I am a modestly successful gardener, on occasions. Sometimes things grow and I get vegetables, other times I just get a headache.
I enjoy the ability to split logs and tend to a garden as a welcome break from having to be immersed in legal issues all day.
If you only know how to shoot, but not how to garden, butcher game, or tend to livestock, you're really only preparing to loot and raid other people. It is important to be well-rounded with the skills needed to sustain yourself, so you aren't even tempted to resort to looting or raiding. I don't want to wind up in a position to even contemplate looting or raiding other people, so I do try to improve my garden and my hand at gardening each season.
Folks should consider that, if your friends spend all of their time and energy/money on guns and shooting, with zero focus on gardening, homesteading, hunting, trapping, fishing, canning, preserving, guess what they are going to do when the nationwide food supply takes a hit.