Anyone can enter any home they want by kicking open the door .

Under Tennessee law anyone who illegally enters an occupied dwelling, their intent to do harm is implied by law. Tennessee is a castle doctrine and stand your ground state. You are encouraged to shoot criminals. Tennessee law bars civil suits in legally justified homicides.
In Florida, if you kick your live in girlfriend out of your house and take her keys, you could expect to be made to move out until she had appropriate time to move on.
Depending on when she was kicked out and when the keys were taken, she may have, by law, as much right to be there as he.
Castle doctrine would not have worked for him here.
Now, kicking the door in??? I don't know about that one, but having a locksmith come directly out and open the door??? Absolutely. If she lived there, Florida law would give her unfettered access.
After the cops entered? That just can't be lawful.
conspiracy to break and enter
Unlawful entry
Entering a domicile without a warrant
Warrantless arrest inside a domicile
Electro torture
False imprisonment
Unlawful detention
Kidnapping and theft .

That is a hell of a days work .! If only we could see that type of hustle against squatters and such
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You are absolutely right, anyone can enter a home by kicking in the door. The real trick is leaving alive and uninjured.

Fuck Around.....................Find Out.

About 25 years ago, a drunk fucker, high on dope tried my front door. He laid on the sidewalk and waited for the cops and the ambulance for about 35 minutes. The police response sucked back then too.
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