Do you realize how dumb you look to those who actually know how this shit works?
I'm ok with that. I don't know exactly how that shit works.
I mean, maybe you're a RSE, maybe you know the ins and outs of all the different detection mechanisms employed on these ships, maybe you know all about the operating systems that drive them. Maybe you're totally confident that this was just a case of people not doing their damned jobs.
My concern here is, if you're right about the rules, that they should have taken some evasive action, but maybe they couldn't for one reason or another.
From the information available to a dumb civilian like me, it looks like they didn't try to get out of the way. It's kind of alarming to me that two destroyers have been rammed by presumably civilian boats this year. It's also alarming that we've got planes and drones crashing and shit, too. I'm worried that we're starting to find out how fucked we are that we put made in China tech in our war implements, and just how hard Bill and company have fucked us.
I mean, Putin did go on that very calm rant about how we're making them nervous by placing anti-missile systems in Romania and other places that they feel are intended for them, and how they're developing technology that makes our shit obsolete. I would consider having the ability to turn off our destroyers and probably other things to be about right for such a statement.
It also doesn't seem like a good sign to me that the Navy has been 'paused for a day'.
Again, maybe I do look dumb. It isn't the first time, and definitely won't be the last time. I assure you, though, I am not a total fucking retard. Just look, my crypto bot has been doing great these last 515 hours. You can't do shit like that if you're a total fucking retard.
2017-08-21 20:31:28,412 INFO - [515.22] - Currently in on 67 buys, profits: 1.37980224, Percent gains: 85.26, Wins: 650, Losses: 11, Pending buys: 0, Pending sells: 0