Where are you getting your M118LR?
16-3/4” barrel so I didn’t really expect great results.
I got mine for $0.82/round shipped
For that cheap can’t really argue with those results
I bought it from mass ammo...https://www.massammo.com/product/lake-city-7-62x51mm-nato-175gr-match-grade-xm118lr-bthp-250-rounds-loose-free-shipping/
I know it's not the same as the cardboard box M118LR but I have some of that here too I plan to test and see exactly how different it realy is. My 308 barrel is a factory 20" I had cut back and threaded 5/8-24 so it's about 18" when not in the gun, aka something like 15" of actual lands and grooves. I'm getting 2550 fps and about 30 es over 10 rounds if my memory is right.