Re: Appleseed Project?
Appleseed is a nationwide rifle clinic/competition/history lesson. It's a bit more than that, but it's <span style="font-style: italic">not</span> a militia or anything of that nature.
On my second AQT, I scored Rifleman.
Got my patch.
I was using a 10/22 for this.
Drill was top target standing, 10 rounds, in something like two minutes.
Next two standing to sitting, two rounds, reload (standard or tactical), eight more, 55 seconds (this was probably the hardest).
Row three got three, three, four, standing to prone. Don't remember the time limit. Fire two, reload, fire eight. Tactical reload optional.
Last row was a straight 10 rounds, two, two, three, three, in five minutes, starting from prone.
Shot much better scores with the 'scoped Savage, even with the bipod folded and hanging on the end (no bipods allowed), but that wasn't even fair as my 'scope only goes down to 4.5x.
I had an M1A shooter on my left, so I broke out the SKS, only to have failures to fire. During prep I field stripped it and found the hammer spring, which I replaced, had become weak - cheap spring. I have since installed a new one from Wolff.
But even with a 50% FTFire rate, I was still keeping up with the 'scoped M1A at the short distance, using Tech-Sights. Then we shot a team target, and came out pretty good, even with my rifle merrily malfunctioning.
I only experienced two malfunctions from the Ruger - a FTFire (due to ammo) which I was able to eject, finish the mag, and reload the FTFired round and finish within time. The other was a stovepipe malf which I cleared and finished the drill. A couple drops of Otis lube (thanks, Del!) got it running right again - it had about 300 rounds through it at this point.
Only failed to finish one target with the 'scoped Savage, that being due to the bolt action and the 55 second time limit with reload. Dunno how those Brits did that mad minute! The "cease fire" command came right as I was squeezing, and I had about 2.5lbs of pressure on the 2.75lb trigger. I probably could have gotten away with it, but I could also stop, so I did.
Really wanted to "play" with the only other .30 caliber there, the aforementioned Scout M1A, and am disappointed my hammer spring was weak. I have no doubt I could have scored Rifleman with the SKS as well, as I have it built.
Overall, it was a very fun two day experience. We burned up well over 500 rounds of ammunition. Very, very positive experience. Thanks, Appleseed!
I plan on attending another in the spring.
Josh <><