airsoft training for no gun countries?


Full Member
Nov 24, 2008
Frankfort, Kentucky
After seeing how horrible my form was when shooting my AR, Saiga, and 10/17 while in Texas, I think I need some practice. Here in Japan, there aren't many legal guns, or simple ways for people to shoot them. But, airsoft is very popular. Not knowing much about airsoft, but wanting to improve my form, are airsoft guns real enough to transfer over to shooting firearms?
Re: airsoft training for no gun countries?

there is a local guy here in the DFW area that is a gun magazine writer for GUNS magazine published in Japan.....a very high quality publication that i call the finest Japanese gun Porn in the world....or at least in Japan....

anyway airsoft is monster in japan, so much so that many young Japanese train all year on airsoft ....then come here to this country and use their own state-side real fire-arms and kick ass and win competitions.

pm me and i'll get you the info on the local guy here......who is a great guy
Re: airsoft training for no gun countries?

i think airshoft are very good for practice, somewhere between dry fire and live fire and in some cases (force on force) very usefull. many of the functions are very simlar, my sugestion is get quality airshoft stuff muri ect that matches the platform that you have and blast away. I also heard that there was IDPA kid from japan that placed very high for a couple of years that only prcticed with airshoft in japan but I do not know about that just story. Maybe someone with idpa experence can chime in
Re: airsoft training for no gun countries?

the idpa thing, where draw, sight picture, trigger control, and reloads are worth valuable time if they are practiced correctly add to better scoring. and airsoft would be a good training device as the feel of the pistol is usually the same also.

recovery from recoil would obviously be different.

they are using what they have either for pistol or rifle.

not having an airsoft rig myself, i could only speculate that just by getting comfortable handling something with the same dimentions and controls as the real thing can only be a benefit.

the stuff i do with .22lr transfers over well to centerfire.
Re: airsoft training for no gun countries?


Admitting this is like confessing to enjoying knitting or needlepoint to the fellas in the locker room.

We use airsoft Glocks and ARs in our K9 unit for force on force training and I use airsoft to work on my pistol presentations as well as shooting skills. I have a Model 34 that feels and weighs almost the same as my 34 I carry on duty every night. Airsoft is certainly a training tool when you get the higher end guns. Mine is a green gas and the slide operates like a real pistol and my weapon light fits the pistol and my holster perfect, The cost and availability of in kind pistols and rifles with Simmunitions is so cost prohibitive for the individual and many departments that they are not used very often. Let us know how you progress with your airsoft and the results when you run your real guns.

Take care,

Re: airsoft training for no gun countries?

At least you have access to the real thing. One of the hardest things about living here is that my favorite hobby(guns) is all but illegal, and cars are expensive to do anything to.

it will be a while. need to find a 16-20" AR first. Can Japanese AS guns be fitted with AR parts? Can I mount a scope or red dot on airsoft guns? Really only worried about keeping the gun still, breathing, and trigger pull which I guess anything life size could do, but would rather do it with what i have.