** I am moving this thread because a week after this episode... a new one came out. Now my Spidey Sense is wondering.... why???? ** See below.
Last night's American Experience on PBS. Generally an outstanding show that portrays some amazing events in U.S. History very well.
This is their take on the Oklahoma City Bombing. It delves deeply into the precursor events like Ruby Ridge and Waco, and how it shaped what they refer to as the "Gun Loving" far right in the U.S.
Historically, they have put together a very interesting narrative. But at the same time, they have also subtly presented the story in ways that makes it look like McVeigh and his insanity are representative of the same people who voted for Trump and place our faith in the Constitution.
McVeigh was bat***t crazy and was no better than the folks who shoot up Orlando nightclubs, Charleston Churches or Belgian train stations. It's mental illness, not a misguided political agenda.
But the way that the show is presented is very subtly aimed at making the 'right' in the USA look like the cause of OK City.
I also found it interesting that several segments almost seemed like both a roadmap and a 'dare' to the Alt.left types (who are the natural denizens of Public Broadcasting) that 'here is how to attack an unjust government. At least one segment screamed: "Hey Lefties, read the Turner Diaries because here's a good recipe for a Ryder device that you can use at your next Milo protest."
Overall, I love American Experience. And this documentary was worth watching. But I found some of the subtleties... or at least what I perceived to be subtleties, to be a bit disturbing. Probably nothing. Probably just my over-analyzing. But, then again, this is what your tax dollars are funding at Public Broadcasting... And maybe it's not a neutral look at history as it tries to present itself.
Quidvis recte factum quamvis humile praeclarum
"You went full nerd with that reference." Thanks, I will wear that as a badge of honor!
Last night's American Experience on PBS. Generally an outstanding show that portrays some amazing events in U.S. History very well.
This is their take on the Oklahoma City Bombing. It delves deeply into the precursor events like Ruby Ridge and Waco, and how it shaped what they refer to as the "Gun Loving" far right in the U.S.
Historically, they have put together a very interesting narrative. But at the same time, they have also subtly presented the story in ways that makes it look like McVeigh and his insanity are representative of the same people who voted for Trump and place our faith in the Constitution.
McVeigh was bat***t crazy and was no better than the folks who shoot up Orlando nightclubs, Charleston Churches or Belgian train stations. It's mental illness, not a misguided political agenda.
But the way that the show is presented is very subtly aimed at making the 'right' in the USA look like the cause of OK City.
I also found it interesting that several segments almost seemed like both a roadmap and a 'dare' to the Alt.left types (who are the natural denizens of Public Broadcasting) that 'here is how to attack an unjust government. At least one segment screamed: "Hey Lefties, read the Turner Diaries because here's a good recipe for a Ryder device that you can use at your next Milo protest."
Overall, I love American Experience. And this documentary was worth watching. But I found some of the subtleties... or at least what I perceived to be subtleties, to be a bit disturbing. Probably nothing. Probably just my over-analyzing. But, then again, this is what your tax dollars are funding at Public Broadcasting... And maybe it's not a neutral look at history as it tries to present itself.
Quidvis recte factum quamvis humile praeclarum
"You went full nerd with that reference." Thanks, I will wear that as a badge of honor!