Any tips for 16yr old who dreams of being scout sniper?

So, I am going to hijack this thread because now I have a question. How do you tell the army that you want to be a sniper because you want to kill people and not look like a complete fucking lunatic? I’m serious.

The reason I ask is because my interview with the FBI after I got my MBA. They asked me why I wanted to join the FBI and I told him because I wanted to be on the hostage rescue team and their eyes rolled back in their head and basically the interview was over.

I suspect the trick is to get in the system and let them suggest the obvious to you. Hey your high speed,a good shot and have attention to detail. Have you thought about...

I suspect that may be the case for most snipers. I can’t imagine anyone who starts out with the goal of wanting to be a sniper is going to pass the psychological exam.

You misunderstand the mission of HRT and snipers.

The mission is actually to SAVE people.

Big fail on your part.
I may not not agree with my parents on everything, but that doesn’t give you the right to talk about them like they are shit, they are still my parents and you don’t know them.

@308pirate is just testing you.

See your response is a normal, honorable action to insult showing loyalty to your parents.

but Admiral Salty Shorts is testing your metal to see if you have the sand to survive real training.

A proper sniper response would have been......

"Yeah you're probably right about my parents being too upstanding. Sometimes I envy you guys raised by two Dad's that hired a meth smoking crack whore to carry you to full term after using a turkey baster to inseminate her with their comingled cum that they sucked from each other. Have you ever tested to see if your dad was Burt or was it Ernie?"

Better toughen up kid.

Start to develop your ability for crass insult, it will be a great skill no matter where your goals take you.
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A proper sniper response would have been......

"Yeah you're probably right about my parents being too upstanding. Sometimes I envy you guys raised by two Dad's that hired a meth smoking crack whore to carry you to full term after using a turkey baster to inseminate her with their comingled cum. Have you ever tested to see if your dad was Burt or was it Ernie?"
Pretty salty....

Carry on, Marine.
I may not not agree with my parents on everything, but that doesn’t give you the right to talk about them like they are shit, they are still my parents and you don’t know them.
What gives your parents the right to denigrate an honorable profession (the profession of arms) that provides the blanket of security and freedom under which they live?

Who the fuck are they to disrespect an honorable profession with stupid, ignorant comments about it being a bad influence on people?

I know your parents' type. Lots of stupid ignorant Mennonite/amish types around where I live. None have a clue about what goes on in the world, are scared of everything different than they, and even more scared that their children will find out what they've been missing elsewhere.

Some of the finest men I've ever met I met during my time in the US Navy, including four years at the US Naval Academy and six years in active duty.

Join CMP and get your shooting (real shooting with real equipment at real ranges ) worked out.) They will loan you military weaponry, ammo, classes and coaches, cheap. Competition will push you to excel beyond your own desire.

Get some books and go to Youtube to learn the basics and know them.... reticle ranging, correcting & adjusting a rifle scope for range. Learn basic atmospherics as it applies to bullet flight, etc.

Where are you? If your close I'd be glad to help you.

Smart, strong & well behaved is where its at.

By the time I had sworn into the Corps, I had been competing at 1000 yards for 6 years, knew my math, could get a perfect score on the USMC PT test. I had memorized all my basic knowledge (taught un boot camp) etc. Set yourself up for success, NOW.
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You're parents sound like a pair of ignorant hilljacks who know absolutely fucking nothing about the world or the people in it beyond their little mennonite/amish/quaker town in the middle of nowhere.

One might read your response to this 16 YEAR OLD KID and think that maybe they should say something disparging about the way your parents raised you, if you think that is appropriate.

Come on, man....

kid is stepping forward and onto the path of service, and the reward is having someone slam on his family? Maybe they are wrong, maybe they are right. But they are americans and every one of us who have served, has done so to ensure their freedom to raise their kids according to their belief; whether we agree or not. And i am pretty sure that includes you, @308pirate.

One might read your response to this 16 YEAR OLD KID and think that maybe they should say something disparging about the way your parents raised you, if you think that is appropriate.

Come on, man....

kid is stepping forward and onto the path of service, and the reward is having someone slam on his family? Maybe they are wrong, maybe they are right. But they are americans and every one of us who have served, has done so to ensure their freedom to raise their kids according to their belief; whether we agree or not. And i am pretty sure that includes you, @308pirate.

Sniper shooting tip......Don't ever address the trigger as John Goodmans character does in the still shot of the video.
Myron !
Do not answer that... I had to call 1J04 to find out what squid squishing was.... he said it was a really deviant navy thing learned in PI that Army guys werent allowed to participate in, much less know about.
VP47 has violated navy secrets act just mentioning it here.
Dont answer..??
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am i the only one who wonders how it is 1j04 is the go-to-guy when extra freaky freaky stuff surfaces? rotflmao

10 years active navy,
3 following years working in japan,
3 following years working in PI, into
20+ in corrections.....
That's a clue.. ???

And this is his FB page pic with his gf...

Bigger clue....???

3rd clue is he burned the box she came in when he moved into his new house last week and cant send her back...
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In the service, you will be exposed to stuff like above, where me, 1J, and some others pick hard at each other in fun, and it can get pretty raunchy. That's part of the humor developed to deal with some service related daily insanity.

And you will deal with some way worse stuff than 308pirate and Mclaine said. That's also part of it.

In the service, absolutely NOTHING is sacred.

You've been given a lot of good things to think about here, and you've shown a lot of maturity. I commend you on that. Please keep the you, which you displayed in your writing here, it will carry you a long way in life.
Best to you.
Now that sounds fun!

It is fun. But in my opinion its alot more fun as the platoon sergeant. That PL knows a lot, and plays a huge huge roll in all of that. But a good experienced PSG is what's really behind that whole plan. And hes making those calls based off of multiple years of experience, not what he learned in school. What really happens is I(PSG) vet the whole plan and bring the art (experience) of it into it. My PL brings the science(school) of the fight into the plan, and then he types it all up and makes it brief well. The nitty gritty shit, the actions on objective, the way the guns behave, etc. That's all PSG work.

And that PL gets about 2 years on the line with the guys, after that he moves on to higher things. On the enlisted side you spend from e1-e7 in the platoon, and remain in the fight the entire time. I'm a young PSG and I'm at almost 8 years in.

A psg who loves his LTs, but has to give them shit constantly lol
your getting lotta valuable advice. Take it all in. A wise man has many councilors. I was Army. I had 2 buddies that were 17 in basic. One didn’t come back from Iraq. He left behind a son. The main reason he signed up was to get to know his dead dad.. a airborne ranger. He did pre-ranger and was in scouts. I often wonder if his son is gonna suffer the same fate. I don’t want to encourage or discourage. A extra year will give you more time to work on your pt, endurance, math, and street smarts. Talk to a recruiter to find the ways you can go in with more rank. In the army you can go combat mos and have specialist in 2 years. Sign up for the shortest time you can. You can always reinlist if your still determined later. If you be open minded and do something like medic you will be more desirable and find it easier to get into things like scout and recon, you will be offered more to enlist and reinlist, and you will have a usable skill that you can actually write on a resume. Be sure and pay any kicker to the g.i bill that’s offered.. better yet, tell your parents you wanna be a doctor and go to a top medical school. Ask them how will they afford to send you. Tell them the military will train you and pay for school. Check out all your options like pararescue and ranger.
I almost forgot.

Become proficient in drawing dicks on everything. And I do mean, EVERYTHING.


USMC has an MCI that is mandatory training....

enhance (1).jpg

Some rookie work here. Probably a Boot. Hasn't come into his talents yet. His use of ball stubble shows a talent for realism. Needs to develop the use of chiaroscuro though if he wants to step up his game, and using a model with priaprism is never proper unless doing self portrait work....

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Also..since it hasn't been mentioned.
While you are self training to be a Marine; do not forgot to learn to HOG hunt; because...well that is just what Marines do. They cannot help it.


And be sure to get a hog tooth and put it on a string necklace before you head off to MEPS so they know where to put you. Saves everyone time.

@THEIS did your fucking Jitterbug phone break?
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USMC has an MCI that is mandatory training....

View attachment 7018772

Some rookie work here. Probably a Boot. Hasn't come into his talents yet. His use of ball stubble shows a talent for realism. Needs to develop the use of chiaroscuro though if he wants to step up his game....

View attachment 7018773
That ain’t got shit on this one


Airborne All The Way!!!!!
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In the service, you will be exposed to stuff like above, where me, 1J, and some others pick hard at each other in fun, and it can get pretty raunchy. That's part of the humor developed to deal with some service related daily insanity.

And you will deal with some way worse stuff than 308pirate and Mclaine said. That's also part of it.

In the service, absolutely NOTHING is sacred.

You've been given a lot of good things to think about here, and you've shown a lot of maturity. I commend you on that. Please keep the you, which you displayed in your writing here, it will carry you a long way in life.
Best to you.
I can handle someone throwing shit at me, believe me you get all of my brothers together and there is a lot of of shit being thrown, but if someone starts railing on my parents for what they believe, they are no different then the fucking liberals trying to ban guns. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but if they don’t think there should be freedom of religion in this country, FUCK THEM!!

Really? You "liked" a picture of a gun with a dick drawn on it?

Low profile man.

When your back ground investigator finds that you will be as popular as Governor Northam at an NAACP Right to Life March.
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That ain’t got shit in this one

View attachment 7018775

Airborne All The Way!!!!!

Few people realize it but.....

On the back of the grenade Ridgeway had taped to his H harness, you guessed it, incredible rendering of a fully engorged penis.

His ability to emit manhood, actually and artistically, was with few peers.

Almost Chesty Puller like, but different.
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Really? You "liked" a picture of a gun with a dick drawn on it?

Low profile man.

When your back ground investigator finds that you will be as popular as Governor Latham at an NAACP Right to Life March.
I can always say I was liking the gun, I have poor eyesight and missed the dick. At least I didn’t post the picture like somebody else!!

What is the correctable status of your vision?
Is it correctable to 20/20 in both eyes?

If that is true I suggest you set your sights for down the road different, right now. Having to wear glasses or contacts when being out an about can be a flag in some venues.

I think he was making a joke based on my comment #140.

Guess he wont be the gazer guy standing beside the urinal for drug tests.
So for my pure enjoyment:

How far away is the animal? How did you read the reticle? How did you calculate the distance?

You shouldn't be doing math while you're shooting. However, if you're into page 3 on here on how you want to go and be a sniper, and don't know the first thing about old school ranging/milling, well, thats probably a hint.

Anyone else remember the thread that was full of these back on the original Hide and people would really show how bad they were at math and estimation?
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