Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?


Full Member
Feb 25, 2010
CO, roughly
Not sure if this is the right subforum- mods please move as necess.

Looking to get a large working dog to accompany my 2yo, wife and I. Have plenty of time for exercise and training and lots of space to run. Had a phenomenal Siberian Husky experience- was able to find a great breeder, spent lots of time early with training and it paid off. Looking for a bit more of a sentry this time. I have a fair bit of experience around Rotties, but not in the running- too cold.

Breeds in consideration:
Belgian Malinois
Argentinian Dogo

*quality of available puppies esp with GSD's
*wife would probably like something with a littler 'softer' appearance than the above breeds- I understand there are lots of great dogs out there, and of course a standard poodle pretty much tops the list for smarts- but I don't think I could go there.
*lots of wildlife around, don't want an impossible prey drive to try to train out. But do want to keep a lion or bear away.

I am intrigued with MSD adoption...

thought I would see if I am overlooking something.

Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

I'd suggest adopt or rescue a dog that will fit your need. I have 13 dogs all rescued. most are german shepard/ rottweiler mixes. My take is there are already too many dogs out there that need a home. good luck
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

PM me for a great breeder with some new GSD pups from one of his studs and females that are top notch. He mainly breeds Mals and Dutchs and some GSD. He has a couple female Mals that are top notch when it comes to personal protection but Docile as can be around kids. His dogs and training are top notch. He's not well known or have a huge website to go to, he works soley off word of mouth, but hes been in business for about 12 years so hopefully that tells you something.
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

My wife and I have been discussing this same issue. We want a GSD, but are wary of getting a rescue GSD (or any dog) since we'll have small kids soon. Because there's simply no way to know a dog's history that is a rescue, it seems like homes with young children are not ideal for rescue animals. I grew up around stray dogs and never had an issue, but my wife has only had 1 small dog her entire life so she's worried about a rescue dog being volatile or having temperament issues around little kids.

Do we have any GSD breeders on the Hide who could weigh in on this?
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

If you want an animal extremely smart, get a Border Collie.

For protection only, personally I would get a German Shepherd Dog, Rottweiler, or the smallest would be a Black Lab. The very large breeds like a Dane, St. Barnard or Newfie are sometimes too big to have handy.

Or slightly smaller yet is what we currently have. He's a mix between a Black Lab and an American Bulldog. Since both my wife and I are retired and I'm disabled, he is mostly an indoor dog in hot or cold weather. But if my wife or I start to speak in a loud voice or if someone threatens us, he will be up on his feet between us and the aggressive person growling. He is a little smaller than the other breeds I mentioned. But at 60 pounds and over knee high to me (5 foot 9) in his back he CAN present a formidable foe when he gets angry.
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

I would steer clear of rescues if you have specific needs that you wish for your dog to fulfill. Occasionally you may find the needle in a haystack GSD or Mal that is top notch and was given up because the owners didn't realize what they were getting into with a working line dog like that and could not handle them. I wouldn't bet on it, though. My advice would be to do your due diligence by: First, talking with your wife to find out what exactly you both want. Then, research breeders and call the ones you are interested in and ask questions. They should be able to tell you about the bloodlines they are breeding and what to expect as far as drives, temperament, biddability, etc out of each of their litters. Explain to them what you are looking for and let them give you recommendations for either upcoming litters or adult dogs. A knowledgable breeder will know his/her dogs best and can give you the best chance of getting exactly what you want/asked for. I have a Czech GSD that is everything I asked for and then some. PM me if you want more specific breeder recommendations, etc.
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

I'll start by saying we have 2 GSD/Husky mix dogs that we've had since they were pups. I've also worked as a dog handler on a internationally competitive sled dog team, helping maintain over 100 dogs daily.

+1 on the Border Collie IRT to intelligence but w/ a 2 year old in the house I'm going to guess you wont have the time to constantly be working on discipline. If that is the case and you don't have the necessary 1-2 hours a day (give or take) to work on training for the first year, I would stay away from the usual working dog protective breeds. If done right they are wonderful companions but if they get bored and not fully trained/socialized they are more of a liability than anything else. Especially with your kids OUTSIDE of the house, they may have a great relationship with your family but they may not realize others as friendly (dogs or humans).

Ultimately it comes down to walking the line between easily trained, social, and good with kids while being protective enough to accomplish what you want.

Some food for thought... Good luck
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

If (or when)I were to have to replace our current dog, I'll probably go back with another GSD. Most of our dogs have been intact males. But with our 6 foot fence around the yard there is 99.99% chance none can get out and cause accidental breeding.

Our first GSD we had in the early 1970s was a BIG dog. He could put his front paws on my shoulders and look DOWN and lick my face. When he was well fed he weighed over 100 pounds and was NOT fat. He was just that big.
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

No rescues with kids. You need to start with a pup and train em. The type of dog is less important than the training. I like and use the Leerburg method. Get his DVDs and don't look back.

Check out Cane Corsos and South African Boerboels. Good for your purpose, not much hunting drive, instictively protective, and the look alone is a huge deterrent (which they can also back up). I also love GSDs, but they shed too much for me to like them in the house. Anyway, get your whole family on board with a training method and make sure they are as disciplined about it as you are, if so you will have a great dog.

A well trained dog is one of life's more rewarding and worthwhile experiences.
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

If you have the dogs in the house during the winter, I would recommend looking at the Rhodesian Ridgebacks, they are beautifully built very athletic dogs. They are short haired dogs that don't shed much, so they do very well in the summer, but will need to be in the house during the winter.

They have an imposing apperance and a good bark, but tend to be very intelligent about people and are not prone to being agressive towards people that are not a threat.

You do however need to get at least 2 as they are meant to be pack dogs and they do best with at least one more of their own breed. If you want something to protect against lions and bears, then a small pack of 3 or more would do very well, they do however have a pretty good prey drive and will go after any little furry creatures that run by them.
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: dang472</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I bred dogs all the way up to the trial.......Apparently there are laws against that sort of thing......</div></div>

Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

First, what is your budget? That will determine your next move.
I have owned a Personal Protection Dog, and currently I am training my GSD for his Schutzhund titles. PPD training and SCH training are two different things.

Do you have someone who is qualified for such exhaustive training for your future dog?

Are you aware of the added liability, training upkeep for the life of the dog?

Do not let anyone tell you a GSD, Malinois, Rottweiler, etc. will "protect you naturally", although they may, don't bet your safety on it.
"Personal Protection Dog purchasing/training is full of scam artists looking to make a buck from the ill informed public, who doesn't know what to look for.

I personally never get a dog younger than 8 months. You never know how a puppy will turn out, An 8-15 month old "green" dog can be more accurately evaluated for quality.

In closing, please go to the below link and post an intro with all questions you may have. There are many knowledgeable people/breeders that can assist you.

I would only consider a GSD or Malinois.

Two of my four current and previous dog(s)

Good luck.
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

Thanks all, lots of great input here.

I am fortunate to be a stay at home lots of time to train. Cost is not so much in the equation I don't have unlimited funds, but I can make things happen for a family member.

My Husky pup got three months of 24/7 training/fun from the day I got her- we just hiked/biked/napped and climbed for the first three months of our was awesome.

I think my wife would be happy with a GSD, but she has been exposed to a pair of improperly socialized and undertrained dogs and that is her only frame of reference. Hard to undo that.

Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

you could try a blackmouth cur. they are very territorial when they figure out the boundries of home it belongs to them. they are great with kids and very protective.
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: wayyonder</div><div class="ubbcode-body">you could try a blackmouth cur. they are very territorial when they figure out the boundries of home it belongs to them. they are great with kids and very protective.</div></div>

I have a Blackmouth Cur and what you said is true. However, the OP is looking for something that is not a natural hunter, and BMC have lots of prey drive. Mine is always killing something. Thats why I suggested my other dog, a Cane Corso. BMC do love kids though, mine doesn't even like it when I am rough with the kids. Jethro says don't mess with my girls: [img:left]
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: W54/XM-388</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If you have the dogs in the house during the winter, I would recommend looking at the Rhodesian Ridgebacks, they are beautifully built very athletic dogs. They are short haired dogs that don't shed much, so they do very well in the summer, but will need to be in the house during the winter.

They have an imposing apperance and a good bark, but tend to be very intelligent about people and are not prone to being agressive towards people that are not a threat.

You do however need to get at least 2 as they are meant to be pack dogs and they do best with at least one more of their own breed. If you want something to protect against lions and bears, then a small pack of 3 or more would do very well, they do however have a pretty good prey drive and will go after any little furry creatures that run by them.</div></div>

I second the ridgeback. My uncle has one in east Colorado. The dog is fearless when it comes to other animals. He has gotten a number of coyotes and has taken after a mountain lion at least once. He is not the brightest dog but he has heart. He leaves the chickens, ducks, and the farm cat alone. He absolutely loves to chase rabbits. He even knows not to mess with porcupine but he will let you know where they are.

They were originally bread in Africa to help with Lion so that type of behavior is engrained in them.
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

I ran a Beauceron when I was K9. A wonderful breed that you might check out. I have a Belgian Malinios now another loyal breed. The Beauceron has been my favorite dog.
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bjork</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I ran a Beauceron when I was K9. A wonderful breed that you might check out. I have a Belgian Malinios now another loyal breed. The Beauceron has been my favorite dog. </div></div>

You know, I completely forgot about this breed in my above recommendation. Super, super dog, but extremely difficult to find a good one, based on how unknown the breed is outside of their home country.
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

I'm a veterinarian and I see a lot of breeds. I know some great GSDs...but really half of them are untrustworthy. I wouldn't be going with the Belgian or Argentian (or any of the monster tough guys) either with a child around. No doubt, some do great and will never eat a child. There is no F-ing way I'd let one around my children, I don't care who claims it's righteousness. Call me a prejudiced, narrow minded prick. I've seen it.

People on this forum don't need a dog that can kick someone's *ss. I need a dog that wakes me up, I'll take care of the rest. Hands down, no doubt in my mind, the best dog for this is a Blue Heeler. Loyal to death, will not run off, great with your kids. So... some are jerks, I know. At least they won't kill and consume your child. The bad ones bite the UPS guy as he's walking away -not cool at all and worthy of a boot, but at least no one is mauled. If you can get past an intact male Blue're better man than I.

The only time I actually felt threatened by a dog was a Cain Corso. I put on a .44 in the clinic until the O came back. He tried to take my tech when her back was turned to him...on his hind legs pulling at the rope. And no, he wasn't provoked. This is the gentlest vet hospital you have ever seen.

When there are no kids around I don't butt in with my opinion. All these suggestions above from the other posters are totally valid and true. However, when there is a young child it's a different game. Some of these dogs would be totally awesome for your family, but once in a while you pay out the *ss for a perfect dog and it snaps, regardless of breed. I think having one that could actually take you or your wife is not good planning.
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

+1 from the vet

I forgot to mention one of my favorite breeds in the world though they are pricey. Its a Chinook big, capable, but really a big lover. They also have the working dog drive of a husky but not the independence.
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Miles2go</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm a veterinarian and I see a lot of breeds. I know some great GSDs...but really half of them are untrustworthy. I wouldn't be going with the Belgian or Argentian (or any of the monster tough guys) either with a child around. No doubt, some do great and will never eat a child. There is no F-ing way I'd let one around my children, I don't care who claims it's righteousness. Call me a prejudiced, narrow minded prick. I've seen it.

People on this forum don't need a dog that can kick someone's *ss. I need a dog that wakes me up, I'll take care of the rest. Hands down, no doubt in my mind, the best dog for this is a Blue Heeler. Loyal to death, will not run off, great with your kids. So... some are jerks, I know. At least they won't kill and consume your child. The bad ones bite the UPS guy as he's walking away -not cool at all and worthy of a boot, but at least no one is mauled. If you can get past an intact male Blue're better man than I.

The only time I actually felt threatened by a dog was a Cain Corso. I put on a .44 in the clinic until the O came back. He tried to take my tech when her back was turned to him...on his hind legs pulling at the rope. And no, he wasn't provoked. This is the gentlest vet hospital you have ever seen.

When there are no kids around I don't butt in with my opinion. All these suggestions above from the other posters are totally valid and true. However, when there is a young child it's a different game. Some of these dogs would be totally awesome for your family, but once in a while you pay out the *ss for a perfect dog and it snaps, regardless of breed. I think having one that could actually take you or your wife is not good planning. </div></div>

Living in farm country I see a lot of blue heelers around, and they bite more than any dog I can think of. I see your point about a heeler is not going to kill an adult, but they are definitely willing to bite. They are the dogs I most feared as a kid running around all over the countryside. I don't think a heeler needs to feel threatened to bite, I think it is bred into them. That makes them a great cattle dog, but if you have kids running around it is gonna drive a good heeler nuts.

Your point is valid though, a dog physically the size of a corso or other molasser breeds requires some dedication and discipline to handle correctly. A dog that is a hundred and forty pounds jumping up on someone out of excitement is far more than just the annoyance it would be with a small dog. The potential they have requires a responsible owner and family to be absolutely consistent in their leadership. Im sure as a vet you are constantly dealing with people who have no business owning animals of any kind. I should probably know more about a person before recommending these dogs, I get enthusiastic because they are great dogs but we have put a lot of time and effort into them. That's why my first suggestion is to check out the Leerburg training methods. The man knows what he is doing.
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

Check out various breed rescue sites. You will get more info than at a pound rescue. Rescue is a great way to go. All three of my dogs are rescues.

Dogs Argentina is very powerful, and your wife may not be able to handle it. I would suggest a breed that your wife could easily control and handle if you are not there. Good professional training with your wife working the dog will do wonders for both wife and Dog's relationship building and ability to work together.

Border collies are awesome dogs. There are plenty of good ones at rescue sites.
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

<span style="font-weight: bold">When I read the title of this thread I thought we were talking about my drunken sexual conquests on the weekends.</span>
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shankster</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><span style="font-weight: bold">When I read the title of this thread I thought we were talking about my drunken sexual conquests on the weekends.</span> </div></div>

Good one
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: milo-2</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shankster</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><span style="font-weight: bold">When I read the title of this thread I thought we were talking about my drunken sexual conquests on the weekends.</span> </div></div>

Good one

Well, I am up for all sorts of entertainment....let it roll.
If you have pics- "dog" breeding ok, not so into revisiting "hog" breeding.....
Re: Any dog breeders here? Recommendations?

Another breed to consider if you wife is looking for a "softer" dog would be a Great White Pyrenees. They are also fiercely loyal to family/property, to the point they will judge someone before you do. People think they act "aloof" - its because their independent thinkers. IMHO a golden retriever/white pyrenees mix is an awesome mutt...They have a slightly higher grooming requirement.
Of rhodensian ridgebacks - yes fiercely loyal as well, but I had a friend who had two in one household - they destroyed several other small animals including her mother's small dog & two neighbors' cats that were dumb enough to venture onto her property. They will also eat bunnies, squirrels etc.
Unless your serious about training schutzhund or IPO id go GSD. Not that a GSD is any worse for those but a Mal can be much harder to have with a family. They don't call them maligators for nothing. Very high energy and if you don't train for a sport or have a daily job for them they will be trouble.
I have an 8 month old Mal from Ot Vitosha. Ivan Babalanov has won world titles with his dogs. I have young kids and trust the dog around them. I also have spent a lot of money on books and videos/training/worked with a local trainer and am looking for another that specializes in protection sports. They are a huge commitment!

If your fine with that I definitely recommend one of Ivan's dogs

also I recommend checking out for their training videos with Michael Ellis
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I love GSD's

But if you really liked your husky and that type of dog, but just want something more protective of you and your family. Look into a karelian bear dog, (KBD) very very protective of their "pack" but very very good with people and children and other pets so long as they are raised to know cats are not for eating ;) They have little fear of anything that might be trying to harm their masters, and have been bread for 1000's of years as a hunting and protection dog by the Finns and will chase off grizzlys or die trying with out a 2ed thought if need be. Its a medium husky sized dog, and has a similar super thick double coat hair problem, (way too much of it when it blows out), similar energetic and sometimes stubborn/independent to a fault temperament, yet very intelligent and wonderful dogs. They are considered an ancient breed as well like most of the other arctic dogs so they do have a high prey drive and do like to have something to do. they are all black with white accents.

Our next dog will be a KBD or 2 lol we have a husky/mal mix currently.

KBD Pic for reference
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If you have plenty of space and patients, look at a BloodHound,intelligent,powerful,great personality,great with kids,awsome watch dogs,will chew down the house while in the puppy stage,best dog I've had,dependable and trustworthy(except for the chewing thing).
Unless your serious about training schutzhund or IPO id go GSD. Not that a GSD is any worse for those but a Mal can be much harder to have with a family. They don't call them maligators for nothing. Very high energy and if you don't train for a sport or have a daily job for them they will be trouble.
I have an 8 month old Mal from Ot Vitosha. Ivan Babalanov has won world titles with his dogs. I have young kids and trust the dog around them. I also have spent a lot of money on books and videos/training/worked with a local trainer and am looking for another that specializes in protection sports. They are a huge commitment!

If your fine with that I definitely recommend one of Ivan's dogs

also I recommend checking out for their training videos with Michael Ellis

Ivan is probably the best dog handler/trainer in the World. His dogs are top quality, but Malinois are working dogs on steroids. I bough a GSD from CHZ and it was NOT what I was told it was. Surprised!!! Be very, very careful who you buy the dog from. If Malinois is what you want Ivan is your guy. I hope this helps...
The Airedale Terrier is my suggestion. Softer looking dog than the shepherds. Good with kids. Extremely protective of family. They are very intelligent but can be misunderstood. They have no fear and every fight is to the death. I have used them for bear, lion trap line and I have never seen one back down. As for personal protection they are very capable and have been used for war dogs. My grandfather raised Airedales for the US Army in WW2. Right now I have just one, and he is our family dog. I can take him chukar hunting one day and shooting jackrabbits the next or go fishing with the family and not worry about a lion hanging around.

I think an outfit called Baeden trains Airedales for protection still.
GSD all day every day. Internationally visually recognized as protection of owner and property. Great loyaltly and intelligence.

As you have a small child I would recommend buying a puppy and avoid inheriting any unseen problems with a rescue dog.
I'd suggest adopt or rescue a dog that will fit your need. I have 13 dogs all rescued. most are german shepard/ rottweiler mixes. My take is there are already too many dogs out there that need a home. good luck

What he said, in spades. NO dog more loyal than the one saved from a shelter.
"*lots of wildlife around, don't want an impossible prey drive to try to train out."

That eliminates your top two breeds. Don't know anything about the thrid.

For a working GSD, talk the these folks.

Be aware there's a lot of GSD's out there that are breed for shows and should not even be considered GSD's.

Dobermans are good dogs too. A good doby would likely make a better watch dog. A good GSD would likely make a better guard dog. They're not the same task and typically a dog that's good at one is not very good at the other. Example: My GSD acts more like a cat. He'll watch w/o fear (he has Zero fear in his heart). No barking, but he'll gladly grab something and eat it's lunch (or eat it for lunch). Doby will grawl and bark at people, but he's not the one to beware of. He'll bite too, but with fear in his heart.

Edit: How bout a GSD with Malinois drive. I have a son of Wasko.
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I second the Rhodesian Ridgeback suggestion. They are incredible family dogs. Need a lot of attention and activity and will stick by your side. They don't bark unless somethings up. Depending on male or female, size/weight difference can be up to about 40-50lbs. Females would be on the smaller side. Ours is 13 months and just hit 72lbs. Just took ours to a Ridgeback get together for a hike on a ranch nearby and the biggest male was around 125 lbs. When talking my wife into the breed all I had to do was show her puppy pictures and a bunch of youtube clips to get to see the breed. Whatever you decide on, be careful of puppy mills. Some that I have come across have such horrid conditions that they will not even allow you to come an pick up a puppy at their property and have to meet elsewhere. Always a bad sign.
Slight more on the manly side and another great family dog already mentioned, the Boerboel/South African Mastiff. Lots of breeders out there thesedays.
I wanted a white GSD but, also wanted an inside dog that didn't shed bad. That put the GSD out of the running. My wife mentioned a Weimeraner and I jumped at the chance. We brought home Zeb a few weeks ago at 7 weeks old. He has been a ball of energy. But, he is already picking up commands seemingly fast. Looking forward to him being a great family dog and guard dog while I'm traveling.
I'm a GSD guy, always have been, always will be, but they're not for everyone. Reputable breeding and committed training are mandatory, there is no room for BYB's for this type of dog. A GOOD breeder is your best friend when selecting a dog for your family, they know the breed, the parents and the pups and can tell you if they have what your looking for. Properly breed Working line GSD's CAN be great family dogs but you better know what your getting into before you open your wallet. I've seen many a dog turned back to a breeder as being uncontrollable or strung too tight when in fact their awesome dogs, just not what the buyer expected. Any working breed can be a handful, they NEED to be worked, trained and appreciated for what they're good at doing, give them a job, train them, then prepare to be amazed with how awesome they can be. Leave them to come up with something to do on their own and they will destroy EVERYTHING in your entire house while your taking a dump in the upstairs bathroom.