
HMFIC of this Shit
Staff member
  • Apr 12, 2001
    Base of the Rockies
    Hanging out enjoying the views

    Wow, what an incredible trip to Alaska! Was it a hunting trip, was it a float, well it was really just an education for me. I’m a city guy, and my Marine Corps time is well in the rearview mirror. I honestly can’t remember the last time I went camping, let alone doing anything like I did this past week. How it really came about is all about one person, Karin Hendrickson.

    I met Karin at the Sheep Creek Lodge near Willow several years ago. The story is quite comical in many ways but far too long to write about now. If you don’t know Karin, you need to google her story because it’s insane on its own. She is an Iditarod Musher who has entered the race 9 times now. But that is only 1/2 her story; after her 4th race, she was hit by a car head-on...

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    Wow, Frank, what a journey. I really enjoyed the read and your photos are also spectacular. Damn, shooting a 10mm handgun at a charging Grizzly. Fuck, you can keep that. I had a little black bear piss on my tent once when I was canoeing in Canada and that was excitement enough. Glad your back in one piece and it sounds like a good bit better off in the soul for the experience.