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Age For First Gun?

Re: Age For First Gun?

I was 7 when i got the first BB gun. Started shooting deer with a 12 gauge at 9. My step son had never been around guns. He started showing an interest about 11. He was sweeping me with the airsoft gun till the age of 12. When he stopped doing that we moved up to .22. Now he is 14 and very aware of the muzzle. The earlier the better you cant substitue for practice. Dont let them underestimate the marksmanship gained from a good pellet gun. Follow through and barrel time have some valuable lessons.
Re: Age For First Gun?

The Mrs. and I bought my grandson a chipmunk for his 5th b-day. He has always done very well with safety and his father just got him a Henry lever and he is now 8.

I don't think you can get kids involved too early. Afterall, they are the future of the sport.
Re: Age For First Gun?

My Dad started me with a Marlin .22 when I was five and that was about where I started my son with the same Marlin only 25+yrs later. Something broke on the Marlin so we moved up to the M&P 15-.22 when he was 7... I can't recommend that little gun enough. He has moved on to bigger and badder guns now but he still likes to come back to that .22
Re: Age For First Gun?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: WhiskeyWebber</div><div class="ubbcode-body">My Dad started me with a Marlin .22 when I was five and that was about where I started my son with the same Marlin only 25+yrs later. Something broke on the Marlin so we moved up to the M&P 15-.22 when he was 7... I can't recommend that little gun enough. He has moved on to bigger and badder guns now but he still likes to come back to that .22 </div></div>Don't blame him, thats one cool .22!
Re: Age For First Gun?

My son just turned 11 in April. He's been shooting since he was 4. He got his first hi-power rifle when he was 5. He's taken deer with every method available including one with my .45 1911. He shoots competition with his own Nighthawk 9mm and a borrowed NH .308. He has shot steel out to 850 yards. He's taken 11 deer and 4 longbeards. He is very safe when handling firearms but I still won't let him out of my sight with rifle or shotgun. I think you should start them as young as possible, the learning curve will be close to the same no matter the age you start and like some of the others have said, it takes some of the mystery out of guns when they are taught to handle them properly. Good luck in whatever you do.
Re: Age For First Gun?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 42769vette</div><div class="ubbcode-body">my daughter is 8 days old and i just bought her a mark3 and a cz 452. i think it will be awhile before she uses them but they are here waiting. </div></div>

That's awesome. I'm putting together a pink 10/22 for my daughter's first birthday. What's even cooler is that the idea came from my wife.
Re: Age For First Gun?

Its really cool to see you guys teaching and spending time with your children.I did the same with mine and the grandchildren also.Their Dad also shoots with them.I agree that is the best way to make them safe when they encounter firearms unexpected.They don't have that dangerous curiosity that gets someone hurt.Great job men and keep up the good work,you may never know how many accidents you have prevented. JJ
Re: Age For First Gun?

I truly respect your father skills and admire your kids ability to learn firearm safety there is always the chance that a child doesn't have the knowledge or concept to handle a firearm.

I didn't get my first BB gun till I was 15yrs. I honestly don't think I would have been ready for one earlier.
Re: Age For First Gun?

I didn't get my first firearm until after I was in the military and married actually.

Now, my oldest son, he was 7 when he got his BB gun, and 9 when he got his .17HMR. He absolutely loves that gun and is competent to run it himself. I stand back and off to the side and watch his safety and handling. He's well on his way.

Our youngest, which is 3 years younger, will need to be a little older because he is not nearly as mature as his brother. He requires much more supervision.

Best of luck! Jeff
Re: Age For First Gun?

I got guns all kinds of bass-ackwards. I started shooting at age 4 or 5 on my dad's Marlin/Glenfield .22 I got my first actual gun at age 8, and it was a Winchester Ranger Youth 20 ga shotgun. Got a compound bow in 5th grade, and a 10/22 in 6th grade. I honestly don't think I got a BB gun until 5th or 6th grade as well, being that we lived in the city and my parents didn't like the idea of shooting in the backyard.

Fast forward about 24 years, and guns feel like an extension of myself. I say start them off as young as you can - remove the "curiousity" as soon as possible and teach them the respect for firearms. Safety is the #1 thing that was drilled into my head. I grew up knowing where all the guns that were live were in the house and knew not to mess with them.
Re: Age For First Gun?

Some of my first mememories of shooting were watching my grandfather shoot pigeons off the rafters in the barn at the farm. He would let me carry the pellets and I remember asking him over and over, when I could shoot but he never got to see it.
Re: Age For First Gun?

I just sent off the paperwork for Daughter's first suppressor, she turns 4 next week. I have a Walther P22, 10/22, and I am going to build her a carbine Ar22 (Gun Koted pink of course) all which will host her new can. My plan is to get her started with an air soft gun as soon as I pick one up, then a pellet gun, and hopefully have her shooting the 22s by her next birthday.
Re: Age For First Gun?

I started mine at 7 (son) and 9 (dtr). My son is now 11 and has two .22's. One I got him for his 9th B-day and the second he saved up his allowance for over a year to buy on his own. I had him shooting my .308 and 7mm last week, his first ever centerfire rifle shooting. He was able to put 7 rounds under 2" at 200 yds from the 7. My youngest is 5 and she has fired a .22 rifle and .22 mag pistol. Bad part is she is now bugging me for a pink Cricket.
Re: Age For First Gun?

I was in early elementary school k-2nd(5-7y/o) when i got a pellet/bb gun and started shooting 22s &.410 when i was 8 or 9.

If i ever decide to have my own little monster, i would start him/her at the same ages.
Re: Age For First Gun?

I was 4 -5 shooting a stevens crackshot 22 with my dad.. I remember always wanting to shoot with him..
Then 7-8 with a Redryder bb gun and at age 10 I was allowed to hunt alone with a .410/22mag combo...

My youngest daughter rolls with a 22 converted ar with a can at times, shes still not super confident with the shooting thing, too into horses n dolls...
she can still get a mag of good hits with my ak74 at 50M though..
Re: Age For First Gun?

My son started shooting a bb gun when he was 5, single shot 22 @ 5 1/2, probably a .223 when he was 7, and he took hunters safety @ 9 years old, and shot his first buck @ 9 1/2 that fall. Topic brings back fond memories...that was 10 years ago.
Re: Age For First Gun?

I had a red rider early on...can't remember my age. I was shooting very early with my dad...but I clearly remember my first 22 (a Marlin) that he bought for me for Christmas when I was 9. I also killed my first deer that year, using a friend of the family's .218bee.

I'd say get them a gun whenever you like...but don't let'em run off with it until they've proven their responsibility. Start'em on an air gun.
Re: Age For First Gun?

I had my first bb gun around 5 or 6. I got my first .22 when I was 7 it is a small single shot rolling block .22. I starting shooting my dads rifles around the age of 10 mainly his .222 and .270. I got a 20 pump shotgun for my 12th birthday and I saves up and bought my first deer rifle around the same time it is a .280 remington.

I'm planning on the same sort of introduction for my kids, the safety fundamentals are key. I think respecting a firearm is the best thing.
Re: Age For First Gun?

I've wondered this myself. My son is 4 years old. But he's like the kid on a movie... the super hyper kid where you have to tell him the same thing 10 times before he listens.

It'll be a while before he can mentally handle a firearm.

I have a 22 Buckmark, but I am starting to think that a BB rifle and then a 22 rifle would be better to start him off with. Harder to shoot yourself with a rifle
Re: Age For First Gun?

My daughter isn't due until Nov but she already has a pink Crickett .22 rifle. I've had it since July. If I have a son eventually he will get my great grandfather's JC Higgins (Marlin) .22 someday (I'm sure they will eventually get more of my guns as well). As far as actually shooting for the first time, depends on the kid, some are good at 3-4yrs and some should probably wait until 8-9yrs. I shot first at 11 and my first gun didn't come until 17 but then again my parents don't shoot.
Re: Age For First Gun?

I looked at some of the 22 cal AR clones. But I really don't wanna spend that much money. I don't care for 22 too much myself. And $400-$450 is too much. I may just buy a Ruger 10/22 for him one day
Re: Age For First Gun?

I put a 22LR together for my son on an Encore and he started shooting it when he was 4 , he is very profecient with it at almost 6 thats when i put his "deer barrel" on it which is a 250 Ackley and he now about to trun 7 shoots this very well , reciently added a spacer to the stock and have 2 more before he upgrades to a regualr youth stock. He was n only child till he was 5 and untill that time (when he started school)he had very little contact with kids his age so he is quite mature for almost 7

My son has ADD bad but ondly shooting keeps his attention very well , not sure if this is from the constant threating of his life if he isin't carefull or just because he enjoys it (same way with legos) He is very watchfull of other people at the range and quick to point out their bad habits
Re: Age For First Gun?

I got a Red Ryder BB gun when I was about 6. About 8 I got a bb/pellet gun, you know where you can pump em a bunch of times. I think around 10 for my first 22. I specifically remember 12 being when I got a single shot 410, and about 13-14 my father gave me a Rem. 870 youth in 20ga.

From about 12 I could do as I pleased. We lived on a large farm in southcentral Wisconsin so it was a way of life. Now adays it just doesn't FEEL the same. the "climate" around here just doesn't seem the same, you know what I mean? growing up in the country and living in town later in life sucks. I only know a few people that even own guns, let alone hunt. Times are a changing...

Everybody on here i'm sure has similar feeling reguarding our children and guns. You should have an idea of when they are ready for it, and if you observe something that worrys you, then put it off a while longer.

Anyway with my 6yr old daughter, I feel she is ready for my old Red Ryder BB gun, but she has ZERO interest. I would love for her to take interest, but im not gonna force her...

Best of Luck
Re: Age For First Gun?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Aer454</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hey gang, I was wondering how old you all were when you received your first firearm? I'm assuming (perhaps wrongly so, but we'll see) that most of you got a BB/pellet gun prior to a rimfire/centerfire. I believe I was around 5-6 when I got my first BB gun, and 12 or 13 when I got my first .22 LR.

My wife thinks it'd be best to wait untill the boys are pretty old (14-15) to be introduced to something new (bb gun). But I have more of the mindset that it'd be best to raise them around guns, with the belief that they'll grow up with an understanding and respect for them. (Yes, I know, proper gun training and parenting can make either safe and enjoyable, but I think you all know what I mean.)

So my question(s) to you all is;

How old were you got your first BB/pellet gun? First real firearm?

And would you do the same (time of introduction) with your kids? If not, what would you do different? </div></div>

I was 6 when I got my first bb gun and 8/9 when I recieved my first .22.........and recieved a .243BA for my 12th B-day. Yes I have done the same with my two girls. I wanted to teach my children at a younger age about firearm safety and instill good shooting values early.

Even if you think it's too early to give your children a firearm, you can still teach them the basics and educate them so when they do get one, they can be safe.
Re: Age For First Gun?

My son, Spenser, was shooting an air rifle on my lap when he as 3. He was shooting a .22 Cricket when he was 5, a S&W model 63 kit gun when he was 6. Funny story: we were handgun shopping for him at Atlantic Guns in Silver Spring, and he'd point to a gun, the guy behind the counter would hand it to me, I'd make sure it was empty (swing out the cylinder, inspect it, push it back in), I'd hand it to my son and he'd do the same; the third gun the shopkeeper just passed to my son and he kept them coming until he found one he liked. He passed the NRA range test (32 question written) when he was six and a half, the youngest ever - or so we were told. He got one-on-one guidance from John Popper at one time (both the elder and his son) at Ft. Meade's range and he took the Maryland Hunter Safety course there the next year (the old fart running it had a LOT of heartburn with a kid his age taking the course, but after seeing how he handled firearms... not so much). He was shooting machine guns at six (Uzi and M16 with a .22 Ciener conversion), and he never really got the bug, preferring instead to pursue Tae Kwon Do for 6 years and then become a performing musician/drummer . At least he still likes things that go boom. And we still go to the range once or twice a year and shoot steel critters. He's at college now. Hopefully I'll get to spoil his kids someday soon. Your mileage may vary.
Re: Age For First Gun?

That question needs to be answered considering the child you are talking about. My son was shooting an AR-15 by the age of seven, but my daughter took to the age of nine to be comfortable with that. I don't feel there is any "one" answer that will cover all kids.
Re: Age For First Gun?

My dad bought me my first rifle two weeks before I was born. He bought my son a Crickett when he was 10 months old. He has started shooting it at 4.
Re: Age For First Gun?

my boys are 9 and almost 8. unfortunetly being in the military and deployed several times, and divorced, has interfered with teaching my sons to shoot.i am putting together a 10/22 for em to learn the basics.
Re: Age For First Gun?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: longguntoter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">That question needs to be answered considering the child you are talking about. My son was shooting an AR-15 by the age of seven, but my daughter took to the age of nine to be comfortable with that. I don't feel there is any "one" answer that will cover all kids. </div></div>

Yes, I think this is the real answer
Re: Age For First Gun?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jon Lester</div><div class="ubbcode-body">


Pink one is hers, she fully loads, aims, shoots, cleans and puts in the safe on her own, and the AR is on loan from Dad. She is 5. </div></div>

I love it.
Re: Age For First Gun?

I got my first bb gun at age 5, a pellet gun the next year and an old pump Remington .22 a few years later (shot it a few weeks ago for the first time in probably 10 years).

I don't think there is any specific "age". The way I explain it to my friends and customers is that when your child is mature enough to follow ALL of the safety rules ALL of the time and develop the necessary respect for firearm safety, then it is the right time for them to start shooting.

For some kids this may be 5 years old, but for others that mature later it might be 13 years old, it depends 100% on the child in question. Regardless of the age, there is most definitely a perfect starting time for all children to learn gun safety!
Re: Age For First Gun?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: wtopace</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I got my first bb gun at age 5, a pellet gun the next year and an old pump Remington .22 a few years later (shot it a few weeks ago for the first time in probably 10 years).

I don't think there is any specific "age". The way I explain it to my friends and customers is that when your child is mature enough to follow ALL of the safety rules ALL of the time and develop the necessary respect for firearm safety, then it is the right time for them to start shooting.

For some kids this may be 5 years old, but for others that mature later it might be 13 years old, it depends 100% on the child in question. Regardless of the age, there is most definitely a perfect starting time for all children to learn gun safety!</div></div>
