I have two sets of Seekins 30mm lows. One set is like new.
The other set has a bit of rust on the cap screws from using them hunting in the weather. Nothing that effects function at all. Also has some white residue in the 30mm diameter. I can’t feel it, not sure what it is but brake cleaner doesn’t remove it. Still nothing that effects function.
100 shipped for the pristine
95 shipped for the hunted pair.
180 shipped for both sets!
The other set has a bit of rust on the cap screws from using them hunting in the weather. Nothing that effects function at all. Also has some white residue in the 30mm diameter. I can’t feel it, not sure what it is but brake cleaner doesn’t remove it. Still nothing that effects function.
100 shipped for the pristine
95 shipped for the hunted pair.
180 shipped for both sets!