crimes. DUI, open container, warrants, valid license ect. I think most here will agree that is the way the system should work.

If the the suspect then resists, lies about identification, or flees, that would then be additional charges stemming from the initial traffic stop.

So, as an example from my past as an officer. I went to stop a speeding vehicle. The driver didn't stop and I pursued. He pulled into his driveway and tried to run inside. Fight ensued and I got a minor injury. He got inside his house. I got adfitional units and made entry and arrested him (he gave up seconds before the K9 was released). He got multiple felony charges. Resisting, battery on LEO with injury, fleeing, possession of narcotics (drugs left in plain view in the vehicle he bailed from) and a speeding ticket. He probably ditched additional drugs in the house before his arrest.

Also keep in mind most officers know the drug players and general bad guys on their AO. I have seen many times in my area where LEO sit on bad guys waiting for a reason to stop them. That could be the case with the original post in this thread, but thats my guess.

I'll be happy to discuss further as long as its a civil conversation. The face of this case seems bad and the lastest video does seem like the officer really screwed up. But let the investigation take its course before jumping to any conclusions.
Without this being indicative of my thoughts on any other aspect of this situation, as a former you think you could ever confuse your taser with your pistol?

You would think the weight difference alone would have alerted her.
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look at the hands. i am going to guess she is a fatty mcfatterson.

Where did her firearm go when he took off? Suddenly gone from her hands..... did she drop it? Did it end up inside the vehicle when the door slammed? Why did the first engaging officer not complete cuffing the suspect? Some fucked up shit on that stop
Where did her firearm go when he took off? Suddenly gone from her hands..... did she drop it? Did it end up inside the vehicle when the door slammed? Why did the first engaging officer not complete cuffing the suspect? Some fucked up shit on that stop
That's what I was wondering. How did the cuffs not get applied? Maybe I'm missing something, but I didn't hear the discharge of the pistol. It looked more like a training video than reality.
That's what I was wondering. How did the cuffs not get applied? Maybe I'm missing something, but I didn't hear the discharge of the pistol. It looked more like a training video than reality.
Yep, you would think the discharge of a Glock flavor of the month would have been as loud or louder than the squeal of taser taser taser. 🤷‍♂️
Without this being indicative of my thoughts on any other aspect of this situation, as a former you think you could ever confuse your taser with your pistol?

You would think the weight difference alone would have alerted her.

This has happened before and I don't know if I would use the term "often" but more than it should.

However, most departments require a cross draw or support side draw for a taser for this very reason.

Stress does crazy things. Its not excusing any actions. If an officer starts fighting and realizes he/she is in over their head, stress goes through the roof.

Ive seen a video (I belive Vegas PD) where a suspect is im cuffs on the ground and a female officer has her gun out and pointed toward the bad guy. Her finger is on the trigger and she squeezes off a round and missed his head by inches.

Again, not covering or making any excuses. Certainly hold officers accountable for bad decisions.
Without this being indicative of my thoughts on any other aspect of this situation, as a former you think you could ever confuse your taser with your pistol?

You would think the weight difference alone would have alerted her.
Obviously, she has not spent a lot of quality time at the range with her duty weapon. Even in a "Stress Induced" situation, a trained LEO, would be able to tell the diff.. The grips are similar, but, enough dis-similar(purposely made that way), to not be confused. As was mentioned, weight of both is quite diff., since most LEO carry full-sized duty weapons, not compacts. Just another sucky situation for all involved. Mac
ETA: I've handled/used enough Tasers in my career and there is no way, I would confuse a Taser, with a full-sized firearm, even under stress.
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I haven't seen anywhere that it was a felony warrant or that he was reaching for a weapon in his car. Curious how the investigation plays out. It doesn't look good for the police right now.
Once a person is out of the car, and then reaches back into the car without the officers permission, all bets are off. I'm not LEO, but somebody hit me once in Orlando, and I got out to look at the damage. All the while the guy was cussing me (for running into the back of me at a stoplight that had been red for at least 20 seconds), all of a sudden he ran to his car, reached through to the glove compartment and at that moment I truly though I may die. NEVER EVER put hands back into car, under seat, in glove box, map pocket, etc unless LE tells one to do so. Anything else, and that outcome will and likely should be the same - gun drawn and focused to fire. Now, firing/not firing is where training comes in.

However, re-watching the video (and nullifying my previous comment on portajohn) anybody not on full guard after that either knows in advance the car is clean and the perp is clean or is the coolest cucumber around. So I can understand a mistake was made but....again, be a dumb shit at a traffic stop and show threatening moves...don't expect to come out unscathed. If more of these fuckwits understood that, then maybe this shit would stop. NOBODY, who's on the up and up with expired registration slips out of the "to-be-cuffed" position, reaches in car, and fights with LE.

That said, she really doesn't seem to be in control enough of the situation to actually call for a shot or not. She's just sticking the gun in and firing. She may well have thought it was a TASER; if so, training for MSP LE must suck big time. She lost it under pressure and that is specifically something they should train other said...sim munitions, force on force (hell even paintball guns), etc.
Without this being indicative of my thoughts on any other aspect of this situation, as a former you think you could ever confuse your taser with your pistol?

You would think the weight difference alone would have alerted her.
You would think. But most cops only go to the range once a year to “qualify” with 50 rounds, what do you expect? She panicked, grabbed the wrong weapon, didn’t realize because of the piss poor training that most LEOs receive, and shot the guy.
When Tasers first came out,I thought it was foolish to have them shaped like a gun for this very reason. I'm surprised this hasn't happened more often.
That said, I see criminally negligent homicide.
I thought one reason tasers are usually carried on the opposite side from the sidearm is to avoid mix ups in high stress situations.
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You would think. But most cops only go to the range once a year to “qualify” with 50 rounds, what do you expect? She panicked, grabbed the wrong weapon, didn’t realize because of the piss poor training that most LEOs receive, and shot the guy.
There are those experts who are going to bitch and moan but I was shooting on a competitive level before many of them were born. I'm a firm believer in a thumb safety. It's the one movement and manual switch that requires the mind to come back down a conscious deliberate place in the course of a high speed, high stress movement.

I even had a Cominolli thumb safety with a custom modified 1911 style thumb rest installed on my G19 and I love it.
Not following.

You make a concerted decision to taze someone you reach across your body opposite from your gun. One would think they could retain the memory of that decision and action for at least a few minutes.

Cops practice drawing their gun much more than a taser. Muscle memory and adrenaline. It's a rare cop who trains realistically enough to think clearly during an adrenaline dump.
Cops practice drawing their gun much more than a taser. Muscle memory and adrenaline. It's a rare cop who trains realistically enough to think clearly during an adrenaline dump.
Which further proves my point. The practice draws of a strong side sidearm, which becomes muscle memory or should, far outnumber drawing a taser.

Ive never carried a tazer but have carried OC and Maglite along with a sidearm and I'd always knew which I was reaching for.

I fail to see how one can confuse the gun from the others.

Maybe the woman did practice deploying a tazer more than her duty weapon but can't figure then why she went to her duty weapon first.
Which further proves my point. The practice draws of a strong side sidearm, which becomes muscle memory or should, far outnumber drawing a taser.

Ive never carried a tazer but have carried OC and Maglite along with a sidearm and I'd always know which I was reaching for.

I fail to see how one can confuse the gun from the others.
Because during the adrenaline dump you revert to what you've practiced most

Just why do we continually put ourselves through this.

For those wondering why I am so adamant about leaving this state it from all of this and WAY more.
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A few items that you may not hear about if you are not local.

The Brooklyn Center mayor said the officer should be immediately fire. The city manager stated she deserves due process. Both are black men.

The city council voted to abdicate their responsibilities in regards to overseeing the police and city manager over to the mayor. The mayor fired the city manager for the above statement.

Police chief held the news conference yesterday stating the shooting was an accident due to the officer drawing her firearm and not taser. He was very emotional at various points. Stated he is just trying to protect everyone including the peaceful protesters. Calls for his firing followed for two reasons. First he called it an accident and accidental discharge. Second he authorized the use of less than lethal in response to rock and brick throwers.

Police issue statement that they will not be responding to calls that do not involve a victim. ( assuming they mean do not need medical assistance ).

Certain areas blocked off with armed guards stating police are not welcome. ( source was from police radio traffic)

armed civilians protecting business. If an armed conflict follows it is to be noted MN has a duty-to-retreat law and no castle doctrine. Kyle 2.0 to follow.

Officer involved in the shooting may have attempted to take her life. ( multiple sources but no solid confirmation)
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A few items that you may not hear about if you are not local.

The Brooklyn Center mayor said the officer should be immediately fire. The city manager stated she deserves due process. Both are black men.

The city council voted to abdicate their responsibilities in regards to overseeing the police and city manager over to the mayor. The mayor fired the city manager for the above statement.

Police chief held the news conference yesterday stating the shooting was an accident due to the officer drawing her firearm and not taser. He was very emotional at various points. Stated he is just trying to protect everyone including the peaceful protesters. Calls for his firing followed for two reasons. First he called it an accident and accidental discharge. Second he authorized the use of less than lethal in response to rock and brick throwers.

Police issue statement that they will not be responding to calls that do not involve a victim. ( assuming they mean do not need medical assistance ).

Certain areas blocked off with armed guards stating police are not welcome. ( source was from police radio traffic)

armed civilians protecting business. If an armed conflict follows it is to be noted MN has a duty-to-retreat law and no castle doctrine. Kyle 2.0 to follow.

Officer involved in the shooting may have attempted to take her life. ( multiple sources but no solid confirmation)

It spread last night too, just as expected. Lots of shots fired in places like Apple Valley and I heard earlier in the day riots were planned in Eden Prairie, not sure how that ended up.