Broke down and bought another suppressor and wanted a low back pressure can for my 6mm ARC AR. I was going back and forth between the B&T and the HuxWrx Ventum 7.62. Both were about the same price and got good reviews but the B&T had a free tax stamp so saving $200 won me over lol.
Took it out for the first time today and I am very happy with my purchase. Shot it on both my 6ARC and my .308 bolt gun. It worked perfectly on the AR. The brass ejected at 4 o’clock to the same place it did without the can on it. The brass was a little dirtier of course but it functioned perfectly.
Screwed in on the bolt gun and my load that I developed with my brake hit about .4 mils low and .3 mils right but they were just as tight as before. I could feel a slight bit more recoil than the brake but overall not bad. I think I will use it on there for a match on March 1 to try it out. Well below is a pic on my 22” 6 ARC for size comparisons.
ETA Before anyone mentions it I have a Rifles Only HAD suppressor cover showing up Monday but I couldn’t wait! Lol @Rifles Only makes great products if anyone is looking for a suppressor cover or many other shooting related items. Check them out.

B&T SRBS 7.62 DM Inconel Black | Durable Silencer for Tactical 7.62mm Rifles
B&T SRBS 7.62 DM Inconel Black Suppressor provides robust sound suppression for tactical training and precision shooting. Available at Silencer Shop

Took it out for the first time today and I am very happy with my purchase. Shot it on both my 6ARC and my .308 bolt gun. It worked perfectly on the AR. The brass ejected at 4 o’clock to the same place it did without the can on it. The brass was a little dirtier of course but it functioned perfectly.
Screwed in on the bolt gun and my load that I developed with my brake hit about .4 mils low and .3 mils right but they were just as tight as before. I could feel a slight bit more recoil than the brake but overall not bad. I think I will use it on there for a match on March 1 to try it out. Well below is a pic on my 22” 6 ARC for size comparisons.
ETA Before anyone mentions it I have a Rifles Only HAD suppressor cover showing up Monday but I couldn’t wait! Lol @Rifles Only makes great products if anyone is looking for a suppressor cover or many other shooting related items. Check them out.