You already acknowledge that God exists and will judge all. We are all sinners, God's Word says so. You need NOT go to hell for your transgressions because God's grace and mercy is so great. He has given his own Son, Jesus Christ, to die as the ultimate sacrifice for your sins. There's absolutely NOTHING you can do to earn salvation. Your salvation only requires your realization of your helplessness and that your only hope is in Jesus alone. Truly repent and sincerely ask forgiveness through faith in Jesus alone and you will be saved from hell's punishment.
See that is what Satan would want you to think. Satan would want you to think that you are already damned and there is no hope and so what you do here doesn't matter anymore.
The Truth is that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is infinite.
You just have to do your part to repent, turn to Jesus Christ, Believe in Him, be properly Baptized in His name and then take His name upon you and work diligently to follow His commandments.
The best time to repent is always now.
You can "turn your life around" anytime you have the sincere desire and will to do so.
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are always waiting there for you to chose the right path of your own free will.
Jesus Christ can and will forgive you if you sincerely repent and have sincere desire.
Part of that sincere desire and sincere repentance is of course the willingness to give up sins and transgressions and not wish to do them anymore.
Or is this just enough so they can say they are doing something.
I am no more impressed with Trump female DEI hires than I was with other female DEI hires. These positions should be alpha males like Tom Homan. Not an aging beauty, queen and Botox competition…..
Absolutely not. Forgiveness is unlimited for those that are truly saved. Christ knows we are weak, after all He created us to begin with. The fallen christian can come to Christ in true sorrowful repentance and receive merciful forgiveness from our Father. The Father looks at saved sinners and sees instead the perfect sacrifice of His Son. We are washed clean in the precious blood of Jesus Christ, once and for all. Not because of anything we have done or ever can do, but because of the free grace we have obtained through faith in Christ alone.
Those who may think they are saved but have no faith will not enter Heaven. True salvation is by grace alone, through faith in Christ alone.