
Re: Airsoft?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: In da weeds</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Anyone use airsoft for pistol or three gun training on rainy days? I've been thinking about picking up some airsoft toys to practice in my garage.. </div></div>

I carry mine to the mall with me
Re: Airsoft?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: StanwoodSpartan</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: In da weeds</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Anyone use airsoft for pistol or three gun training on rainy days? I've been thinking about picking up some airsoft toys to practice in my garage.. </div></div>

I carry mine to the mall with me</div></div>
Really??? Do you wear all black with your batman tactical belt also?

Thanks for not contributing...
Re: Airsoft?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ArmaHeavy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How will it help you?</div></div>
Like Sunnyside said, weapon transition, fast draws, rapid sight acquisition. Its an hour drive for me to the range and on the weekends when I have time to go, all the steel targets are usually in use. Im just looking for an alternative that may be useful..
Re: Airsoft?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: In da weeds</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ArmaHeavy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How will it help you?</div></div>
Like Sunnyside said, weapon transition, fast draws, rapid sight acquisition. Its an hour drive for me to the range and on the weekends when I have time to go, all the steel targets are usually in use. Im just looking for an alternative that may be useful.. </div></div>

I'm not trying to be mean. This just doesn't make any sense to me.

Unless this airsoft pistol has the exact same weight, and length dimensions as it's real life loaded counterpart, then I don't see the benefit of training with it in lieu of a real weapon.

If you already have the weapon, why not just use that instead? There are weights that you can use to replace a magazine with live ammo for training such as this. There are also products that replace the barrel, to make it non-functioning, so you can use a magazine, with live rounds.

I simply do not think you will get the level of training you are looking for with an airsoft weapon.
Re: Airsoft?

I don't know about the other's on this forum, but I have gotten a lot of benefit from using airsoft for weapons training. I have an AR model airsoft gun and it's great for practicing speed reloading without having a real gun (or causing wear on the gun). Also for sight acquisition, firing stance, transitions, ETC. Plus it can help with trigger flinch almost as much (if not as much) as dry firing a gun, but it's a lot less likely to freak people out (orange tip). It can be used to practice hand to hand combat, firefights, etc.

P.S. my model (and any worthwhile one) has realistic weight and dimensions, and functions and disassembles as close to the real one as feasible (very close).
Re: Airsoft?

I don't see anything wrong with using airsoft for some training purposes. Some smaller LE agencies simply can't afford to purchase tons of live ammo and many do not have access to ranges or shoot houses anytime they want.
They are okay to use just to practice for entries and room clearing, that sort of thing, but they are definitely not a substitute for the real thing.
Re: Airsoft?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ArmaHeavy</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: In da weeds</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ArmaHeavy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How will it help you?</div></div>
Like Sunnyside said, weapon transition, fast draws, rapid sight acquisition. Its an hour drive for me to the range and on the weekends when I have time to go, all the steel targets are usually in use. Im just looking for an alternative that may be useful.. </div></div>

I'm not trying to be mean. This just doesn't make any sense to me.

Unless this airsoft pistol has the exact same weight, and length dimensions as it's real life loaded counterpart, then I don't see the benefit of training with it in lieu of a real weapon.

If you already have the weapon, why not just use that instead? There are weights that you can use to replace a magazine with live ammo for training such as this. There are also products that replace the barrel, to make it non-functioning, so you can use a magazine, with live rounds.

I simply do not think you will get the level of training you are looking for with an airsoft weapon. </div></div>

There are several that are made to look exactly like the weapon they are made after. I have an airsoft glock at home that looks just like a real one. The trigger feels exactly like the real thing and wieght of a real one as well. The balance of it even feel like the real one. It cycles the slide like a real one. If I am not mistaken the slide from it will even fit on the real model frame. I don't have the same one for my carry so I can't test to see but I think I read it will. I will take a picture of it when I get home next to my carry weapon. I like to use it for drawing, sight picture and trigger control. I got this one from a friend for free but when they were being sold they cost $300-$400 so it wasn't a cheap toy. It is very authentic in nearly every way though.

If it is not something like this then I agree it is a waste of time and money. They also make simunition guns that use a paintball style ammo. It has a cartrage like a real gun the even ejects like a real one that my department uses for training for building clearing and other shoot don't shoot situations. They say it is a shoot don't shoot situation but it almost always is a shoot situation espeacially when you are in the academy.
Re: Airsoft?

I just saw a video from Travis Haley about using airsoft to help build the mussel memory and practice proper techniques without spending time and money you might not have. Take a look at his website its he makes some good points.

Its not that I hate airsoft its just the airsoft people that I cant handle.
Re: Airsoft?

i have never used airsoft but when training for sprouting clays. i would get my beretta teensy and put a ming maglite 2 watt in the barrel. (slides in perfectly) and practice picking spots on various parts of the walls and items and walking around and practice quick draws for accuracy on bringing the gun up and already being on target. This was a trick my coach told me to do. i imagine you could do the same thing with a bore-sighting laser. walk through your house select targets and practice draw.
Re: Airsoft?

Im new to the forum so I post cautiosly, however I have to comment here. I have been a LEO for a little over 10 years and a firearms and tactics instructor for most of that. I also have military in my background. I have taught a few basic SWAT schools and I have used my personal collection of airsoft numerous times. This is do mostly to the cost. I have 11 M4 platforms, 4 MP5s, 12 1911 style pistols and several others for OPFOR weapons. The base cost of my cheapest M4 is 350 dollars. They operate well and I have had very positive feedback from students on course critiques. I would research alot before you buy but I believe there is benefit in ANY type of training with ANY type of tool. You can find an exact replica for most any weapon platform. It may also interest others to know that I have seen Safariland put on holster training utilizing gas powered airsoft pistols. Good luck.
Re: Airsoft?

My rate limiting step is target transitions when I shoot pistol. I think that using airsoft has helped. Plus a 6mm plastic pellet is much more economical than a 45acp projectile. Plus my neighbors don't complain (yet) about airsoft; pretty sure they would with live fire.
Re: Airsoft?

Not to mention playing airsoft is a good way to test out your skills against people. There's no gun you can fire safely at people without making it paintball or airsoft and airsoft errs on the more realistic side. Whether playing dumb ass kids that don't know a thing about gun fighting to military and LE current and vets and everyone in between, you get some feeling for fighting people with weapons. With the right group of people, airsoft can be very rewarding and useful as a training tool.
Re: Airsoft?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: In da weeds</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ArmaHeavy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How will it help you?</div></div>
Like Sunnyside said, weapon transition, fast draws, rapid sight acquisition. Its an hour drive for me to the range and on the weekends when I have time to go, all the steel targets are usually in use. Im just looking for an alternative that may be useful.. </div></div>

I think the better airsofts would be a good way to do the muscle memory exorcises but shooting a good quality air pistol/air rifle will get you more productive results as far as marksmanship skills go.

I attribute the successes I've had with firearms competitions directly to training and competition with airguns.
Re: Airsoft?

Airsofts are An effective training tool and are used at the Illinois police training institute in champaign. The only thing you do not get is the recoil.
Re: Airsoft?

yes i see nothing wrong with using an airsoft pistol that matches your real pistol because they make them identical these days and very close in weight aswell. ive actually got a bolt action one and cant say its worthless. seems like some guys on here are knockin it before they try it.
Re: Airsoft?

Is it a substitute for live fire practice? No

Is live fire practice always a better alternative? Yes

Is live fire always available? No

Is airsoft or some sort of replica a good way to practice when you cant get out? Yes.

I know is USPSA the japanese mainly practice with airsoft stuff and many of them come over to the US year after year and kick butt.
Re: Airsoft?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mission_fail</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Not to mention playing airsoft is a good way to test out your skills against people. There's no gun you can fire safely at people without making it paintball or airsoft and airsoft errs on the more realistic side. Whether playing dumb ass kids that don't know a thing about gun fighting to military and LE current and vets and everyone in between, you get some feeling for fighting people with weapons. With the right group of people, airsoft can be very rewarding and useful as a training tool.</div></div>

I double tapped my wife from about 25 yds. At 330 ft/s propelled by green gas, she was unhappy and made me hand over the gun so she could shoot me.
Re: Airsoft?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kentactic</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> ive actually got a bolt action one and cant say its worthless. seems like some guys on here are knockin it before they try it. </div></div>

I know how that goes. I had a bolt gun for a season and playing airsoft in a "sniper" role was the most fun I've ever had.

I can't say as I would AGREE that it is a necessary or incredibly useful training tool, but it beats the hell out of video games, and I think that mastering any shooting skill is a good thing.

Re: Airsoft?

maybe you guys will know this. i see a few airsoft items that say they fit a 20mm rail. when i measure a rail, a short accessory rail, i find its not 20mm which is 2 Centimeters = 0.7874015748 Inches. basically i just want to try out a cheap AFG2 to see if i like it. these look like knock offs but maybe they are made to fit only airsoft and that prevents them from being crossed over. just a thought. thanks
Re: Airsoft?

AXEMAN, i know what you are talking about and have run into the issue a few times. Usually I just get a good bolt and clamp the crap out of it and it stays. Also the bolt keeps it from sliding anyway since it locks into the rail. Has worked for me. You can also shim it if you felt like it.
Re: Airsoft?

infantry privates at Ft Benning are trained on urban ops, enter and clear a room, and a few other skills using Airsoft M4's and bad guy balloons, they can be a small tool in a training regime, jus sayin
Re: Airsoft?

I know a lot of the guys I airsoft with actually use lead weights inside the polymer housing to mimic the real weight and balance of their real steel weapons. Most are ex-military with backgrounds ranging from ARNG pencil pushers who have never been deployed to a couple of Force Recon Marines who have been in real combat (Bosnia, Iraq, a few other undisclosed places).
I agree with most in that airsoft is no substitute for live fire. BUT it is as close as you can get without real bullets.
Re: Airsoft?

Hey guys,
Decent airsoft replicas cost anywhere from $150 on up.
The main differences between the replicas are the exterior design/quality, velocity, Rate of fire, accuracy, and internal reliability/design.(most of which can be upgraded.)

Just like with real guns, there are the cheap weapons sold to the masses, and higher end items you must do the research to find. (I.E. DMPS vs. Les Baer)

The differences between airsoft and real guns:
1, Higher ROF (upgraded guns usually shoot 25-35 bbs-a-second)
2, More ammo in mags (typical M4 variant "midcap" mags hold 120-160 bbs)
3, Lower accuracy (dependent on distance),
4, Slower lock time (w/ electric gearboxes),
5, Slower velocity (about 400fps most fields),
6, Completely different ballistics (look up "hop-up"),
7, Low maximum effective range (about 200' for carbines & 250-300 for DMRs),
8, Lower cost (dependent on what you want...),
9, And VERY little, to virtually NO recoil.

IMO, airsoft is an excellent training tool when your playing scenarios at a <span style="text-decoration: underline">decent</span> designated field/facility, it gets your heart rate up, trains your reflexes/muscle memory, and your decision making process under stress.

I understand the main conversation here is about shooting at stationary targets, but the biggest advantage to me is competing with people.

Take these videos for example:
<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>

If you want to give it a go, find a field/facility in your area by looking online and check it out. Don't get a rental gun, YOU WILL get a horrible first impression.
IF you like the field in your area, do some research and get a decent gun (i.e. KWA, ICS, G&G, G&P, CA).

Some options on airsoft stores are:,,

And a good airsoft forum:

Hope this helps guys, give it a shot.