Re: Allegheny Sniper Challenge
Snowfall in area near ASC measured at 180" this year.
On the trainup(in case you haven't checked your e-mail):
First: "The cost of the train up is $100. It would be very much appreciated if those of you that have already indicated an interest in the train up could confirm your intentions by return email. Obviously, anyone else that would like to attend should do the same. The train up and match fee should go to the same address/ payee." from the e-mail.
Now the good stuff: We are fortunate to have Ed Shell(Verns chosen successor to continue Central Va. Tactical), George Gardner of G.A. precision, and Jered Joplin of American Precision Arms coming to provide top quality instruction in the basics of long range shooting. These guys have an impressive history of taking the trophy home at the end of the weekend at ASC. I have seen them in action several times now and can say it will be a worthwhile day spent for those who can make it. As for round count, I can't imagine you wanting to bring more than 50 rounds for this.