Hunting & Fishing anyone have trouble with SST's


Full Member
Mar 3, 2010
Abilene texas
just wondering if this was a one time deal or if it was time for a new bullet. Let my girlfriend shoot her first deer this weekend. 100 yard shot perfect placement right behind the shoulder maybe an inch high. this was out of a tikka t3 270. the Hornady SST was a 130gr.(3060fps muzzle) on impact expanded completely dip can sized entry whole. no exit wound! deer ran off almost didn't find it there was maybe a drop of blood put together but spread out along 10yds. when i was cleaning it I found tons of little fragments of lead and what was left of the jacket.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

I think they dont hold together very well at high velocity/close range. I used to shoot 180SST's out of my 300wsm, I shot a deer at 76 yards, it left a coffe can sized hole with no exit wound. I also shot a deer at 904 with the same load, penetrated nicely through about 24 inches making a great wound channel.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

I had an SST blow up on the shoulder of a big buck out of my 6.5-.284, a few yrs. ago. I dropped em down to below 3000fps. to play with, and switched to Barnes TSX for hunting.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

if this had happened on a trophy buck and i didnt find it that would be awful. for that reason and from hearing that this has happened to others. I am going to switch there just not that great of option in .277 anyone have a bullet with good bc and performs well on anything from coyotes boars
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

I'm actually surprised to see this..I've been loading 165 SST for (3) 300WSM and (1) 300 ULTRA MAG and have yet to get one recovered as they pass right through anything any of us have ever shot.Granted we've never shot anything up close but we think these are the best..The ACCUBONDS have always performed well also, we all only switched because we could get twice as many bullets for less money..As much as well all shoot it adds up pretty quick..The ACCUBONDS would be a good alternative..

Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tikka'd</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> this was out of a tikka t3 230. the Hornady SST was a 130gr.(3060fps muzzle)

what caliber?

i've used them out of the .308 (165gr) with much success 2590 fps., and the muzzlloading bullet with much success also.

perhaps the 130's was too light and too fast?
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

I've been using SSTs (165 grain in .308 & .300 WM) for quite awhile and have never had an exit wound, nor have I ever recovered an intact bullet. They seem to grenade in the chest cavity and homogenize the contents. Every deer I've shot with this particular bullet has been a "bang, flop, DRT affair. Most have been shot between 150 and 200 yards...
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

I reload hunting rounds for a friend who uses a 270wsm.
He uses 135 grn sierra match king's and 130 grn barnes tippedTSX.He's not the greatest shot,but nothing gets away when he shoots it.I use 165 sst's in my 06,150 sst's in my 308 and 140's in my 260.MV for all of them is around 2,800 fps.Last deer taken with the 308 at 400+ yds jumped 10 yds and dropped.Never had one stay in the animal,but have found small fragments in the chest cavity.I've heard stories of them failing too,but I've never had it happen.I was a diehard nosler partition user,but switched to the SST after trying them.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jsthntn247</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Make sure your sectional density is above .250 and you will not have a problem with them exploding. I shoot the 7mm 162 and always get exit wounds. </div></div>

the 130 gr pill im using has a Sectional Density: 0.242 does that mean its bad. ive got a hundred rounds left and would have to be assured greatly before i use one on a deer again. they work great on paper
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jayhawker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I've been using SSTs (165 grain in .308 & .300 WM) for quite awhile and have never had an exit wound, nor have I ever recovered an intact bullet. They seem to grenade in the chest cavity and homogenize the contents. Every deer I've shot with this particular bullet has been a "bang, flop, DRT affair. Most have been shot between 150 and 200 yards... </div></div>

Our experience too. Love the SST's

I have shot them in 300WSM and 7mm-08.

go read this....
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

I have been using and recommending the SST for several years. I think it's one of the best affordable hunting bullets on the market. They shoot bug holes and have worked well on all game I have shot them with. Game (deer, pigs, and yotes) all go down very quickly. I always get a pass through shot with them. I run the 130 grain SST out of my 270 Win at 3198 fps, which I know is 100+ fps faster than factory loads. All my hunting shots are within 150 yards or less. So, hearing that they didn't exit and/or blew up on the surface of the animal is strange. I've had a customer line up 2 pigs and shot both pigs with 1- 150 grain SST out of a 300WM. Here's the picture of the 3 pigs with 2 shots. I think that sectional density is an incorrect way to judge a bullet preformance or how you think that the bullet will do.

Was there any grass or limbs infront of the animal that the bullet could have hit? If the bullet hits something, then it can cause it to open up and/or tumble, which would cause a massive entry wound with no exit like you describe.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

Chad- good write up,

Not to be "that" guy however we are just talking about the one shot, the one bullet that sort of failed,

it does happen that one has that odd bullet behaves out of caracter for the intented design och purpose. In short shit happens and no one can figure out why,

I have been blessed to not have this happen to me yet, still a friend of mine shot a moose in the neck with a Oryx, Norma, SP bullet, the bullet split on inpact with the spine and the big part of it came out in the shoulder on the inpact side,

moose went down due to shrapnel from the bullet hit the spinal cord.

So in the woods any thing can happen and most likely has too.

Best regards Chris
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ChadTRG42</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Was there any grass or limbs infront of the animal that the bullet could have hit? If the bullet hits something, then it can cause it to open up and/or tumble, which would cause a massive entry wound with no exit like you describe. </div></div>

i thought that might have been the case but looking at it. it obviously was not it was a down hill shot out of an elevated stand in a wide open sandero
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

I used to run the SSTs out of my 270 WSM and never had any problems. Now I shoot SSTs out of my 308 at about 2500 fps and I have had nothing but pass throughs. My muley that I shot this year had about a 1" exit wound. That is with the slow bullet though. Is there any chance you got V-maxes? They look pretty dang similar. Those would expand... ahh... a little too fast for big game.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

Okay so i think i have heard enough to realize that what happened to me is not the consistent performance of this bullet. my question now is could this be a bad lot number? I have a hundred round from the same lot and don't want to shoot them if there all like that. Im thinking i may be better off with a barnes tsx or a Nosler Partition... maybe a little more reliable???
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

SST's go splat for me in my 300WM. I think the Interbond or similarly constructed bullet would work better for this application.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

I used to use the 139gr. SST in a 280 Rem and loaded the same for my bosses rifle. I shot mine near minimum suggested with Reloader 19 and loaded his to max for him. We both experienced dramatic expansion at distances from 25yds to about 100yds. Entry wounds were in the 4" area with neck and behind the shoulder hits. All deer were recovered within 50yds of impact with dramatic wound channels and mine almost always resulted in jacket core seperation with occasional core passthroughs. I love to eat venison and quit using them due to the shock trauma to the surrounding areas of the impact and the fragmentation of the jacket in the meat. I went back to the Interlock and Core-Lokt style bullets that aren't quite as volatile and started using a 7mm08. The first buck I shot with the SST was behind the shoulder quartering away exiting in front of the off side shoulder. He was blood shot all the way to the loins and nearly to the hams on the impact side and both shoulders were like jelly. He ran 50yds on his back legs before dropping. The Core-Lokts in my 7mm08 and my buddies aren't doing near the damage the SST's did and seem reliable for us so far. Maybe they aren't as fast, but I ran my 280 very mild when I had it. I hope to get a shot using my Sierra GK's this year now that I'm loading the 7mm08 for a comparison to the factory Core-Lokts I've been using. I'm going back to simplicity
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: larbhills</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Is there any chance you got V-maxes? They look pretty dang similar. Those would expand... ahh... a little too fast for big game. </div></div>

no there not v-max they are definently interlock SST's. unless Hornady messed things up are there end but Im guessing that is not the case.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

+1 for the SST bullets. I use .308,7mm08,and 6mm ammo. Had a few not to exit but really good internal tramu to the animal. Most fall over within a few yards or so.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

We shoot a lot of small to mid sized deer with the 95 grainers out of a 243 and it works very well. We are not pushing them super fast though.

I load them in a low recoil load for my little brother and girlfriend. I have never shot them full power at deer, but downloaded, the 125s do well out of the 308 on deer.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

This is my post from the Recovered Bullets-lets see'em thread.

180g SST shot from a 308. Recovered from a 200lb buck I shot yesterday,was about 95yds. There were what looked like 3 Exits in the skin and a lump. After removing the skin the jacket was between the skin and chest cavity, which was the lump. The rest of the exit wounds must have been the lead core and bones.

2 of the exit wounds were over an inch and 1 was a little smaller. The bullet came apart and this copper jacket was under the skin on the exit side.

A doe I shot a few days earlier had an exit wound about an inch and a quarter, I did find a small piece of jacket while skinning it.

Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

not my experience but a friend of mine shoots them out of his 30.06 and had the same problem this year, a well placed shot and no blood, blood trail and no deer. He swore a good hit(50 yard shot) but I wasnt hunting with him to confirm or deny. I did try them out of my .270 and after a box at the range wasnt happy so went back to my regular ammo. I cant blame the ammo and might give it a second chance, as upon casing my gun, i noticed the rings were slightly lose and definitely had a HUGE role in the scattered groupings.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

They definitely expand quickly out of my 260s at 2850. Out of my 7mm RM at 3175 I have gotten complete penetration at all distances. I stopped using them because of meat loss (alot of it). That said, they are definitely accurate. I may try them again for deer someday but I prefer 120gr Core-lokts in my 260s for killing.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

I shoot them out of my encore 300wm and have not had any problems with penetration or exit wounds. I have harvested 2 deer over 200 lbs with the gun and all around 50 yds.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

I occasionally shoot the Hornady SST sabots out of my shotgun. they have an advertised MV of 2000 fps out of the 12Ga, running a 300 gr pill. They have a reputation of lackluster performance but to be honest i've only hit one deer with them. They stack a single cloverleaf at 100 yards out of my Mossberg barrel and they are more accurate than the hastings or the lightfields out of my gun. I swore I'd never change from hastings though as they are just about the cats' meow when it comes to hard hitting accurate slugs. but this year hastings went under and the guy who made their slugs sold the design to RWS - waiting for those to hit the shelves but for now i have no ammo. Today I bought a couple boxes of the hornady stuff and found a few boxes of fedeeral lead sabots mis-priced so i grabbed them too just to see how they do. sabots for 6 a box would rock...i hope the federals shoot good.

i can always count on the SST's to hit where I tell them to go, this year we'll see how they do on the terminal end.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

I shoot the old Hornady "Light Magnum" 7mm-08 139gr SST load (I bought a case about ten years ago). The box claims 3000 fps, I've never chronographed it. I just use it for hunting and checking zero, and only hunt out to ~250 yards so it doesn't make much difference.

I have shot probably fifteen deer with it and have never had a bullet fail to exit. Only one of them went more than 10 yards, and that one went less than 50.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

I'm with the they-work-well-at-lower-speeds group. The 162 grain SST is what I chose to shoot from the 7mm08 bolt rifle when I went hog hunting in the spring.

I shot a 160# boar at 160 yards. I wanted a behind-the-ear shot, but the front of the pig was behind a little shrub. The bullet started at a tad over 2700fps, went 160 yards, took out the heart, then exited on the other side.

Needless to say I'm happy with the bullet from the 20" 7mm08.

For deer and target I use the amax of the same weight. After I readjust for the 200yd zeros, the holdoffs are the same out to at least 350yds.

Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

here's to hoping the SST's do well out of the 12GA this fall. of all the ammo I tried last nite, the SST's are easily the most accurate and flattest shooting rounds I have. interestingly, everything hit to the same POI at 25 yards (1" high, centered) but only the lightfields and SST's held a group. The SST's are $4/box cheaper than the lightfields (9.99 vs. 14.99) and there's lots of them on the shelves around here. Lighfields are easy to come by too...all I know is that after shooting 20 rounds yesterday, i need a week to wear off the "flinchies" as I really started getting tender from the howitzer. Don't know how them guys can enjoy shooting the .375H&H's and the .4xx big game rifles. It's just not enjoyable.

at 50 yards, the lightfields are 2" high, the SST's are almost 3. At 100, the lightfields are a CH high - call it dead on, and the SST's are still 1" high and will probably finish at 200 about 6" low where the lightfields are out of steam and plumetting like marbles off the kitchen table at 150...almost 8" down and no chance of reliable shot out to 200.

I moved the scope down 2 clicks and can use the SST's and LF's interchangeably based on the topology of where I'm hunting. The solid lead slug may shrug off a branch or two, where the SST i fear my start to open up prematurely if it hits something on the way to it's target.

PA woods near PIT are can be pretty thick. Would like to see some more wound pics of the SST's...i'll start with a HORRIBLE shot that luckily ended fatally for the mid sized doe. I hit her high in the back just north of the kidneys. broken back, and bled out internally very quickly. The little tuft of raised hair on her back is the impact. the exit wound was very small, and really nothing to marvel at...again, HORRIBLE shot on a running doe - my first deer after returning to PA and hunting after a 6 year hiatus.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

As far as lower velocities. I shoot SST's out of my Muzzleloader and Slug Gun with no problems. They are very accurate and have as flat a trajectory as you could hope for coming out of the muzzle of either. I just no longer use them in my high caliber rifles.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

I tested the 95 grain SST's in my .243 this week. First deer was broadside at about 90 yrds. Held just behind the shoulder and the bullet did a complete pass through. The entry and exit holes were the same size.The deer ran about 70 yrds and died.Internals were jello.

Second deer was coming Quartering towards my tree stand at about 40 yrds. I shot it down through the near shoulder and again had a complete pass though behind the far front leg. The deer also ran about 50 yrds before expiring.

The only other bullet I've had that hit bone and still passed through with a .243 was the nosler 95 grain partition.

It looks like a well constructed hunting bullet to me, even though I don't have a recovered bullet to examine, I do have 2 nice deer for the freezer.

I still have a couple tags to fill and will pass on any info. If anything changes.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

I use the 139gr SST in my 7RM at a velocity of 3280fps. Here is a couple of bullets I recovered from a pair of WT that were shot at 60 and 70 yards. Both deer were quartering towards us and were hit in the front shoulder and the bullet was recovered from the far hip.

I have used these bullets for quite some time and taken deer at ranges from 50 to 450 yards and never had a problem. I have also used them in reduced loads (2200 fps) for the boys as they were learning to hunt and also had good performance.

Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

Rem 7mag, 162sst's, 2850 fps. 120lb whitetail doe shot this morning. 283 yards slightly quartering to. Entered behind right shoulder and exited midship through ribs on other side. Ran 40 yards and piled up. Heart and front part of lungs are in the soup.


Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

i used the 95 grain superformance sst in my .243 this weekend on a large doe..bullet went exactly where I wanted. Deer was standing broadside and the bullet went right threw. Destroyed lungs and a bit of the heart. She ran 30 yards and droped. I hit the doe behind the shoulder but the butcher still threw out the right shoulder because it was garbage. These bullets are great for putting game down but not preserving meat
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jsthntn247</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Rem 7mag, 162sst's, 2850 fps. 120lb whitetail doe shot this morning. 283 yards slightly quartering to. Entered behind right shoulder and exited midship through ribs on other side. Ran 40 yards and piled up. Heart and front part of lungs are in the soup.



Just wondering why the pics got deleted?
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

Just shot a large muley last night with a 139g SST out of a 280 Rem at a MV of 3090fps. He was about 140yds. He was broadside and it was a shoulder shot in his left side, took out the spine, and ended up just under the hide on his right shoulder. Muley was over 300# and dropped DRT. Haven't weighed the remainder of the bullet to see percent weight retention but it looks pretty well intact but mushroomed nicely.


Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

My brother dropped a 4 point whitetail buck at 125 yds with a 165 grn SST this morning.The key word is dropped,as it didn't take one step after he shot it.Perfect (through and through) heart shot,but it dropped like a spine shot.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

This is a doe my cousin shot @288 yds with his .308, I loaded the ammo;180 gr SST and 42'ish gr of I4895.

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Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

me and my wife filled our 2 deer tags using 95 gr SST's and dropped the deer in their tracks, I too found some traces of fragments in mine when gutting, skinning and processing it. I hope that your lot of ammo is fine, maybe call hornaday and let them know the situation.
Re: anyone have trouble with SST's

2 mule deer and 2 antelope with them from 100 to 500 yards and no problems. Nothing walked more than 5 yards from where it was shot.