I own a Bushnell 1600 arc. It has been a very good LRF for me. All I can relate are my own experiences. I have ranged rocks and steel out to 1700 yds with a stable position, either on a tripod, or resting on a hood, stump, etc. I can bank on 1600yd ranges if supported and relatively good weather conditions. Unsupported I can reliably get ranges on non-reflective objects out to 800+. The terrapins I've played with are fast and accurate, even unsupported, same with the Leica but to a lesser degree. I have no experience with g-force products. I am looking to upgrade to a Leica 1600-b, but only for form factor issues. The performance and optics of the bushnell are great for my purposes, bow hunting, and precision rifle target shooting. I often use the Burshnell unit mounted on a tripod to spot, yes the aperture is smallish, and the magnification is low, but the glass is plenty clear enough for useful spotting. The Bushnell has trouble with fog, snow, and heavy rain, but that's a hard nut to crack for most LRFs. Good luck.