An opportunity to share anything about you that may let people know you better. -
My name is Gary Kemper (Sr. ) . I live in Farmingtom Mo.
I am a self-employed painter , mostly new trim packages on residential construction and repaints on interiors of existing dwellings. Some light commercial.
Just finished recently the interior of a U.S. Congressman's headquarters here in town. I am 65 years old and have been painting since I was 15. I spent 3 years in the military being officially sworn in 4 days after my 17th birthday. With 30 days leave saved, I served the 3 years I volunteered for and was still 19 years old for a month after coming home.
My job as a businessman ,for as long as I can remember, is stress free. 42 years of collecting every penny ever owed me and not a single thing filed against me is a record I'm proud of. Of ,course I don't have to deal with the general public to the degree some might think. The last several years is basically ,bid the job , they say yes, and I go paint for 5 or 6 hours. If they are Democrat I will most likely not work for them. My generation of business acquaintances has been dwindling but I work with my son and he knows everybody through his social life. I never had the time or money in my earlier years to do what he does outside work.
I let my son do the driving at work and I sit in the passenger seat and scope out the scenery for places that I can pull some silver out of the ground if I take the time to do it. I also have an ebay hobby as well as an auction hobby that my son and I enjoy doing together. I am fortunate that everything blends together and I simplify my hobbies as well as my work by mentally dealing with the complexities so the execution stays simple, if that makes any sense. I don't have to work or practice my hobbies for an income.
My wife and I live in a smaller home here in town on about an acre of ground. We could move out by the golf course, but we don't golf.
I'm somewhat of a cheapskate and I blame that on being poor in my earlier years. I was an ugly kid and nobody wanted to play with me . I get no respect, I'm telling you, no respect . Mom would take me to the park to play on the see-saw and I had to run from one end to the other. 
My name is Gary Kemper (Sr. ) . I live in Farmingtom Mo.
I am a self-employed painter , mostly new trim packages on residential construction and repaints on interiors of existing dwellings. Some light commercial.
Just finished recently the interior of a U.S. Congressman's headquarters here in town. I am 65 years old and have been painting since I was 15. I spent 3 years in the military being officially sworn in 4 days after my 17th birthday. With 30 days leave saved, I served the 3 years I volunteered for and was still 19 years old for a month after coming home.
My job as a businessman ,for as long as I can remember, is stress free. 42 years of collecting every penny ever owed me and not a single thing filed against me is a record I'm proud of. Of ,course I don't have to deal with the general public to the degree some might think. The last several years is basically ,bid the job , they say yes, and I go paint for 5 or 6 hours. If they are Democrat I will most likely not work for them. My generation of business acquaintances has been dwindling but I work with my son and he knows everybody through his social life. I never had the time or money in my earlier years to do what he does outside work.
I let my son do the driving at work and I sit in the passenger seat and scope out the scenery for places that I can pull some silver out of the ground if I take the time to do it. I also have an ebay hobby as well as an auction hobby that my son and I enjoy doing together. I am fortunate that everything blends together and I simplify my hobbies as well as my work by mentally dealing with the complexities so the execution stays simple, if that makes any sense. I don't have to work or practice my hobbies for an income.
My wife and I live in a smaller home here in town on about an acre of ground. We could move out by the golf course, but we don't golf.