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Rifle Scopes Acog on ar10 platform, Any 1 using an Acog w/308?


Full Member
Jun 11, 2009
I have been trying to figure out which optic to run on my LMT-308. I currently have a SS 10x42. Its a good scope but limited to distance work from a stationary position. My thinking is that I would prefer to be more flexible with the gun. I would like to be able to shoot paper and steel to 600 possibly but most likely will be shooting paper and steel from 50-400 from many positions maybe even on the run.

Wold a TA11 series work well on this gun?
The reticles are very small. Do the hold overs work when calibrated for 308?
What reticles are best all around?
Re: Acog on ar10 platform, Any 1 using an Acog w/308?

Not sure if it answers your question directly but as you know I have had my MWS for a while now and here is where I'm at with the scope thing.

Running a USO sn-4 1.5-6x (bought used here with larue mount 1050.00) I think its the best option within budget but honestly not "The" perfect scope. I do find myself wanting more magnification when shooting paper but shooting steel out to 600 (12x12) it still does the job, just lacking in satisfaction when punching holes.

My aversion to Acogs is being saddled with a BDC ret vice having stadia lines and my own data.

As much as I think its goofy I am still kicking around the idea of a fixed 10x and a micro dot sight piggybacked with it.

The sn4 is OK for close fast drills but again not ideal as something more purpouse build like a dot sight.

MWS really begs to cross the line of a precision rifle and a fighting carbine, i just cant swing the price of a 1-8 PR or SB

So I would say if you can find a deal on an sn4 1-6 its worth snagging but if I were starting where you are at perhaps try a piggybacked red dot and have the best of both worlds. Primary arms makes a really good T-1 knock off if you wanted to try out the concept without investing heavily into it.

Feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions, sorry if I went off track from your question.

Re: Acog on ar10 platform, Any 1 using an Acog w/308?

I used to have a TA11E on my Armalite AR10 Carbine. It was a pretty slick setup, but I wanted more magnification. Ultimately I settled on a Nightforce 2.5-10x24. I feel that this gave me the most versatility.
Re: Acog on ar10 platform, Any 1 using an Acog w/308?

Since you mentioned it...do you happen to know what the BDC is "calibrated" for. I think the ELCAN would be perfect if it were a mil based ret at 6x and a dot only at 1.5x I just a bit leery of BDC type rets.
Re: Acog on ar10 platform, Any 1 using an Acog w/308?

I actually used my 5.56 one on my POF 308 and it was pretty close to on out to 600 yards here in CO... but I think they are 168gr calibrated but I don't know for sure.

I had zero issue, and you can turn the dot on at 1.5X and use the red dot, plus I put a Docter on top and it kicks ass inside 100 yards that way.
Re: Acog on ar10 platform, Any 1 using an Acog w/308?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TripleJ</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I used to have a TA11E on my Armalite AR10 Carbine. It was a pretty slick setup, but I wanted more magnification. Ultimately I settled on a Nightforce 2.5-10x24. I feel that this gave me the most versatility. </div></div>

So do you think the Acog 5.5x would have been a better fit or not? I was actually looking at that but it is $$$$
Re: Acog on ar10 platform, Any 1 using an Acog w/308?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: problemchild</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Elcan 1.5-6X is what you want... </div></div>




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if you are going to use it inside 100 yards, what accuracy do you think you will get or be able to use ?

the Elcan Dot it bigger than that target at 100 yards...
Re: Acog on ar10 platform, Any 1 using an Acog w/308?

I had a TA11J308 on my Armaite SASS carbine. It was ok for work on steel plates out to 400. I sold it because I wanted more magnification. Kinda the opposite of what you want. I loved the reticle in it...the quality was top notch.