Thank you all for your input. Looks like I it will be better to get two instead of just one. That brings up a few questions.
1. Graham, you said "It's cheaper to build an accurate semi than a bolt gun." What are the main components you would suggest for the semi build? When I'm done w/ it, it still won't be a accurate as a good bolt, correct?
2. Gunny- you said "You said your rifle will be primarily for benchrest. If so, remember the rifle is a small part of the expense. Ammo, optic sight and travel are the big parts. I suggest you purchase an Anschutz and be done with it." I certainly agree w/ the high cost of the other items. I'm learning that right now, as I'm building my first 6mmNormaBR. Just got a scope, and am now pricing reloading equipment and supplies. I looked at a friends Farley rest and can see another big price item that I don't want to get wrong. If I go with the Anchutz, would a Anschutz 64 MP R 22LR with a 25" barrel be a good choice, or would a Anschutz 64S BR 22LR with a 20" barrel be better?
3. John- your comment "My Volquartsen Fusion is remarkably accurate for a semi but I could not keep up with my friend's Lilja barreled he repeatedly reminds me. I shot both side by side BTW" - is very interesting. The Sako Quad w/ a Lilja has had some really good reviews. What length barrel did it have/ would you recommend?
Thanks again for the help.