Hey guys, I am 16 and have dreamed of being scout sniper since I was 10, any tips to help me out? Also is a 270 or 25-06 better for long range shooting??
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I have 6 brothers in military, but I am nervous about all the requirements for scout sniper school. I want to do everything I can to improve my chances of making it.
I suggest you rethink what you want an what you think you know.Hey guys, I am 16 and have dreamed of being scout sniper since I was 10, any tips to help me out? Also is a 270 or 25-06 better for long range shooting??
Thank you. You have to be a lance corporal before you can apply for scout sniper school. Which my older brother who has been in the USMC for two years just got. So you pretty much have to be in for two or more years to apply for the school. I will also try out that ammo.My son finished 6 years in the Army a year or so ago, he got selected for his units sniper section and got through Army Sniper training in Ft Benning (yea I know scout sniper is USMC). Here is what I saw my son experience, first my impression is less ink (tattoos) is a good thing, be in good shape for USMC Boot Camp, push ups-pull ups-sit ups-3 mile runs etc. I think scout snipers get trained to call in artillery and maybe air, pay attention to math basic trig, it might make some schooling a little easier. Understanding drops and wind effects on bullet flight will help get you up to speed on what you have to learn. I don't know if USMC sends you straight to Scout Snipper school so you may have to try out for it from your infantry unit, my suggestion get the GOUGE on how they do it currently. Fitness - Fitness - Fitness - Squared Away - Squared Away - Squared Away. I have 4 270's different configurations, try Federal Fusion 150 ammo (not to pricey) generally accurate in my rifles and maybe an inexpensive MIL dial up scope (Vortex Diamonback Tactical). Good Luck !!!!
My six brothers before tried everything with them, but they don’t like the military ( say there are to many bad influences) so anything to do with it they are against. We deer hunt so we are able to shoot, but not anything to do with military.
Ok, thank you. I will look into that.Local youth shooting programs are not military connected - you might be interested in the Olympics.
What did you mean by this?I suggest you rethink what you want an what you think you know.
My six brothers before tried everything with them, but they don’t like the military ( say there are to many bad influences) so anything to do with it they are against. We deer hunt so we are able to shoot, but not anything to do with military.
There is life after hunting men for a living, when your young, but what kind of life is that? My son wanted to do what I did in the Army an he an I almost went to blows before I convinced him he was not going to do that. You have to live with what you do/did all your life ever how long it is. I was not going to allow that to happen to him. Being out an about is not all it's cracked up to be, trust me. No matter how many storys you hear or movies you watch, it's not real until real bullets are flying at you an your support just went tits up. Think long an hard about what you want to do, don't base/bet your life on what you perceive as glory, because there is no glory in hunting armed men.What do you mean?
I don’t want to be scout sniper because of glory, the reason that I want to join military is to, one serve my country, two because i think that every male over age 18 who phisicaly able should have to join for at least two years, just like other country’s, because if everyone has military experience the country is almost impossible to subdue, because if everyone knows how to fight then even if you overcome the military, you have to kill pretty much the entire population as well. And sniping is something that I have loved for a long time, so that is what I want to do, and since scout snipers are the best, I want to go to that school.There is life after hunting men for a living, when your young, but what kind of life is that? My son wanted to do what I did in the Army an he an I almost went to blows before I convinced him he was not going to do that. You have to live with what you do/did all your life ever how long it is. I was not going to allow that to happen to him. Being out an about is not all it's cracked up to be, trust me. No matter how many storys you hear or movies you watch, it's not real until real bullets are flying at you an your support just went tits up. Think long an hard about what you want to do, don't base/bet your life on what you perceive as glory, because there is no glory in hunting armed men.
because there is no glory in hunting armed men.
That is also true. Snipers are a vital part of any military. You can almost do more damage with one good sniper,then a whole platoon of boots.The flip side is your job is overwatch, take out A H that want to kill your buddies. Not glory, a precision skill to help keep dangerous actors further away from your guys.
Read Ed Kugler "Dead Center" and and learn how a radio is a scout snipers deadliest weapon. Calling in air or artillery is a big part of skill set.You can almost do more damage with one good sniper,then a whole platoon of boots.
Check your ego at the door and be the best student you can be, absorb everything they teach you. in what little off time you have, practice what you’ve been taught until you can do it without thinking. Others will be running out to eat, drink, chase women, act the fool.....be the guy who is training in your off time. It pays off.
as far as pt....run, run, run. pushups, situps, pull ups. flutter kicks like a mofo. repeat. dont play with weights....muscle mass is a liability. you want endurance strength. training wise...one day at a time. dont think about tomorrow or the day after that. and as was said....NEVER quit. be that guy that they’d have to kill to stop.
Now that sounds fun!Being in charge is cool. Nothing more ego satisfying than an awesome live fire that you planned out and executed where you hammer the living snot out of something.
Have the pigs singing as they are throwing down tracers 20 yards in front of you from 400 yards out, blow the bangelors and have dirt clods rain down on you, send the breach squad in through the gap and setup a base of fire, push the rest of the squads through and leap frog by the breach element and then fire and maneuver over the obj as the support position shifts fire just ahead of you. Put demo in the bunkers and pull off as you blow the bastards sky high. Cruise back to the objective rally point, open and chug that can of warm Diet Coke you saved all week and put another dip of Copenhagen in!
But to each his own!![]()
So I want to go into either lawyering or the FBI.Hi,
Let me ask you a question or two but coming from another angle for you.
1. What do you plan to do once you are out of the Military?
2. You do realize there are very few vocations that will utilize the direct skill set you are talking about?
2B. Most of those will require you to get out of the Military well before your retirement age.
Contrary to popular belief you are not going to just jump right onto a SWAT Team or shit like that.
Also not really grasping as to how your parents are against Military but yet you have 6 brothers serving....
Keep out of trouble, get good grades, dont do drugs, dont knock some girl up, and PT your ass off. Dont worry about trying to learn to shoot as you may start to develop bad habits. Enlisting is a great idea. Not everyone is ready for college right after high school adn this will aid in getting your head on straight and focusing on whats important. Plus you will get a ton of college money and being a veteran will help immensely with getting jobs after college especially if you want to be a Special Agent.So I want to go into either lawyering or the FBI.
For me it isn’t about using the military to help me get somewhere in life, it is about serving my country one, and also getting the disciplines thought in the military.
And as for my family, well my parents, as I said, are against the military because of the bad influences there, but I have two uncles and a grandpa who were all in the military, on top of that my older brothers didn’t like life at home so joining the military was the easiest way out, and after my oldest brother joined all the others have followed suit.
I don’t have money to buy another rifle, so the 270 and 25-06 are the only high powered rifles I have, except for a lever action 30-30. So I was just wondering Which one was the best to practice with.
I do have a twenty-two that I shoot a lot. I spend a lot of time In the woods, it used to be a game with my brothers and I to see who could build the best shelter in the fastest time from scratch, nothing but a machete and the trees, fire building used to be every day in the winter.can light a fire with flint with one strike. I have a job working at a resort, with maintenance, so I mow grass, weedeat,fix toilets, fix busted pipes that freeze in winter, a little bit of work on cars, and when I run out of things to do outside, my sister put me to work scrubbing toilets.Do you have a .22.
Use your .22 and just work on fundamentals.
Get so good with your .22 that you are an instinctive shooter. You dont know why or how, you just know when you line up the sights on your .22 you will hit.
Do this with iron sights as well as scopes if you can.
Pay attention to wind and weather and try to note when you instinctively use Kentucky windage.
Just have fun shooting your .22 and enjoy being 16. I was very mean to small birds when I did this, please use cans, plastic bottles and other small reactive targets.
A lot can change from 16 to the time you may enlist - might as well make yourself a good practical shooter if you abandon your present goal.
Beyond that get outside and into the woods.
Get comfortable in the woods. Just have fun and be 16 in the woods.
Dont play "Army". Work on "How comfortable can I make myself in Nature?"
Get a compass and see if you can coordinate it with a map of your local woods.
Can you have fun building shelter? Can you light a fire? Can you wash in a cold stream? Ever took a dump in the woods? Do you know how to hygiene after doing so? 99 percent of your peers dont.
Have fun in the woods. If your goals change at least you are able to help yourself in natural conditions.
Have fun building plastic models or useful things from scratch with wood. As you are interested in the military buy up some Tamiya tank models and learn to read and follow directions. Develop an attention to detail and strive to build the cleanest most perfect model you can. Paint those suckers and work to pay attention to the details, Never be happy until its perfect and if its not perfect, just have fun as a 16 year old, buy another model, learn from what you were unhappy about last time and try again. Build some sort of box or cabinet for mom or yourself to store shit. Take a shop class in metal working and build a lamp. Learn to solder a copper pipe. If your goals change at least you will be able to read/follow directions and build stuff that requires attention to detail and delicate skill.
Get away from the xbox and get outside. Have fun being 16 and play a sport or run. Develop hand/eye coordination and avoid the bad physical conditioning that lots of kids are in today. I realize this will be tough and it will require self discipline and motivation but if nothing else should your goals change you will have self discipline/motivation as well hopefully gained a lifetime habit of taking care of your health.
Strive to be the 16 year old friend that other friends and family can rely on. If someone tells you to be somewhere at 4:00 pm than make it a habit to be there at 3:45. 99 percent of the human population cant do this so if you make it your habit should your goals change at least you are the guy that waits on others and can be depended on rather than the other way around. People that are not there when they are supposed to be are no help.
Become the 16 year old that teachers beam at. Assignments turned in on time, neat and legible. You may not always get the solutions right but if your work is neat and shows effort you are 99 percent ahead of your peers. Focus on the present goal of getting the best education you can right now not some goal that may or may not change two or three years from now. Learn to be oriented to the task at hand and for you, right now, thats school.
Get a job. Pick up some work no matter how shitty it is. The crappier the better in fact. Get that job than focus on being the worker always on time, the worker that doesnt call in sick, and the worker that is appropriately attired and prepared for the work at hand. At your job think two steps above what ever your assignment is. Try to learn the job of your supervisor. If you finish your assigned work dont wait for another assignment. Assign yourself a task that gets the follow on or next days work started. Learning to assign yourself work assures you do work you want to do rather than having a supervisor assign you work just to keep you busy that will likely suck to do. Dont bitch and complain about conditions or slacking co workers. Be happy someone is paying you and only worry about what you can control - yourself. But be 16, dont work all the time. Go to the beach or movies and hopefully meet a chick at work you can take with you. If nothing ekse should your goals change you will have some money in your pocket, maybe a car, and certainly a good work ethic.
Read history and understand the workings of your government. If your goals should stay the same you will know the mistakes of the past, recognize where they repeat and be able to see clouds on the horizon. If your goals stay the same as the actual implement of forcing government policy and a representative of me personally I expect you to be informed and educated. I want you to perform lawfully and within the bounds of the Oath you take to represent me. Just have fun being 16 yet know there is a world out there and there is not a lot of mystery on how it functions....history is a record of the future as well as the past....arm yourself now to be a functioning human in the world - 99 percent are unarmed.
So my advice is dont do anything specific to prepare for a goal that may change in two or three years. just focus on being 16 and becoming a competent person. Should your goals remain the same than you will already be well ahead of your competition.
Ive never been a sniper so take my advice for what its worth. If you do these things and your goals do change man you are going to be the person any business would want working for them.