Getting a FFL in NJ... There aren't too many states that are less gun friendly and in Bergan County non the less. Since you have to get the town's blessing you're fighting an uphill battle from the beginning. I'd REALLY think about that route very hard and what you really expect to get out of it.
Just going through one of your ideas about modifying standard capacity magazines. I may have missed it but they (NJ) doesn't spell out what they consider a legally blocked magazine, many of their laws are vague on purpose. You may also want to talk to a lawyer who specializes in gun laws to see what issues you may face. You may also want some sort of insurance to cover you ass which adds to the cost of ownership. As a fellow NJ peasant I think you're F'N NUTS to do this as a hobby. If you do it for a living and set up in the right spot you can do well since many in NJ and NY have no problem paying top dollar, but as a hobby it'll be a money pit at best.
Just going through one of your ideas about modifying standard capacity magazines. I may have missed it but they (NJ) doesn't spell out what they consider a legally blocked magazine, many of their laws are vague on purpose. You may also want to talk to a lawyer who specializes in gun laws to see what issues you may face. You may also want some sort of insurance to cover you ass which adds to the cost of ownership. As a fellow NJ peasant I think you're F'N NUTS to do this as a hobby. If you do it for a living and set up in the right spot you can do well since many in NJ and NY have no problem paying top dollar, but as a hobby it'll be a money pit at best.