Anyone else playing around with cryptocurrency?

And why is BTC not on your list ? I am looking to invest some money in Crypto and need all the help i can get. Ethereum seems really popular and i have little or no information about it, what's it's different from btc ?

Bitcoin is a solid long term investment but has the lowest short term gain relelative to the rest. Its like the gold standard.

I see Ethereum like an early bitcoin and has the most potential over the med/long term plus it's being adopted as a usable currency.

Doge is a phenomenon. Its like the poor mans crypto. Its also being adopted as a usable curremcy. It also has the most short term potential. Its projected to quadruple in 6mo.

Safemoon is a gamble at .000005 cents.
If a name like safemoon doesn’t set off alarms in your head, by all means plop some capital down.

BTC and ETH are being adopted by a lot of institutional investors.
Could be worse.


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Yeah I've sense bought about 11 other crypto currencies for pennies. Don't expect anything. But if they do skyrocket, that would be nice. Got in on doge when it was 30 cents. Should have bought more but of well.
The crypto market is weird. I've noticed that most days it all tanks at the same time. Right now everything is tanking but doge haha.
I’ve been investing in the coins and paying taxes since 2017. Every sale is a taxable event. If you hold the coin less than a year, the profit is treated as regular income. If you hold for longer than a year, long term capital gain, taxed at 15% for most of us. Some explained above about BTC records being available to the public, or IRS. It’s a public ledger, this is part of the attraction of these coins. I believe all of the coins and their transactions or records are public ledgers. The IRS can figure it out. Coinbase will rat you out and will start sending a 1099. Some customers are already receiving a 1099.
If anyone wants to watch Divi. I missed buying at .052, it’s up above .07 now and the Divi wallets drops on the App Store on Friday of this month. Also supposed to be listed on a tier 1 exchange sometime this month. No idea where or how high it could go but just something to keep the peepers on.
If anyone wants to watch Divi. I missed buying at .052, it’s up above .07 now and the Divi wallets drops on the App Store on Friday of this month. Also supposed to be listed on a tier 1 exchange sometime this month. No idea where or how high it could go but just something to keep the peepers on.
What are you buying it on?
What are you buying it on?
I buy my Bitcoin on both Coinbase and Gemini. But I have heard you can deposit it into other exchanges to trade various coins on the inter webs. Keep track of your vpn usage/location for any sites you want to use one for and the passwords/ wallet addresses you use.
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lol, being a fucking poor, i got some siacoin because it is only $0.04 :)

lol, being a fucking poor, i got some siacoin because it is only $0.04 :)

Haha I bought a shit ton. Just because it's cheap. If it goes up I profit. If it tanks well then I lost a 100 rounds of 9mm.
If anyone wants to watch Divi. I missed buying at .052, it’s up above .07 now and the Divi wallets drops on the App Store on Friday of this month. Also supposed to be listed on a tier 1 exchange sometime this month. No idea where or how high it could go but just something to keep the peepers on.
I grabbed some DIVI. Thanks for the lead, hope it pans out
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I don't have a single dime in crypto, but out of 2 friends who have one has made a pile of cash in Bitcoin. He has punched out and is now short some of the crypto sector. He has very large balls. Now I'm super interested to watch if he hits a home run or gets destroyed. Got these articles from him still reading, but thought some of you guys in this space might enjoy.

I'm up over 50k in 1 month. If Ethereum goes to 20k+/coin I'm cashing out. I'll leave my XRP, LINK and Cardano to probably go into the Besr market. I'm putting a lot of money in lol, Crypto or should I say Blockchain technology is the future.
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I'm not investing shit until the bubble we are teetering on pops. It would be interesting to see what happens to crypto as it isn't backed by anything which could be a positive or a negative.

I personally would avoid meme based coins as unless someone pimps them their value will fall hard and fast.
Been dabbling in crypto for the last few years, bought into bitcoin at 10k (aud) and also made some coin on xrp and enjin.

I get this vibe that there is a group of whales (that communicate with each other) that will pick a coin an pump it..
Look at low cost coins over the last year an watch them pump 40% in 24hrs

But I dunno
Now the SEC wants to regulate the crypto markets...........After all, they just want to protect us:

End of the party coming soon.......................
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Now the SEC wants to regulate the crypto markets...........After all, they just want to protect us:

End of the party coming soon.......................
They want them tax monies.
Now the SEC wants to regulate the crypto markets...........After all, they just want to protect us:

End of the party coming soon.......................
If they say they want to “protect us” or it’s for “our security” it always seems to get a pass.
Reading those seeking-alpha articles above, I didn't realize there were so many cryptos. As someone completely new to investing and having zero in crypto, how are crypto currencies created out of thin air? I don't get it? I know the Fed creates fiat currency out of thin air (money printer go, brrrrrrr) but 4,000 cryptos!?!

Also, i don't get that you pay in fiat money to get digital/crypto money.....what are the crypto's doing with the fiat money they receive? It all makes my head hurt.
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A buddy of mine and I were having a few beers a couple months ago and cryptocurrency was brought up I told him I remember when Bitcoin first came out and it was worth less than .1 I told him man can you imagine if you had just thrown $500 bucks at it damn hindsight is 20/20. He was telling me about Dogecoin and how he heard/thinks it might be what Bitcoin is in a few years. We both were like fuck it lets throw a few bucks($500-$1000) at it and see what happens in five to ten years.

We both downloaded one of the many cryptocurrency investment apps, the first thing you have to do is "fund" your account before you can start buying/trading. Well to make a long story short we were both having trouble getting funds from our banks to the accounts of whatever app we were trying to use. Any debt/CC cards we tried to use were declining the transactions and even trying to link my bank account was becoming a PITA. I kind of just forgot about it and put it on the back burner. Well my buddy sends me a text a couple Fridays ago asking me if I ever bought any Dogecoin. I said no I got frustrated trying to "fund" the damn account and kind of forgot about it. He said he had finally found an app (Uphold) that he was able to get funds into and had bought about $1,500.00 worth which bought him about 10K coins at the time he did it. His $1,500.00 was now worth $4,400.00 in just a couple weeks. I downloaded the app (Uphold) and their process was a lot easier than the other apps I had tried I was able to get set up and I bought $500 worth when it went back down to .25 so I got about 2K coins. I don't plan on putting my life savings into it, but I figured what the hell I might throw few dollars at it and see what happens. It has been kind of fun watching the value go up and down so far I was about $200 up. My wife thinks I am an idiot, she said that's your money you are going to lose. I said ok fine it will also be my money when I turn 1K into 100K.......LOL

Anyone else playing around with cryptocurrency?
I’ve been around long enough to witness a few boom/bust cycles. You can tell when the ride is coming to an end when everybody you know is talking about all the money they’re making.

I just spoke with a few 50+ dudes who are buying doge coin. They’re making money.

I’ll be here buying land.
I’ve been around long enough to witness a few boom/bust cycles. You can tell when the ride is coming to an end when everybody you know is talking about all the money they’re making.

I just spoke with a few 50+ dudes who are buying doge coin. They’re making money.

I’ll be here buying land.
Land, guns and stuff to grow your own food. This is the way.