I have a Anschutz mod 1413 54 super match that is of 1958 vintage and is topped with a period correct 20x Unertl tgt optic. It is the most accurate 22 that I own and one of the two most accurate rifles that I own. The fit, the finish and the quality is superb. I have three other rifles that come close to it:
Winchester Mod 52 with 6-24x BalVar optic - similar weight, quality and accuracy but the trigger is not as good and mine is well worn.
Remington Mod 540XR with 36x Sightron - similar accuracy but the action is lighter and flimsy and the bbl takes 10sh to warm up
Vostok CM2 with 6-24x optic - built like a Soviet tractor, rough and tough. Finish is s#!t but it shoots good. Best peeps of all of them.
But the annie outshoots them all. When it is set up and running on a calm day it is a 10x every shot. I posted a pic of a 5 shot group at 50y and a string of groups from the same tgt on the same day and a pic of the rifle. It is heavy, useless for hunting and the Unertl is very unwieldy since its fine adjustments are slow to make and tedious to mess with. It is good for one thing. Punching holes in paper. It does that job very well. So, I have to agree with the OP, the Anschutz is all that. A quality match custom rifle will still out shoot it by enough margin to matter. So, if you want a repeater and match accuracy, a Vudoo might be a better choice. Similar cost. If you want a piece of functional shooting art, the Anschutz is a good choice.