TacDriver, thanks for your kind of assistance. Your answers are much appreciated.
Now for the trolling thing! First of all, I'm not american and are therefore not used to the idioms you guys are using. Therefore this lead me to check what you really meant by "troll".
And this is what I found..
"...posting intended to produce a large volume of frivolous responses. The term can also refer to someone making such a posting ("a troll") or to the action ("trolling", "to troll")."
"Great"! So, a novice in a given field of hobby, due to his questions are classified as a "troll"? Or was it the wrong usage of the idiom "glass" that set the whole ting off?!
Now, what made me wonder is this. If EoTech falls under the "glass" idiom, then putting an Eotech on a rifle is just a matter of optic taste. How could this make me a potential "troll" just because you have a different taste for optics?!
Now if Eotech does not fall under the "glass" idiom, then what makes you think I'm "trolling" all of a sudden?
At the moment I typed "glass" I was thinking Sniperforum members had the understanding that "glass" equals scopes and not Eotech. (apparently you holds the same understanding due to your hint of "a trolling") But at the same time you write that Eotech is "glass". I'm sorry, but switching between idioms when using the same word is difficult to follow in a conversation! It just look like you are contradicting yourself.
Now I do appreciate the advice reading some more before buying. In fact this membership with Sniperhide is a part of my reading and information gaining process. I mean isn't forum design to give people more informational exchange? Or maybe I'm wrong? Maybe members should posses a certain degree of knowledge before joining?
So unless you classify "reading" and refers to the old fashion "ink on paper", I think I'm doing pretty well by reading some of the informative response in here, untill I bumped into the "troll" posts!
"...houston do we have a trool?" WTF?!
You know, thousands of great products doesn't make people forget about the defect one! And some of you guys in here, gives me a bad impression of SniperHide's guys' attitude!
And BTW I think you should see this one...,r:4,s:0,i:77&tx=96&ty=83
"precision rig"? What do you know about my skills?