Anyone here own or have time behind a HK PSG1? Or a MR762A1?


Full Member
Dec 12, 2008
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Worried I got bit by the HK bug... been mulling over spending a stupid amount of money to track down a PSG1 eventually or if I should see if a MR762A1 would scratch the HK itch. Wondering how well they actually shoot. Guess I'm also worried that any used PSG1 now probably has seen quite a few rounds through the barrel by now and would be nothing more than a beautiful collector's item lol.

I know the MR762A1 is more practical so I'm definitely considering that option. I think the standard black MR761A1 has a 1:12 twist barrel while the more expensive LRP package offers a 1:11 twist... any other differences besides color and stock?
I have an MR762 that’s pretty dang close to a G28 configuration (in black). Love it. 500 yrd shots are effortless and have had it out to 1000 yrds a few times. Great rifle. And as you noted, no other differences between the MR762 and LRP package.

I’d LOVE a PSG-1, but it would strictly be a collectors item. Lots of cool history with that rifle.
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I'm an HK aholic.
Over the years
3,, 91s,,2,,22lr kits
1 rebarred by Volmer,,PSG 1
1,,SL 7 308
Won't buy another one.
Expensive parts now.
My first 91 cost,,,$350,,NIB 😁

Now every gets a PSG to put away in a safe.
I abused and used mine.
They just run.,.....
I have the MR762 and I love it! You do not see many of them around but I am not sure why. Mine is under moa with fgmm. The only odd thing is the darn thread pitch on the muzzle. But I found out OSS does a device for their supressors I will eventually get to run on mine. I like mine more than my LMT but that is just me.
They are absolutely known for their accuracy, for that time.

We can say that damn near about any rifle, for their time. They are absolutely no where near as accurate as modern semi-auto precision rifles which is exactly how my message was intended to come across. If the OP buys one expecting to pew pew, expect to be let down.
Appreciate the feedback gentlemen. Reason I asked is because there's on available on Gunbroker... but it's now comfortably past what I was willing to spend anyways. Think I'll be keeping an eye out for a MR762 now. I've refrained for years thinking the Georgia plant will allow them to upgrade the MR762... but it seems they're never going to move past the MR762A1 design.
@physhphude says the HK is a laser out to 900 yds.

ROUS: I spoke to knights about the fall off in accuracy. They tested the rifle and determined that the suppressor and barrel were not a good match and offered to either replace the barrel until a barrel matched my existing suppressor or replace the barrel and match a suppressor to it. I chose to replace the barrel and suppressor since I had a mk11 barrel and I desired an m110 barrel. I don’t have much dealings with other manufacturers but I have been thrilled with the service from knights. They really went out of their way to give me what I was looking for (consistently sub moa rifle with an antiquated suppressor system)

BEJ762: I used a 15x1 to 5/8ths thread adapter. In fact you can have mine if you would like. It is a bit chewed up but functional from removal however.
I currently am running a new generation OSS suppressor and am very impressed with it.
I am a big fan of the HK. It is the softest shooting of the 3 rifles as well as the most accurate by a decent margin. Shooting the SR25 and the Hk MR762 side by side it is really dramatic how much less the HK recoils. Feels like shooting a 5.56. The HK is a laser to 900 yards. Shooting close to half moa to 900. It runs out of steam and becomes trans sonic before 1000 however. I have not worked up hand loads for the HK yet since factory shoots so well. But I feel that the fliers are due to velocity variations in the ammo so the groups could be even smaller. I will run the LabRadar next time to verify.
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Appreciate the feedback gentlemen. Reason I asked is because there's on available on Gunbroker... but it's now comfortably past what I was willing to spend anyways. Think I'll be keeping an eye out for a MR762 now. I've refrained for years thinking the Georgia plant will allow them to upgrade the MR762... but it seems they're never going to move past the MR762A1 design.

It will sell for 20k+. The two I saw for sale last year appeared to be unfired. This one appears "used" but in good shape.
Ive had a few MR762s... the adjustable gas block is a must if you want to run suppressed, but with that, they shoot like a dream and VERY accurate. I wish they would release a 20 inch version like Europe and Canada get. I regret selling mine and they are damn near impossible to find now.
had a buddy that worked at hk here in the states. he brought out the toys from time to time, including the psg1. very nice gun but we were just having fun with it inside 100 yds.
Ive had a few MR762s... the adjustable gas block is a must if you want to run suppressed, but with that, they shoot like a dream and VERY accurate. I wish they would release a 20 inch version like Europe and Canada get. I regret selling mine and they are damn near impossible to find now.

No gas block needed with an OSS suppressor.
I used a PSG-1 in 10th Group. Nice gun, accurate, not too heavy, better than our M21 system, which we were developing in 10th Gp. If you buy one of thse it is because you want one, not because you're looking for good value or best accuracy. That being said, it should hold it's value well.
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I got referred to as "idle rich" by lowlight when I first mentioned wanting to own a PSG-1 on here many years ago... I'm not gonna say I've ever had my feelings hurt on the internets, but that stung a little.

I just built my own when I still had an itch to scratch.
Even with the best damn HK 308 DMR that ever graced the planet, I got bored with it quickly...especially given the price and I rolled the sale of that, and I got an SR25 (also later traded) and a used AI AW...

HK roller-locks are a bitch to own now if you want to shoot them and you're not already deeply leveraged in parts.
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I regret selling mine and they are damn near impossible to find now.

A quick look on gun broker shows about 8 of them ranging low 4K- high 6k.

There are usually several on the outdoor trader.
Aaaaand Armsunlimited is announcing they're able to import 100 PSG1 in the next few months. Still going to cost $14k+, but that's still $6k+ less than before and for unused rifles. Man... still machine gun money.

If this is what they plan to get in, that’s a HARD pass. I wouldn’t consider that a PSG-1 worth owning. Waaaaay, better rifles to spend your money on.

THIS is the PSG-1 worth owning, but it isn’t going to be $14K.
They're coming in with the sporter stock/grip for import laws, but they told me that they have enough real PSG1 stocks and grips set aside exclusively for customers who buy the PSG1 rifle itself. Said they're only going to charge what it costs them to buy the sporter stock so less than $200 or something.
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"Why not both?" - Shown is my PSG-1 inspired MR762, featuring a Nills-Griffe PSG-1 Grip. A lot of the parts in the photo had to be imported from Germany direct.

I could never justify a PSG-1. I could barely justify a SR9TC. A heavy barreled MR762 built right will do everything a PSG-1 can, and then some, with much greater barrel life. With the right ammunition -- in my case Hornady TAP ELD AR 168gr -- I can reach out to 1000 yards at Colorado altitudes consistently against a full sized torso IPSC, and a 2x2' plate at 1200 yards.

Left target is from the MR762. Right, the PSG-1 test target.

From my extensive testing, best 3-shot group is 0.35 MOA from a bench, 5-round groups at 0.67 MOA, 10-round groups at 0.994 MOA at 100 yards from the prone, and averaged at 0.75 MOA in most conditions. This is on par with what the PSG-1 could do per the average of their test target data I've collected over the years. In short, the MR762 when built right can absolutely perform. I have a much longer write-up on HKPro: A Precision Shooter's Technical Tour: The MR762 vs M110A1 DMRs

Now posting this in 2024, I concur with what most have said, despite how dedicated a fan I am of the PSG-1: the parts are completely unobtainable today; metallurgy and modern manufacturing processes today allow for quality and precision on par or better in modern precision rifles than what the PSG-1 offers; The cost of a PSG-1 is unfathomable beyond a collectible piece; the barrel in this day and age can never be replaced once burnt out, and it *will* burn out, unfortunately.

What I wouldn't give for a PSG-1. I have immense love for it. But they're painfully unrealistic to own and operate today. A properly gas-tuned and well built MR762 with non-chrome lined barrel can and will do everything a PSG-1 can.
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