Pillared and bedded my Quad to keep my sanity.
It was always hard to find the best (the REALLY best) torque amount after removing action for maintenance / stock oiling etc. and I could not be sure that the best torque would not change between seasons.
I usually ended somewhere around 1.2Nm / 10.5in-lbs.
I did a test with Polar Biathlon, then my best performing ammo lot, before and after bedding.
The groups were captured to TargetScan, with and without the the pulled shots as I wanted to see how the gun works, not me.
I would say that if you torque test the action screws properly you basically get no better results or a small gain from bedding.
That said, my torque wrench (which has other uses also) cost me near 200, which is similar to what the pillar bedding job cost.
It seems
Bedding removes the effect of inproper inletting
Pillaring removes most problems with torque.
If you do stuff to your rimfire gun to make it a better shooter, I would add bedding (maybe with pillars) to the list, I would definitely do it again.