Accurizing a Ruger second gen Mini 14, Unicorns and Honest politicians


Nov 21, 2018
My 16 year old son wants a mini 14 this year. We have a HB AR that we finally found the load for to get under 1 MOA and we have a short pencil barrel that will do 1.5 moa with almost anything we feed it. But limited experience with Mini 14s is if you get 2-3 MOA count yourself lucky. I had a double lugged M1A the Navy built for me and 3/4 moa was as easy as falling off a log. If I were to lug this gun, bed the stock, trigger job it to 4.5LBs , float what I can and work up a load could I get to that 1MOA ? What is the twist on the new Minis?
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Accuracy systems claims to be able to do what you ask. I’ve stared at their site many a night. As much as I prefer the history of the mini, that’s a lot of money for what most ARs will do out of the box. Best accuracy my mini 14s would do was just at 1”. That’s 1 out of several. Lots of work, little return. I don’t cherry pick groups, I use the old m14 accuracy standard. Twist rate as with any will depend on bullet. 1-8 is a catch all in the 223/556. Best of luck with you build.
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I want a mini so bad it hurts but I chase accuracy and honestly an ar at the same price range will more than likely out shoot it and does everything the mini will do. Plus there’s all the upgrade options and ways to personalize it.
If he wants a Mini, get him one. Just understand and accept what it’s capable of. I wouldn’t waist the time and money trying to make it something it’s not. Far better options out there accuracy wise.
As a mini owner, it’s more about how fun the gun is to shoot than accuracy. It’s always the first rifle to go on my quad though when I head out into my woods to log or whatever simply because the gun is super easy and quick to shoot(debateable all day long I know).
If he wants a Mini, get him one. Just understand and accept what it’s capable of. I wouldn’t waist the time and money trying to make it something it’s not. Far better options out there accuracy wise.

I agree with this.

It' not a benchrest gun. It fun plinker/varmint/defense gun that you can throw any kind of ammo you want through it.

If he wants to chase sub-MOA groups at 100 yards he'll be very disappointed, but if he's looking for a fun rifle then I'd say go for it.
He's 16. Chicks dig AR's.


Nuff said.
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