Anyone want to share any 338 LM load data?

There appears to be larger than expected variance lot to lot with RL25 lately. This is making Retumbo look like a better option.

FWIW, with my .338LM SRS, this is the load that's currently working best for me:

250 Scenar
Lapua Brass
Fed 215M
94gr RL25
COAL 3.554" (still playing with seating depth)
This gives me approx 3000 fps

Sooo, I'm quoting myself a few years later. This still remains my go-to .338LM load with the COAL finalized on 3.681." I average 2985fps out of a 26" barrel with this load. While playing with the seating depth, I noticed Lapua's recommended COAL is 3.681" while their 250 Scenar factory ammo is at 3.60". The SRS allows you to seat these pretty long and I went as far as 3.75" but this particular bullet really likes to jump in my rifle, but not jump too much apparently.
Savage 110 FCP HS Precision stock

ADI AR2225(Retumbo) 91.5gr,
285gr HPBT Hornady Match,
CCI 250 Mag Primers,
Norma cases
COAL 3.710"
Average 2730-40fps.
Shooting very consistently at this load. Gongs and small rocks out to 1500yds so far.
Got a 7.04 S.D. yesterday from this load:
Trimmed brass to 2.714. Meticulous prep. to include primer pocket uniforming
Fed 215M
Mica dry case neck lubed, wipe outside excess
94.0 H1000 Old, accurate beam scale
250gr. Scenar
Base-to-Ogive; 2.978
Got average 2,961 fps

Anyone shooting a 110 fcp? Berger calls for 90gr max on h100, and re25, but I keep having guys tell me they are loading 90+ I need to know if they are seeing pressure signs?

Which bullet again? Berger 300 OTM I take it? Check Hodgdons site, I believe max listed for the 300gr bullets are a bit higher than 90. I thought it was closer to 92 if Im not mistaken.
Ok- I just got my savage 111 in .338. I have dies and cases, and H1000. I'm a reloader for 7mm mag, and 300 wm.

My question- I need a load for some .338 hornady bullets.

I have a 100 ct box of 200 gr hornady JSP i want to burn up first.

Will 95g of H1000 be too hot?

I will be target shooting to 500, and possiy winter hog hunting.

Yes I plan on the Berger or SMK 300 grain loads y'all are throwing.
Just got data showing 95 gr of H1000 under a 200gr as "light"

Max being 99- 102.

That's hot.
TWIST: 1:9" TRIM: 2.714"
160 GR. BAR XFB (Maximum Loads) DIA. .338" COL: 3.500"
H4350 92.7 3432 53,100 CUP
175 GR. BAR XFB (Maximum Loads) DIA. .338" COL: 3.460"
H4350 88.0 3264 52,600 CUP
185 GR. BAR XBTC (Maximum Loads) DIA. .338" COL: 3.575"
H4350 91.0 3283 52,700 CUP
200 GR. SPR SP (Maximum Loads) DIA. .338" COL: 3.525"
RETUMBO 104.0C 3189 52,600 CUP
210 GR. NOS PART (Maximum Loads) DIA. .338" COL: 3.525"
RETUMBO 102.0C 3142 52,600 CUP
215 GR. SIE SPBT (Maximum Loads) DIA. .338" COL: 3.550"
RETUMBO 104.0C 3125 51,900 CUP
225 GR. NOS PART (Maximum Loads) DIA. .338" COL: 3.550"
RETUMBO 102.0C 3040 52,300 CUP
250 GR. HDY SP (Maximum Loads) DIA. .338" COL: 3.550"
RETUMBO 98.0C 2853 52,000 CUP
275 GR. SFT SP (Maximum Loads) DIA. .338" COL: 3.460"
RETUMBO 89.0 2671 52,700 CUP
300 GR. SIE HPBT (Maximum Loads) DIA. .338" COL: 3.600"
RETUMBO 94.0C 2654 53,400 CUP
C = Compressed Charge

TWIST: 1:10" TRIM: 2.750"
160 GR. BAR XFB (Maximum Loads) DIA. .338 COL: 3.500"
H4350 94.5 3473 62,700 PSI
175 GR. BAR XFB (Maximum Loads) DIA. .338 COL: 3.500"
H4350 91.5 3332 62,900 PSI
185 GR. BAR XBTC (Maximum Loads) DIA. .338 COL: 3.570"
H4350 91.0 3301 62,800 PSI
200 GR. SPR SP (Maximum Loads) DIA. .338 COL: 3.590"
H4350 89.5 3156 63,000 PSI
210 GR. NOS PART (Maximum Loads) DIA. .338 COL: 3.540"
H1000 102.0C 3153 62,900 PSI
215 GR. SIE SPBT (Maximum Loads) DIA. .338 COL: 3.590"
H1000 102.0C 3127 62,800 PSI
225 GR. NOS PART (Maximum Loads) DIA. .338 COL: 3.550"
H1000 100.0C 3058 63,000 PSI
250 GR. HDY SP (Maximum Loads) DIA. .338 COL: 3.580"
H1000 98.0C 2923 62,400 PSI
275 GR. SFT SP (Maximum Loads) DIA. .338 COL: 3.490"
H1000 91.0C 2729 62,700 PSI
I just started load development with my 338LM and made it to 93gr of retumbo behind Hornady 285hpbt's and wound up right at about 2800fps. I'm going to load a few more up to 94gr and see if I can get 2850 before pressure signs show up. So far nothing, no ejector stamp, primers are fine, bolt cycles freely.