Suppressors Anyone get hands on with the Ventum 762 yet?

Center Mass

Full Member
Jan 12, 2008
Hey Gents.

I was pretty much set on getting a HuxWrx Flow 762 until the new Ventum 762 came out and now I'm on the fence about which one. Because the Ventum is such a new can, there is not a whole lot of info out there yet. I read/watched a lot and I pretty much get the pro's and con's of each. Some say the Ventum is the same can as the Flow just serviceable with a HUB while others say it is a different silencer all together. I guess I balk at the weight on the Ventum the most but think if you can use a Ti HUB mount and a small compatible muzzle device, it would be only an once to so heavier than the Flow with it's big brake. I have also read that the use of the proprietary HuxWrx brake aids in performance because it's kinda begins the "flow" process.

I had an opportunity to shoot the Flow 762 on a 16" AR10 and I was very impressed! It was definitely hearing safe and the rifle ran very smooth. It had a nice low tone that was pleasing to the ear and I am sure it's what made it sound as good or better than most .30 cal cans I have heard. I was mainly wondering, and I know this is a long shot, but has anyone had a chance to compare the two side by side? Or at least has had an chance shoot one and give us their impressions.

according to hux mfg themselves they say the ventum is in the "better" category (because they had to make adaptations to work with competitor options) while the flow is in the "best" category (because they designed for everything to seamlessly work together). do with that as you will.. but on the other hand if you say you've already been impressed with the flow and liked it, why not just run with that.. you know you wont be disappointed.
Interesting, when they say better or best, I assume they are falling about sound moderate.

You're not wrong about not being disappointed with the Flow but the HUB compatibility is very enticing. Sounds like it boils down to performance vs. adaptability. Problem is, I want both...