As a Swede, I would just like to state that there is not much wrong with swedes in general. The problem is that the current government is put together on a frail agreement between a few partys that are not used to working together. This means that few new political changes can pass and they are pretty much stuck on bickering at eachother. All this while the Swedish Policeforce has the biggest dropp of in history, as officers are underpayed and highly overworked and gangcrime and violence is rising. Its not a pretty picture.
Gangcrime is not new, and I grew up in a rougher part of the town where I live. But 25 years ago, if you did something wrong in those circles, a beating or a stabing would be the usual result. Today they have shot people in the face in bright daylight, in the streets with kids playing 20 meters away. That shit might be expected in Chicago or similar, but it is not something Swedes are used to, and not something that we would ever want to get used to.
The amnesty to turn in granades were put into action this past winter and it was not very effective (can you imagine). Since then, several explosions has occured and a few handgrenades has been found in places where you really dont want to have them. I think it was last summer that a man got killed since he found a handgrenade in the street and decided to pick it up and turn it into the police, it exploded in his hand on his way to the station. Hell, last year some fuckwad blew up the entrance to the local police department building with a huge home made bomb. They havent finished the repairs on the building yet.