Anyone else watch this limpwristed faggot bullshit?

Libs are fags. Get outta here with that bullshit. Shit don't fly with me. Ain't no reasonable gay men. They're cock suckers that I choose not to be around. I don't hate them but now they wanna make you accept them or else. No. I don't run around hollering is you ain't straight then fuck you, your canceled. Some people still have family values and morals.

Fuck people who listen to rap, drive imports and put ketchup on steak as well. Anyone who likes asian broads can fuck off and die of yellow fever, if you eat pork you're a filthy animal and if your wife wants to leave the house without covering her face she's a slut. If you shoot a savage, you must be retarded and if you don't hate what I hate, then FUCK YOU TOO!

Lighten up man. I don't understand why a man would want to put his dingle in another man's ass either. That's gross. Nevertheless, as long as they're not harming you or your family, or supporting those that wish to harm you or your family, why care what they like to suck on? There are bigger problems to worry about and we can use all the friends we can get.
rugby just like football minus the pads teeth are optional and no over payed cry baby's allowed
they may take a knee but it's not in protest they just broke the other knee . sports endorsements lol
Faggot as an insult works because its a universal thing that means 30 different things to people, yet they all take it as bad. It's not meant to be anti gay or whatever specifically. For me, I saw it sprout out in middle school as a new alternative to 'fuck you' 'asshole' 'dumbshit' etc because they already had literally no effect on anyone. But you said faggot...and it was mean!

It's also why I call people muppets. First, they have no idea how to react to it because it isn't a universally acknowledged swear word. Yet, they know it isn't anything nice. Yet....they aren't even actually sure WTF is even really means.

I called this faggot builder that came to my doorstep trying to tell me my concerns with his white trash meth head level of 'constructing' things that were about to damage my property were somehow my fault/problem. LOL. Called him a muppet after telling him how wrong he was and mentioning to him and his client that he doesn't even have a building permit...because I checked. Anyways, the muppet thing stopped both of them dead in their tracks and they had no come back for it. I was always waiting for Round 2 as I was going to call him a muppet again, but hes fucked off and never comes near me.

It's great.

If we ever had a giant SH get together like we did that one time at @sirhrmechanic's house, I foresee @gayguns calling everyone faggots, the entire time.

Muppet has been done to death in the UK. An insult used to let low level fuckwits know that they aren’t worthy of being called a cunt, but are well on the way unless they change their modus operandi. These days I call ‘em onions, because they’re fucking repugnant vegetables, every man jack of ‘em!